Tallinn University of Technology

For Authors

You are kindly invited to contribute to the PQ2019 conference and SEEM2019 by writing a paper in the topics proposed for the conference. To do this, there are easy steps to follow and please be ready by the times listed under "Important Dates".

1. For submitting a paper for the PQ2019 conference or SEEM2019, we invite you to submit full paper.

2. Full papers are expected with the final content of the paper.  Please note that it is highly important to follow the paper formatting rules when writing a full paper!

NB! Please remove any personal data (authors, affiliation) since the paper goes through double-blind peer review process.

3. After the paper has been received, it will go under more detailed review by the members of the Scientific Committee of the PQ2019 Conference. A decision of the full paper acceptance will be then sent to the authors, with comments on improvement of the paper if applicable.

4. The editor of the PQ2019 and SEEM2019 will look through the papers and provide notes on formatting if needed. Please provide some help for her and go carefully through the formatting rules before sending in the final version of the paper!

5. If there are some remarks from reviewers on the content to improve and/or if there are editorial remarks concerning the formatting of the paper to improve, please prepare an updated version of the full paper, taking into account the remarks provided. After this, please send in the final full version of the paper.

6. After the final version of the paper has been received, a final notice of acceptance will be provided if the content and formatting are meeting the requirements. In general, those whose full papers have received acceptance will have no trouble of receiving the final acceptance.

7. After full acceptance, please register yourself as a participant to the conference.

8. In order for a full paper to be published in the PQ2019 and SEEM2019 Procedings and IEEE Xplore, at least one of the authors has to be a registered attendee and present the paper during the PQ2019 and SEEM2019. 
Please also take into account that one conference attendee can present up to two of accepted papers with his/her contribution. Each additional paper per presenter will have to be discussed separately with the PQ2019 Conference Committee. Please contact us for further details.

9. After final acceptance and registration, please prepare the oral presentation along with graphical material to present in the PQ2019 sessions. 

10. Come to the PQ2019 and SEEM2019, to take part of a high level professional discussion in the developments of the methods and solutions in the fields of electric engineering!

Guidelines for writing and submitting a full paper to the PQ2019 and SEEM2019

We invite authors to publish the papers at the PQ2019 and SEEM2019. Level of the papers is expected to be scientific. Both theoretical papers as well as conclusions from practical experience are welcome. As you probably know, a good paper holds in it some theory as well as practical examples!

Length of papers for the PQ2019 and SEEM2019 is expected to be 4, 6 or 8 pages when using IEEE PES authors kit formatting rules, with A4 paper size used.  Last page of the paper would have to be filled at least 50%. Papers with different length than specified above and without special agreement will not be accepted.

Formatting rules
Papers for PQ2019 conference and SEEM2019 have to be formatted according to PQ2019 custom template (based on IEEE Template for Conference Proceedings). Using this template allows fitting more content to the paper.

PQ2019 and SEEM2019 template download link: PQ 2019 and SEEM 2019 template

Instructions for writing and all formatting parameters are provided in this template. One of the convenient ways to establish properly formatted paper is to prepare the content beforehand and then paste the content to the template. However, in further details content formatting details not disclosed in this template, the authors could follow the guidelines provided within IEEE PES Authors Kit, MS Word template for PES Technical Papers (reference PG4).

Please keep in mind that the author shall provide up to 5 keywords (in alphabetical order) to help identify the major topics of the paper. The keywords have to be taken from http://www.ieee.org/documents/taxonomy_v101.pdf

PQ2019 and SEEM2019 electronic publications files will be in colour and the papers submitted can also be in colour. The proceedings will be also in colour print (available only on request during registration).

File format
Papers for the PQ2019 conference have to be provided to the conference organizers in .doc or .docx format. It is preferred that the document is created with MS Word versions 2000 or later. .pdf –format papers are not accepted.

Full Paper Submission and Reviewing is organized through CMT system.

For your convenience brief step-by-step instruction on how to submit an abstract is given below:

1) Visit the CMT site using this link: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/PQ2019

2) Select Create Account (Registration) for CMT account if you don't have one.

2.1 Please use your real name, family name and email address during registration.

3) As soon as you registered an account please find the PQ2019 Conference in the list of conferences and click on the corresponding link.

4) In Author Console select the (+ Create new submission) button to submit your paper. Please use text window for your only paper title and text abstracts. Attach full paper in .doc or .docx file formats (at the bottom of page). Add author(s) details and select appropriate for your paper Subject Areas. Please don't forget to press the submit button to save your submission on the site.

Please feel free to contact PQ2019 Organizing Team if you have any trouble with submitting. Use our email pq2019@ttu.ee  to contact us.

Reviewing and checking
All papers presented will be checked for main formatting guidelines and after formatting is approved for review, papers are forwarded to members of the PQ2019 Technical Committee for reviewing. For each paper reviewers will present comments on the content and evaluation marks on different aspects of content. After receiving positive reviewing comments, the paper will go under more detailed formatting review and authors are sent comments on aspects to approve. Authors are required to provide a paper fully correcting editorial and reviewer remarks in two weeks after the paper review results are available.

Proof of acceptance
After the paper has received approval for the full paper, author can request a proof of acceptance document from PQ2019 organizers. This will be official announcement that the paper has been accepted and is ready for the conference presentation.

Presentation guidelines for the PQ2019 and SEEM2019

Every paper presented for the PQ2019 and SEEM2019 is required to make oral presentation. Presenting the paper in sessions is prerequisite for the publishing of papers in the conference proceedings. One presenter would be approved for up to 2 paper presentation (in special agreements up to 3).

Papers presented at the conference will be published in the Conference Proceedings. For presenting the paper, the presenter does not have to be first author of the paper, but would have to be one of the authors of the paper.

Presentation in Oral session: Duration 12 min + 3 min discussion. If it is not enough you will always can discuss it with other participants during coffee breaks or after the session.

All papers have same time for presentation regardless of matters of the content of the paper. Only invited presentations can have different timeline.

For Presentation please prepare your slides pointing out the most important contribution of your paper. We kindly ask you to be present at least 10 minutes before the session starts. Introduce yourself to the chairman and deliver your presentation.

You can also send your presentation (in Microsoft Powerpoint or PDF format) to organizers (mail: pq2019@taltech.ee).

During PQ2019 and SEEM2019, following presentation equipment is available for use by the presenter:

1) Computer with at least MS PowerPoint 2007 and Adobe Reader 9 software.

2) Projector with 1024 x 768 points resolution, at least 65000 colours.

Presenter is responsible for preparing the presentation of paper content using this equipment.