Tallinn University of Technology

Digital Health (former Health Care Technology)

Program Manager: Doris Kaljuste
Assistant to Program Manager: Kristiina Ranne
Study programme code: YVEM


Practical use of theoretical knowledge in cooperation with industry partners (DKE1050)

Internships shall comprise practical work in order to acquire work experience under a supervisor’s supervision in a work environment. For assessment of internship (practical placement) a student should submit to the internship coordinator an application in ois (Applications/submission of application/acceptance of practice), officially signed document from the work place and a report on the internship. The assessment of internship takes place in form of discussion with supervisor, the specific requirements are set by departments.

Internship coordinator for the curriculum is Doris Kaljuste

Thesis and graduation

Important deadlines for spring semester 2023/2024:

  • March 15, 23:59 - Master's thesis preliminary submission deadline      
    • Please upload your thesis for pre-defense (pdf and word format files) under the respective assignment in Moodle.
    • The thesis must be at least 70% ready.
  • March 21, March 22 - Preliminary defense   
    • The aim preliminary defense is to practice defence, give recommendations for further work and to evaluate, whether you will be abel to defend a fully ready thesis. Participation in preliminary defence is a prerequisite for the Master´s thesis defence.
  • May 6, 23:59 - Application deadline to confirm your defense in OIS           
    • Make defence application in OIS. Double check that titles of the thesis in English and Estonian are grammatically correct.
    • Prerequisites for making this application
      • Thesis is ready and according to academic guidelines
      • All modules in study program have been  filled
      • All subjects are in correct modules
      • Internship and exams have been completed and assessed 1 week before defence
  • May 17, 23:59 - Master's thesis deadline         
    • Please upload your final thesis (pdf and word format files) under the respective assignment in Moodle.
    • Fill Graduation_Thesis_Non-exclusive_Licence and send it to Kristiina by digitally signed (kristiina.ranne@taltech.ee) or by post (Kristiina Ranne, Tallinn University of Technology, Department of Health Technologies, Ehitajate tee 5, 19086 Tallinn, Estonia.)
  • May 23, May 24, 2024 - Master´s thesis defense

More information about thesis You can find here.



  • Merilin Varsamaa − expert, chairman;
  • Kerli Linna − expert;
  • Erki Mölder – expert;
  • Jaarika Järviste – expert;
  • Jandra Ristikivi – expert;
  • Peeter Ross − lead professor;
  • Priit Kruus – lecturer;
  • Julius Juurmaa − lecturer;
  • Maaris Lõkk − student;
  • Kelli Kuusik – student;
  • Mari-Liis Süld – student.


Where can I find information about different courses and curriculums?
The main source is Study Information System (ÕIS).

Where can I find overview of scholarships?
The overview of scholarships in Tallinn University of Technology for students.

I received a scholarship, but have not signed a contract yet nor do I have a bank account. How should I proceed?
Get into contact with the Police and Border Guard Board (Politsei ja piirivalveamet) and apply for an Estonian ID code and then open a bank account in an Estonian bank. All this information has to be sent to Kristiina Ranne. Then the contract is formalised and the payment for scholarship can be made.

I received scholarship. When will it be paid out?
The payments for scholarship are made on the last day of each month.

Where can I find information on scholarships and Erasmus?
Information about scholarships.
Information about Erasmus.

Where can I find information about different courses and curriculums?
The main source is ÕIS.

What if I have a problem with accessing information from ÕIS?
The first step is trying to use the “Help” function of ÕIS.

How many ECTS do I have to gather in each semester?
If you are an international student on Dora/specialty scholarships, then you have to earn 30 ECTS on every semester.
If you are not on scholarship then the minimum is 24 ECTS per semester.

Can I substitute courses if I find a more suitable one for my specific study goals?
Yes, this is possible, yet there needs to be a relevant explanation and fit with the overall objectives.

What if I feel that the workload is too overwhelming and I am not able to fulfil the expectations of the courses?
There can be a lot of different tasks to manage at the same time so it can get stressful. Evaluate your strengths and weaknesses and plan your studies from the very beginning. In case you are not able to fulfil the tasks sufficiently or feel that the studies are not for you then do not worry, come talk to us and we will try to figure it out.

If I do not pass the exam do I have to declare the course again next year and will this action result in some kind of responsibilities?
Yes, the course needs to be declared again. If you declare it within the nominal duration of your studies, then you do not have to pay for that. If you have exceeded the nominal duration of studies (you continue as an extern), then you need to pay for the credits.
Information about the fees. 

I am missing 5 ECTS from my individual study plan. There are only 4 ECTS courses left in the selection. How should I proceed?
You can choose two courses of 4 ECTS or some other course that interests you but does not belong to the study programme. This needs to be accepted by the study program manager.

Can I declare the courses Research Methods I and II on the same semester?
No. The course Research Methods I is the prerequisite for the course Research Methods II.

I wanted to declare the course IDU0450 but this does not take place anymore. Is there any substitution for that course? 
Yes, IDU0450 is replaced with ITE4330 Entrepreneurship Project.

I did exchange studies abroad and would like to transfer the courses from exchange time to elective courses. How should I proceed?
You need to fill an application for APEL* (est VÕTA*) in ÕIS. 
In case of any questions turn to dean's office counselors.

*The credit points taken into account through accreditation of prior and experiential learning, including continuing education courses, shall not be counted toward completion of a study load.

How to declare the course DKE1050 internship (Magistriõppepraktika)?
Go to: ÕIS
Choose Documents->Applications, next to the „Acceptance of practice“ press Apply, select course-teacher pair, insert internship place and time and then press Save and submit button.

Into which semester the credits for internship will be added when the application was made in the second semester but the internship was passed in the third semester?
The internship will be added to the semester, when you make the declaration and the internship curator (study program manager) confirms it.

Can I search for an internship placement and declare it during the autumn semester?
Yes, you can conduct and declare the internship in any semester, but nevertheless be aware of the ECTS requirements.

I am employed at an e-health related position, can it be considered as internship practice and added to the curriculum as internship placement? How?
If you currently are employed at an e-health technologies related position (healthcare enterprise, startup, government institution, TalTech e-medicine centre etc) then this employment can be taken into account as an internship. Nevertheless you have to fulfil the paperwork and conduct a summary of the internship.

How to declare and get the ECTSs for internship?
Please see more information here.
In order to formulate and declare your internship then you have to make an internship report and provide internship supervisor’s evaluation. The reporting materials are available here.

How many supervisors and co-supervisors can there be for the master thesis?
There can be one supervisor and one co-supervisor. If the main supervisor is from outside of the faculty then it needs to be confirmed with the program manager Doris Kaljuste in due time.
The supervisor of the thesis has to have at least a Master’s degree or the respective qualification.

What are the rules for academic paper formatting?
You can find the Master thesis formatting rules here.

How to apply for thesis defence?
Go to: ÕIS
Choose Documents->Applications, next to the „Defence of graduation thesis“ press Apply, type the heading / topic of the graduation thesis in English and in Estonian, select „degree applied for“ and supervisor's name, press SAVE button. Make sure that you use correct grammar with English and Estonian, which is different for headings in either language.

How are the papers evaluated?
In general, the evaluation of the master thesis takes into account the following:

  • The content of thesis - the relevance of the topic, the accordance of the thesis topic and thesis aim, relevance of the data and literature included, thoroughness of analysis, the choice of methodology, the choice and usage of research methods, the structure and rationality of the thesis, the justification of conclusions and propositions.
  • The presentation - the slides and presentation skills.
  • The formatting - grammar, accordance to the formatting requirements, appendixes, charts, figures, diagrams.

Are you missing something from this guide?
Please let us know. We will update the guide and send to everyone. We want you to have more time for studying and less time for administrative procedures.