Topics of PQ2019 Conference and SEEM2019
Topics of 2019 Electric Power Quality and Supply Reliability Conference
- Electric power quality, voltage level, unbalance and harmonics
- Voltage dips and impulses, transients and overvoltages
- Power quality metering and monitoring, remote systems
- Electric power supply reliability, outages and interruptions
- Fault detection and localization, self-healing and fault tolerance
- Electric components condition monitoring
Topics of 2019 Symposium on Electrical Engineering and Mechatronics
- Electric power quality, voltage level, unbalance and harmonics
- Voltage dips and impulses, transients and overvoltages
- Power quality metering and monitoring, remote systems
- Electric power supply reliability, outages and interruptions
- Fault detection and localization, self-healing and fault tolerance
- ·Electric components condition monitoring
PQ2019 Topics and Keywords
The PQ2019 Conference is intended for a discussion in topics related to electric power quality and supply reliability.
Keywords of the conference are related to (but are not limited with!) following topics:
- Electric power quality
- Reactive power compensation
- Harmonics and flicker
- Voltage dips and impulses
- Transient phenomena
- Interruptions and outages
- Voltage unbalance
- Power quality monitoring
- Renewable Energy Grid Integration
- Smart grid, Micro-/Nanogrid
- Remote metering and recording
- Earth faults
- Transient overvoltages
- Detection and locating of faults
- Simulation tools and software
- Wide-area monitoring and applications
- System reliability
SEEM2019 Topics and Keywords
The SEEM2019 is intended for a discussion in topics related to electical engineering and mechatronics.
Keywords of the symposium are related to (but are not limited with!) following topics
Power System Economics and Electricity Market, which expands the scope with following topics:
- Demand side management
- Electricity market
- Intagrated energy systems
- Power supply management
- Power system investment
- Power system planning
Electrical Machines which expands the scope with following topics:
- Design of electrical machines
- Simulation of electrical machines
- Measurements of electrical machines
- Diagnostics of electrical machines
- Condition monitoring of electrical machines
- Non-conventional electrical machines
Distributed Generation & Smart Grids with the topics of new challenges related in power quality and including:
- Real-time analysis
- Demand side management
- Integration of renewables
- Virtual power plants
- NZEB (Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings)
- PHEV (Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles)
- Protection and self healing
- Energy storages
- Implementation to existing networks
- Power quality in microgrids
- Demand side management and power quality
- Voltage quality in networks with accumulator storage
- Small wind and solar power fluctuations
- Production and load profile modeling
Grid Converters with the topics of power electronic network connected converters including:
- AC/AC matrix and multilevel converters
- active rectifiers, inverters
- DC-DC, DC-AC, AC-DC conversion
- fault tolerant converters
- integrated power electronics
- high frequency links
- modulation techniques
- modelling, simulation and control of power electronics
- power converters
- SiC Mosfet & SiC JFET technologies
- soft switching techniques
Intelligent Control and Applications which expands the scope with following topics:
- Adaptive control
- Autonomous systems
- Fractional order systems
- Fuzzy systems
- Genetic Algorithms
- Industrial applications and advanced control
- Self-learning systems
For all topics academic as well as applied scientific papers will be expected. Participation conditions and also paper rules will be the same as the PQ2019 general rules.
The PQ2019 Conference and SEEM 2019 Programme
All three days of the event are filled with interesting activities. The principal objective is obviously the presentation of the papers, still, there are also cultural and accompanying events prepared and we hope that the participants will enjoy the time spent at the conference.
Preliminary Conference and Symposium programme
June 12th
7:50 - departure from the City Center
Address: Laikmaa 15
Spot on Google maps:
8:30 - departure from Taltech Parking Spot
Address: Ehitajate tee 5
Spot on Google maps:
For those, how are planning to use official Conference transport, please let us know, where are you planning to take it and come at least 10 minutes earlier.
11:50 – arrival to Hiiumaa
13:00 - lunch
14:30 – Visit of Plastic Factory
15:40 – Visit of Military Museum
17:00 – Arrival to Hotels
19:00 – Welcome Dinner
June 13th
09:00 - Opening Address, Keynote Speech
9:00...13:00 – conference presentations
13:00 - lunch
14:00...17:00 – conference presentations
19:00 – Gala Dinner
June 14th
9:00...13:00 – conference presentations
13:00 - lunch
14:00...15:45 – conference presentations
16:00 – closing of the conference
16:45 – departure to Tallinn
20:30 – arrival to Tallinn. Stop at the Taltech parking spot and after in the City Center
June 15th
11:00...13:00 – Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech) and lab facilities of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Mechatronics