Tallinn University of Technology

CONFERENCE: Physiology in Focus 2023

The Physiology in Focus 2023 conference will be held in Tallinn, Estonia, September 14 - 16, 2023. It is the first joint physiology meeting of the Scandinavian Physiological Society (SPS), the Federation of European Physiological Societies (FEPS), and the Baltic Physiological Societies.

Physiology in Focus 2023 presents an exciting programme featuring exceptional plenaries, keynote lectures and cutting-edge symposia. To ensure a strong fingerprint from you, the active physiologists, the programme is founded by the enthusiasm of Special Interest Groups and Early Career Physiologists engaging in topic-specific pre-meetings and the legendary FEPS-sponsored young investigator symposium.

Conference committee:

Marko Vendelin, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia (Chair)
Rikke Birkedal, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
Margarethe Geiger, Medical University of Vienna, Austria
Jana Kivastik, University of Tartu, Estonia
Martin Laasmaa, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
Aavo Lang, University of Tartu, Estonia
Jens Georg Leipziger, Aarhus University, Denmark
Vladimir V. Matchkov, Aarhus University, Denmark
Helle Prætorius Øhrwald, Aarhus University, Denmark
Eero Vasar, University of Tartu, Estonia

Futher information: https://sps-feps-2023.eu/home/

Previous Conferences

Mathematical Modelling and Analysis (MMA2019)

24th International Conference Mathematical Modelling and Analysis May 28 - 31, 2019, Tallinn, Estonia

The Conference focused on various aspects of mathematical modelling and usage of numerical methods in modern problems of science and engineering. The aim, in particular, was to foster cooperation among various specialists in this field

  • Modelling and analysis of problems of mathematical physics and engineering;
  • Analysis and numerical methods for differential, fractional differential and integral equations;
  • Inverse and ill-posed problems;
  • Parallel algorithms and parallel computing;
  • Scientific computation;
  • Optimization and splines;
  • Mathematical modelling and analysis based on fuzzy sets;
  • Mathematical statistics, financial mathematics and mathematical economics.

S. Asmuss (Latvia), A. Buikis (Latvia), R. Ciegis (Lithuania), F. Gaspar (Spain), U. Hämarik (Estonia), M. Ivanchov (Ukraine), Z. Jackiewicz (USA), J. Janno (Estonia), M. Kirane (France), M. Lehtinen (Finland), P. Oja (Estonia), A. Pedas (Estonia), L. Päivärinta (Estonia), M. Radziunas (Germany), F. Sadyrbaev (Latvia), M. Sapagovas (Lithuania), G. Shishkin (Russia), V. Starikovicius (Lithuania), A. Štikonas (Lithuania), U. Strautins (Latvia), G. Vainikko (Estonia).

Chairman: J. Janno 
Vice-Chairman: R. Ciegis
A. Green, N. Kinash, K. Kasemets, A. Kivinukk, A. Leibak, A. Martma, G. Tamberg

Conference program

28.05.2019 19.00 – 22.00 Welcome party, restaurant of Pirita Marina Hotel&Spa

29.05.2019 14.30 – 21.30 Excursion and dinner

      Viimsi Open Air Museum

      Jägala Waterfall

      Saula Blue Springs (if we have enough time)

      Viking Village and dinner in Viking Village

30.05.2019 19.00 – 23.00 Conference dinner, Nautica Hall of Pirita Marina Hotel&Spa

Conference will be held at Pirita Marina Hotel & Spa
BRE Hotels Ltd
Address: Purje 9, 11911 Tallinn, Estonia
Phone: +372 639 8600
E-mail: hotel@piritamarina.ee

The conference hotel can be reached from the center of the city by buses 1A, 8, 34A, 38. The trip from the initial stop Viru Keskus lasts 10 – 12 min. Go out in Rummu stop, cross the road and walk along Purje street 200m until the entrance of the hotel.