Tallinn University of Technology

Table of Contents

General contact

Acting Director

Jaan Janno
Ehitajate tee 5
19086 Tallinn, Estonia
room: U05-415
e-mail: jaan.janno@taltech.ee
phone: (+372) 620 3052

Assistant to Manager

Kristi Juske
Akadeemia tee 21/1
12618 Tallinn, Estonia
room: CYB-226
e-mail: kristi.juske@taltech.ee
phone: (+372) 620 4150

Student Counsellors

Anne Martma
Ehitajate tee 5
19086 Tallinn, Estonia
room: U05-416
e-mail: anne.martma@taltech.ee
phone: (+372) 620 3050

