Tallinn University of Technology

Organisation and Management

Department of Cybernetics belongs to School of Science. From 01.03.2020 the Department is lead by Professor Jaan Janno.

The structure of the Department

Head of the Division Jaan Janno
Phone 620 3052
Ehitajate street 5

Student Counsellor Anne Martma
Ehitajate street 5, room U05-416
Phone 620 3050 

The Division of Mathematics is a center of mathematical competence of TalTech. Academic staff of the division teaches courses of mathematics to most of the study programmes of Taltech and on all 3 levels of the education. The mathematical expertise of the division is widely used by other research groups of Taltech, e.g. algebraic methods in satellite programs and control systems, statistics in civil and environmental engineering, methods of signal processing in development of wireless sensor networks in Thomas Johann Seebeck Department of Electonics.

The research is implemented in several directions: inverse problems, nonparametric statistics, methods of imaging and signal processing, group theory. In 2014 – 2016 a precedessor of the division, institute of mathematics hosted an ERC advanced grant (PI Prof. Lassi Päivärinta), see more here. Currently the inverse problems research is supported by an Estonian Research Council PRG grant „Direct and inverse scattering problem for singular and non-local media“, see more here.

Head of the Division Jaan Kalda
Phone 620 3001
Ehitajate street 5

Student Counsellor Anu Green
Ehitajate street 5, room U02-130
Tel 620 3000

Head of the Laboratory Andrus Salupere
TPhone 620 4152
Akadeemia street 21B

More information about The Laboratory of Solid Mechanics

Head of the Laboratory Ago Samoson
Phone 620 2216
Akadeemia street 15A

Imagine all atoms in your body, food, all materials around you telling: “Hi, this is me, I am here! Those over there are my neighbors. Next millisecond I shall move to that position”. This is in principle what Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy is all about. NMR can identify all molecules, understand all structures, predict their properties and figure out how to make new and better ones. However, atoms, actually nuclear spins, sing in a huge choir and at a very feeble voice. Our research group is dedicated to separate those voices and make them audible. A basic technology used is Magic Angle Spinning, which rotates the structures of interest at a special, 54.70 angle to the magnetic field. We have achieved spinning frequencies over 200,000 turns every second, which allows e.g. to understand the whisper of ubiquitous hydrogen atoms. As a part of the global research community, we are refining the MAS technology, developing the hardware and promoting applications in diverse areas of current interest: biomedicine, wood chemistry and energy storage materials to name few.

Head of the Laboratory Marko Vendelin
Phone 620 4169
Akadeemia street 21B

The Systems Biology Laboratory is focused on solving issues related to cardiac physiology using interdisciplinary approaches. The laboratory staff consists of researchers with backgrounds in biophysics, biology, and applied mathematics/physics. As a result, we are able to approach scientific questions on a variety of scales, from the organ to molecular mechanisms, applying combinations of different experimental and theoretical techniques, and focusing on quantitative data analysis.

The main research areas are:

  • the intracellular structure and the diffusion of different molecules in heart cells and their effect on physiology;
  • effects of mitochondrial functional structure on cellular respiration;
  • energy transfer mechanisms in cells;
  • the relationship between cardiac cell mechanics, electrophysiology, and energetics.

More information about The Laboratory of Systems Biology

Head of the Laboratory Tarmo Soomere
Phone 620 4176
Akadeemia street 21B

The laboratory (wavelab.ioc.ee) was formed on 01.01.2009 to promote and provide a structure for research in water waves and coastal engineering within the Department of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, Institute of Cybernetics, and now is one of the core labs of the Department of Cybernetics. The laboratory currently comprises two professors, one senior scientist, five scientists, and five PhD students/junior scientists.

The team focuses on complex and nonlinear phenomena in wave dynamics, coastal processes and coastal engineering, and the applications of mathematical methods in wave studies. The wider goal is to provided scientific support for decision-making in integrated coastal zone management. The scope of research involves, but is not limited to, wave theory and applications (with emphasize on fast-ferry waves, shallow-water solitons, run-up phenomena, and generic aspects of coastal hazards), surface wave modelling, wave climate studies, coastal processes, and wave-driven phenomena in coastal engineering, with application to integrated coastal zone management. Rapidly emerging new foci are the use of Lagrangian transport of different substances in marine environment for marine and maritime spatial planning, adequate description of hydrodynamic (wave and water level) extremes, novel ways of quantification of changes to the coastal region and its driving forces using various remote sensing techniques, and preventive methods for mitigation of marine-induced hazards.

More information about The Laboratory of Wave Engineering

Council of the Institute of Cybernetics

The chairman of the Council is Professor Jaan Janno

Members :

  • Tenured Full Professor Andrus Salupere
  • Tenured Full Professor Jaan Kalda
  • Professor Jüri Krustok
  • Tenured Full Professor Tarmo Soomere
  • Associate Professor Raavo Josepson
  • Research Professor Kevin Ellis Parnell
  • Researcher Tanel Peets
  • Senior Lecturer Gert Tamberg
  • Senior Researcher Marko Vendelin
  • Lecturer Marek Vilpuu (representative of doctoral students)
  • Lecturer Liivi Kluge
  • Associate Professor Arvo Mere
  • Researcher Kert Tamm

The Council has been elected until 31.08.2022