Tallinna Tehnikaülikool

IT Kolledž pakub oma õppijatele väga kaasaegset õppekeskkonda, mis toetab hübriidõpet ja aktiivõppemeetodeid.

Meie õppeklassid on varustatud tipptehnoloogiaga, klassides on multimeedia- ja salvestusseadmed, mis toetavad õppijate iseseivat õpet ja paindlikku ajakasutust.

Cisco Võrguakadeemia

TalTech IT College Cisco Networking Academy

TalTech IT College is a registered Cisco Networking Academy in Estonia since 2002.

The Academy is having the Instructor Training Center (ITC) and Academy Support Center (ASC) roles as well. With these roles, we not only offer various networking and cyber security courses to the students, but we also train instructors and support registered academies in the Baltic region.

The Cisco Networking Academy program is a global learning program focused on Information Communications Technology (ICT), computer networking, and career skills. The program provides access to updated learning material and equipment, which includes web-based online and interactive curricula, lab manuals, quizzes, online exams, simulation tools, customized feedback, and real lab equipment.

In partnership with Cisco Networking Academy program, we offer the following courses as part of the TalTech IT College curricula (course codes mentioned) and in addition as separate continuing education (professional) courses:

  • IT Essentials

  • Networking

    • CCNA 1 - Introduction to Networks (ICA0013)
    • CCNA 2 - Switching, Routing and Wireless Essentials (ICA0014)
    • CCNA 3 - Enterprise Networking Security and Automation (ICA0014)
    • CCNP Enterprise: Core Networking (ICA0010)
  • Security

    • CyberOps Associate
    • Network Security
    • Introduction to Cybersecurity
    • Cybersecurity Essentials

These courses prepare students for the following industry-recognized certifications:

  • A+ Certification
  • CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate)
  • CCNP (Cisco Certified Network Professional)
  • CBROPS 200-201 (Cisco Certified CyberOps Associate certification)

Students who study hard and are able to pass in first attempt with a minimum of 70% on the final exam of the following two courses will receive a discount voucher from the Cisco Networking Academy program for their industry-recognized certifications:

  • CCNA 3- CCNA 200-301: Implementing and Administering Cisco Solutions certification exam
  • CyberOps Associate - CBROPS 200-201: Cisco Certified CyberOps Associate certification exam

For more information about the Cisco Networking Academy program, please visit the following links:

Contact Details: Mohammad Tariq Meeran (PhD), Senior Lecturer | Email: mohammad.meeran@taltech.ee | Phone: +372 6285 848, +372 5344 5916


Riistvaralabor ja TestLab

Riistvaralabor on sisustatud Telia`lt ning Swedbank`ilt saadud serverite ning kettamassiividega, kus tudengid saavad läbi mängida hajussüsteemide ehitamist ning VMware virtualiseerimiskeskkonnas haldustegevuste laborite teostamist.

TestLab on nutitelefonidest koosnev labor, mille peal on võimalik nii virtuaalselt, kui füüsiliselt testida rakendusi.

Riistvaralabori sisu:

  • ICO-407: HP EliteDesk 800 G4 SFF (Intel Core i5-8500 3.0 GHz CPU, 32GB RAM, 512GB + 512GB SSD) dual boot Windows 11 / Ubuntu 24.04, 10 + 1 arvutit


IT Kolledži arvutiklasside sisu:

  • ICO-317: HP EliteDesk 800 G6 SFF (Intel Core i5-10500 3.1 GHz CPU, 32GB RAM, 512GB + 1TB SSD), dual boot Windows 11 / Ubuntu 24.04, 28 + 1 arvutit
  • ICO-319: HP Elite SFF 600 G9 (Intel Core i5 12500 3.0 GHz CPU, 32GB RAM, 512GB + 1TB SSD), dual boot Windows 11 / Ubuntu 24.04, 28 + 1 arvutit
  • ICO-410: HP Elite SFF 600 G9 (Intel Core i5 13500 3.0 GHz CPU, 32GB RAM, 512GB + 1TB SSD), dual boot Windows 11 / Ubuntu 24.04, 28 + 1 arvutit
  • ICO-320: Apple iMac 24" (Apple M1 CPU, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD), MacOS 15 Sequoia, 12 + 1 arvutit
  • Mobiilne arvutiklass ICO-221: Dell Latitude E5570 (Intel Core i5-6300 2.4 GHz CPU, 16GB RAM, 250GB + 500GB SSD) dual boot Windows 11 / Ubuntu 24.04, 25 arvutit