Tallinn University of Technology


TalTech Virumaa College offers supplementary courses for both individuals and companies

If desired, it is possible to arrange internal courses with the client, for which the topic of the course, the duration of the course, the number of participants and the price of the course are agreed separately.

TalTech Virumaa College offers a wide range of courses for school students, aiming at attracting technical and scientific interest and preparing for exams. The courses are conducted by specialists in their field, lecturers of Taltech Virumaa College. See: Science school

All courses sessions can be ordered individually with us and the client. In this case, the lecturer deals with only one student and the price is 20€ (including VAT)/academic hour (45 minutes). 

The planned courses can be found in the sub-section COURSES CALENDAR.

The range of courses areas includes:

  • language,
  • self-development,
  • financial,
  • IT field,
  • professional and other courses.

Additional information