Building Lifecycle Research Group
The Building Lifecycle Research Group approaches the building lifecycle as a whole, integrating the construction process and its outcomes with management strategies, technologies, building materials, economics and facilities management. Recent research has included:
- Multi-attribute decision making methods for the assessment of different management strategies;
- Developing and providing BIM-related know-how;
- Different aspects of construction economics and management in the major fields of civil engineering;
- Surveys on the building life cycle and technical conditions of housing;
- Disaster resilience of built environment;
- Educational aspects of civil engineering, etc.
- Regulation of construction activities and creation of normative materials and standards for the Estonian construction industry;
- Utilization of oil shale ash in the production of building materials;
- Utilization of oil shale mining waste materials in concrete;
- Energy saving and the renovation of buildings.
The Research and Testing Laboratory of Building Materials has certified testing personnel, standards, methods and equipment for the evaluation of conformity for various building products: cement, mortar, grout and concrete products and products from natural and artefact stones and insulation materials. Research involves the following studies:
- Main characteristics of binders or binder constituents based on oil shale ashes from electrostatic precipitator systems;
- Basics of new utilization processes for oil shale combustion solid wastes;
- Low strength backfilling concrete based on the residues of oil shale processing;
- Frost resistance of various concretes and comparison of their test methods;
- Building properties of chemically treated timber;
- Durability characteristics (vapour and water migration) of facade systems, thermal insulation and external facade coverings.
Head of Research Group: Prof. Irene Lill
Tel. 620 2465
Moonika Mändla
Room: U03B-309
Ongoing Projects

VEU24010 "Housing Decarbonisation Skills for Climate, Health and Jobs" (01.04.2024−31.03.2028); Principal Investigator: Emlyn David Qivitoq Witt; Tallinn University of Technology, School of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture (partner); Financier: EU Digital Europe; Financing: 1 730 538 EUR.
The Skills4Deca project addresses the objectives of the Digital Europe programme by providing strategic advanced digital skills and ensuring the use of digital technologies across the economy and society for a greener environment. The initiative will help meet the skills needs for decarbonisation of housing in the Baltic states. The targeted stakeholders are housing managers, landlords, certified construction engineers, evaluators of the technical condition of buildings, energy auditors and construction designers who do not have the required digital background. To achieve this goal, the project will complete and enrich existing bachelor and master programmes of 3 Baltic universities with housing decarbonisation digital skills by developing and incorporating micro-learning, bachelor level and master level e-content for the existing programmes.
EU Digital Europe
Funding program
Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL)
Funding program description
- Riga Technical University (RTU)
- Tallinn University of Technology (TALTECH)
- Vilniaus Gedimino Technikos Univesitetas (VilniusTech)
- SIA Data Mining Solutions (DMS)
- Getweb UAB (GETWEB)
- Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia (ISSP UL)
Project website and social networks: Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram
Period: 15.01.2021−14.01.2024
The overarching aim of SECRA is to contribute to more resilient communities in Asia through institutionalized, systematic, monitored, innovative, and inclusive university–enterprise collaboration (UEC) in climate change action and disaster resilience (DR). The project’s contribution to more resilient communities is through increasing the capacity of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to initiate, manage, maintain, and benefit from UEC. SECRA will produce, inter alia, material towards eventual change of policies governing collaborative activities in partner countries; a relation framework to understand UEC; an online platform for a Community of Practice (CoP) consisting of HEIs, public sector and enterprise actors; a corporate start-up lab and networking activities in partner HEIs, and a monitoring tool to assess the quality of UEC that can be broadly contextualized for use in HEIs worldwide.
Period: 06.04.2023−31.12.2027
Aim of the project is to develop the digital building lifecycle information model for construction activities in Tallinn supported by Digital Twins platform and CCI-EE classification system. These simulation models will enable to implement BIM based planning process in Tallinn Municipality.
Fostering sustainable University-industry Techno-entrepreneurial Collaborations and innovations in Asian universities
Period: 01.07.2023−30.06.2026
Several studies have found that university education has minimal research and innovation outcomes, limited industry and community influence, and unripe University-Industry Collaborations. Expectations of partnership outcomes vary between universities and industries, and organizational cultural differences are the most difficult challenges to overcome when establishing partnerships, leaving both partners frustrated and unmotivated to continue their collaborations. Also, universities' inflexibility, hierarchical communication style, bureaucracy, and lack of emphasis on an outcome-oriented culture have hampered successful collaboration. FOUNTAIN will address the lack of strategic university-industry partnerships in Asian universities in terms of student employability, blended learning, invention and innovation, technoentrepreneurial skills, curriculum development, multidisciplinary joint research, and other initiatives. The project will also use the triple helix concept to form innovative partnerships in HEIs at partner universities. Besides, FOUNTAIN will define, delineate, and record the gaps in UIC identified through the need assessments carried with partners in Thailand and Sri Lanka. It aims to boost the alignment of industrial interests with national public interests, mainly in agro-industries, enhance the University curricula with robust industrial training programs, strengthen the University business links , establish a community of practice in the field of agro-industries involving university and industry actors, support the transition of ideas into practice, and establish business start-ups while leveraging existing knowledge resources at universities to foster invention, innovation and entrepreneurship. Further, the proposed centre of excellence in invention, innovation, and entrepreneurship will strengthen university, industry, and research bonds to meet the needs of, graduates, academics, farmers, SMEs, and other industries in the country and the region.
Piloting the implementation of CCI as a classification system
Period: 26.05.2023−31.12.2024
Introduction of a unified classification system (based on CCI-EE) for the digital transfer of structured data, with the aim of simplifying the life-cycle management of assets (in the asset register). Conducting a CCI-EE based pilot at the design development (PP) level.
Building Data Registry Data Management Framework Analaysis
Period: 26.06.2023−26.12.2023
The aim of the analysis is to develop recommendations and an action plan for the Building Register (EHR) data management framework, including principles, roles, competencies, and related work processes. The Building Register is a national data repository that collects, stores, and publishes information about buildings and associated procedures. The EHR supports the general objectives of the construction sector and must enable the availability of reliable information. To achieve this, it is necessary to implement best data management practices to ensure data quality and maximize the value created, including making data-based decisions and providing services.
Coherent Policy Development for High-Quality and Sustainable Living Environment
Period: 25.03.2022−31.01.2024
The overall objective of this project is to contribute to institutional, administrative and growth-sustaining but environmentally considerate structural reforms in Estonia. More specifically, it will assist the Estonian authorities in improving their capacity to prepare, amend, implement and revise recovery and resilience plans. Firstly, the adoption of a spatial planning development strategy and an action plan for the development of e-construction services to support high-quality spatial development; and secondly, to put the necessary institutional arrangements in place to support the implementation of the strategy and of the action plan.
Completed projects
ASCENT: Advancing Skill Creation to ENhance Transformation
ASCENT (Advancing Skill Creation to ENhance Transformation) aims to address R&I capacity strengthening for the development of societal resilience to disasters - supporting training, skills, leadership development, international collaboiration and university-industry partnerships.
- University of Huddersfield
- University of Central Lancashire
- Lund University
- Mid Sweden University
- Vilinius Gediminas Technical University
- Tallinna Tehnikaülikool
- University of Moratuwa
- University of Colombo
- University of Ruhuna
- University of Naresuan
- University of Chiang Mai
- University of Dhaka
- Brac University
- Patuakhali Science and Technology University
Additional iformation from ASCENT web-page.
- professor Irene Lill
- dotsent Emlyn Witt
BeInterBaltic-Intersections in built environment: promoting interdisciplinary higher education in the Baltic Sea Region
Project leader: prof Roode Liias
The goal of the project is to enhance the quality and relevance of higher education in Baltic Sea Region by improving and adapting the current curricula of built environment disciplines of participating universities. Due to many commonalities between them cities will benefit on different levels from joint solutions and outputs. Futhermore, the cooperation between these partners will support the strategic aims of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region and its priorities.
- Aalto University
- Chalmers University of Technology
- Technical University of Denmark
- The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts
- Gdansk University of Technology
- HafenCity University Hamburg
CADRE -Collaborative Action towards Disaster Resilience Education
Project leader: prof Irene Lill
The project, called CADRE (Collaborative Action towards Disaster Resilience Education), will improve the quality and relevance of higher education through active cooperation between Higher Education Institutes and partners from outside academia, including construction professional bodies, local/national/international bodies and social partners. The team aim to establish a framework for Industry, Community and University integration to address societal concerns, and develop an innovative professional doctoral programme that integrates professional and academic knowledge to address disaster risk by integrating professional and academic knowledge in the construction industry to develop societal resilience to disasters.
Cluster of digital construction
Project leader: prof Roode Liias
Development of information technology has greatly influenced also the development of construction sector and has created the possibilities for increasing efficiency there. The goal of the cluster is to rethink construction and the business model there. The goal of the cluster is to increase the added value of the sector through using It solutions. The outcome should be the environment which is based on the cooperation of the partners and construction itself is based on the lifecycle concept of the buildings.
GEEE (GreenEuroHub) project intends to increase awareness in energy efficiency and „green“ competencies for greater energy efficiency in retrofitting of existing build and new construction. The project will produce a mapping of national policies and vocational education trades as it directly relates to green skills and energy efficiency; create e-learning modules targeting contractors, but also suitable for vocational and higher education university learners.
Project Leader: prof. Irene Lill
Project partners:
- GIP-FCIP de Basse Normandie (France)
- CAPEB Calvados (France)
- ECS (France)
- Järvamaa Kutsehariduskeskus (JKHK)
- Centro de Formacao Profissional da Industria da Construcao Civil e Obras Publicas do Norte (Portugal)
- Asociazione N.E.T. Networking Education and Training (Italy)
- Consorzio Formedil Emilia Romagna (Italy)
Content of MgO of the various cyclon ashes and oil shale used as solid fuel
Project leader: prof Lembi-Merike Raado
The aim of this research is to find out the possibilities of utilization of the cyclone ashes as binding material for the autoclaved aerated concrete
REGARD: REbuildinG AfteR Displacement
Disaster events such as earthquakes, windstorms, landslides, floods, tsunami and conflicts are among well-known causes that generate and aggravate displacements. Aim of the project is to develop competencies (or bridging knowledge gaps) in rebuilding communities following disaster and conflict induced mass displacements from the perspective of the built environment .
- University of Huddersfield
- University of Central Lancashire
- Lund University
- Tallinn University of Technology
- University of Colombo
Tallinn University of Technology, Building Lifecycle Research Groupe:
- Professor Irene Lill
- Assoc. Prof. Emlyn Witt
BECK: Integrating education with consumer behaviour relevant to energy efficiency and climate change at the Universities of Russia, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh
The objective of this project is to upgrade the curricula with new harmonized study modules on consumer behaviour related to energy efficiency and climate change at the universities of Russia, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. This aims to increase their capacity to modernise continuously the quality and relevance of education according to the global labour market needs and to ensure international cooperation. The goals are: - to transfer European practices in education (learning and teaching tools, methodologies and pedagogical approaches including learning outcomes and ICT-based practices) from participating EU universities to universities of Russia, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh; - to assist competence development of teachers within the universities; - to develop the Simulated Big Data Interuniversity Networked Affective Educational Centre to encourage use of ICT-based methodologies in education and research.
- Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (coordinator)
- University of Huddersfield
- Moscow State University of Civil Engineering
- Kaliningrad State Technical University
- University of Ruhuna
- Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna
- Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University
- M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
- Association of Educational Civil Engineering Institutions
- Patuakhali Science and Technology University
- University of Colombo
- University of Barisal
- University of Moratuwa
Tallinn University of Technology, Building Lifecycle Research Groupe:
- Professor Irene Lill
- Assoc. Prof. Emlyn Witt
Digital Model of Building Lifecycle
Aim of the project is to develop tge digital building lifecycle information model for construction activities in Tallinn. These simulation models will enable to make optimal decisions for different stages of building lifecycle as design, construction, maintenance etc.
Principal investigator: Prof. Irene Lill
Developing an unified construction classification system
The aim of the work is to create a unified classification system for construction, which takes into account modern trends in BIM technology and digital engineering, and creates a coherent and understandable language for managing building information. A common classification system must cover the entire life of the building, from the initial task and ending with environmentally conscious demolition. The common classification system must be applicable to buildings as well as to infrastructure facilities. The developed classification system must allow creation of a common and intelligible digital information space for all participants in the building's life. The system must ensure a clear, transparent and rational structure, which, as a result of it, enables the implementation of BIM technology and its work organization, facilitates information exchange, information processing and the organization of activities, that is building communications.
Principal Investigator: Prof Roode Liias
- Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool
- ET Infokeskuse AS
Influence of CFB ash to long-term properties of concrete
Aim of the research is to assess the possible influence of CFB ash (ash as cement constituent) to long-term properties of concrete made using CFB ash
Principal Investigator: Researcher Tiina Hain
The BRITAE project is aimed at development of joint curricula modules on building resilience in tropical agroecosystem in Sri Lankan universities in order to enhance the quality and relevance of education of students to the global market needs and to ensure international cooperation in line with the above needs. The objectives are to develop a joint MSc curriculum on tropical agroecosystem based resilience and climate change impacts, create a Smart Resilience Center for teaching, learning, research, and development, implement an online student service platform by blending European practices in education and increase international cooperation on research programs that tackle ways to increase societal resilience to disasters and reinforce international educational and scientific networking.
BRITAE webpage:
- University of Ruhuna (coordinator)
- University of Colombo
- University of Moratuwa
- University of Sri Jayawardenepura
- Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka
- University of Huddersfield
- Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
- University of Central Lancashire
Tallinn University of Technology, Building Lifecycle Research Groupe:
- professor Irene Lill
- dotsent Emlyn Witt
BIM-enabled Learning Environment for Digital Construction
Digitalization is driving changes in the real estate and construction sector. A central feature of this digital transformation is Building Information Modelling (BIM) which refers to the integrated digital representation of all building-related information. The BIM-enabled Learning Environment for Digital Construction (BENEDICT) project aims to leverage the possibilities of BIM to enhance the education of real estate and construction professionals. The project will develop an open, online BIM-enabled Learning Environment, initial learning resources and demonstration course materials to facilitate realistic, immersive and integrated learning experiences.