Tallinn University of Technology

Scope and Topics

"Smart space technologies and services" is very wide-ranging multidisciplinary research, development and application field of rapid growth and expansion. The conference BEC2018 will provide an opportunity to come together and discuss ones recent research work in defined topics of the field at an international forum in Tallinn, Estonia.

Topics of the BEC2018 will include, but will not necessarily be limited to, the following areas: 

Cognitive Systems and Communication

Wireless communication and system (4G, 5G and beyond), RF and Optical aspects, Internet of things (LoRa, Sigfox, NB-IoT etc.), wearable sensor networks (on-body, off-body and body-to-body), Low-power platforms for communication, Cognitive networking.
The Cognitive Systems and Communication track has been established in the context of the Cognitive Electronics (COEL) ERA-Chair project 
Chair/Cochair: Muhammad Mahtab Alam / Yannick Le Moullec

Cyberphysical Systems

Heterogeneous components and design integration. Cognitive robotics. Critical infrastructures. Heterogeneous multi-agent systems. Smart sensing, monitoring, modelling and processing of biomedical data and objects.
Chair/Cochair: Jüri Vain / Kristjan Pilt

Digital and Embedded Systems

Simulation and synthesis methods and tools. Logic, behavioral and system level design. Embedded systems design, integration and validation. Multi- and many-core systems. Embedded and real-time hardware/software systems. Low power systems.
Chair/Cochair: Peeter Ellervee / Alar Kuusik

Instrumentation, Signal Processing and RF Solutions

Data acquisition, sensors, signal and data processing, NDT, SHM and CM applications, system identification, image processing, multimedia; navigation and positioning, radar, sonar; instrumentation and measurement devices and systems, hardware-, software- and integration aspects.
Chair/Cochair: Olev Märtens / Paul Annus

Power Electronics

Theoretical and practical aspects of implementation of power converters in industry and transportation, modeling, simulation and control of power electronics, distributed power generation, integrated renewable systems, smart grids, hybrid- and full-electric vehicles.
Chair/Cochair: Dmitri Vinnikov / Indrek Roasto

Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuit Design

Wide-band-gap solutions, solar cell and photonics, thermoelectricity. Nano-, micro-, opto-, and thermoelectric, devices: characterisation, modelling and simulation. Analog, digital and mixed IC design. Sensor- and low power solutions. Energy harvesting. Lab-on-Chip.
Chair/Cochair: Toomas Rang / Ants Koel

Test, Verification and Dependability

Defect modeling, test generation, fault simulation, fault diagnosis, built-in self-test, desing-for-testability, verification and validation, fault tolerance, dependability, quality of service, reliability, survivability, availability, safety and security.
Chair/Cochair: Jaan Raik / Leonidas Tsiopoulos