Tallinn University of Technology

Department of Cybernetics is a result of merger of a former Institute of Cybernetics at Tallinn University of Technology and institutes of mathematics and physics that belonged to the previous main structure of TTU.

Department of Cybernetics is a center of competence of mathematics and physics in Tallinn University of Technology. Department teaches courses of mathematics and physics to almost all study programmes of Tallinn University of Technology. Important role has the teaching work in undergraduate and maste programmes Applied Physics that are directly related to the profile of the department.

Reasearch comprises several topics of mathematics, physics and complex systems. Concrete research directions are inverse problems, methods of statistics, group theory, methods for signal and image processing, turbulence, photogalvanic materials, econophysics, wave propagation in nonlinear media, nondestructive testing, rheology of composites, dynamics of sea waves, wave climate, coastal engineering, processes in heart cells, spin design
