Tallinn University of Technology

Laboratory of Textile Technology

The laboratory of Textile Technology is part of the Department of Materials and Environmental Technology of Tallinn University of Technology. The Laboratory of Textile Technology is located on the 3rd floor of the 4th study building of the main building of Tallinn University of Technology (Ehitajate tee 5). From March 2023, the Laboratory of Textile Technology is a separate laboratory. Previously, the Laboratory of Textile Technology and the Laboratory of Biopolymer Technology formed a joint laboratory called the Laboratory of Polymers and Textile Technology, which was established in 2017. Together with the opening of the new laboratory, the Laboratory of Textile Technology moved from Textile house to new renovated rooms in Tallinn University of Technology main building.

The areas of activity of the Laboratory of Textile Technology are:

  • conducting studies at the bachelor's, master's and doctoral level;
  • conducting basic and applied research in the field of textile technology;
  • offering testing services to companies;
  • conducting different training courses.

The study work and research and development work of the Laboratory of Textile Technology are carried out in the following laboratories:

  • laboratory of product development;
  • CAD/CAM laboratory of apparel and textile products;
  • laboratory of smart textiles and microscopy;
  • textile testing laboratory;
  • laboratory of laser cutting technology;
  • laboratory of textile waste valorization.







Tiia Plamus

Senior Lecturer, Head of Laboratory

Programme Director (Materials Technology)


620 2905

5621 1653

Piret MellikGuest lecturerpiret.mellik@taltech.ee620 2904U04-304
Laura KuningasSpecialistlaura.kuningas@taltech.ee620 2904U04-309
Kersti MerimaaEngineerkersti.merimaa@taltech.ee620 2904U04-318
Nele MandreGuest lecturernele.mandre@taltech.ee620 2904U04-318
Katre WorthEarly Stage Researcherkatre.worth@taltech.ee620 2904U04-320
Diana TuulikIndustrial doctoral studentdiana.tuulik@taltech.ee620 2904 
Md Toufiqur RahmanEarly Stage Researchermd.rahman@taltech.ee620 2904U04-320

Study work

The Laboratory of Textile Technology conducts studies at the bachelor's, master's and doctoral level.

Materials Technology (BSc)

Study work is in Estonian.

The bachelor's study programme is diverse, providing knowledge of various materials, their production technologies, sustainable usage and environmental effects. Once basic knowledge of all materials is acquired, it is possible to specialize in the field of textile and clothing technology.

More information (ET)

Technology of Wood, Plastic and Textiles (MSc)

At the master's level of the Technology of Wood, Plastics and Textiles curriculum, it is possible to specialize in apparel and textile technology acquiring knowledge about textile materials, product development, production technologies, testing methods and equipment, CAD/CAM technologies and circular economy principles.

More information

Chemical, Materials and Energy Technology (PhD)

It is possible to continue your studies at doctoral level (Engineering Sciences) and contribute to research in the field of textile technology.

More information

Research and development

Research and development work of the Laboratory of Textile Technology is related with the following fields:

  • developing composite and textile materials from mechanically recycled textile fibres;
  • exploring physico-mechanical properties of textile and clothing materials;
  • developing textile products, apparel and protective clothing;
  • exploring novel processing methods of textile materials.

  • KIK19019 Developing of textile waste shredding technology and innovative materials to adding value to textile waste and support the circular economy. 2019-2021.


  1. Mandre, N., Plamus, T., Linder, A., Varjas, T., Majak, J., Krumme, A. (2023). Design of Performance Characteristics on Laser Treated Denim Fabric. Materials Science, 29 (4), 515-524.
  2. Mandre, N., Plamus, T., Linder, A., Krumme, A., Rohumaa, A. (2023). Impact of laser fading on physico-mechanical properties and fibre morphology of multicomponent denim fabrics. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, 72 (2), 145-153.


  1. Mandre, N., Plamus, T., Krumme, A. (2021). Impact of weft Yarn Density and Core-yarn Fibre Composition on Tensile Properties, Abrasion Resistance and Air Permeability of Denim Fabrics. Materials Science, 27 (4), 483-491. 


Training courses

Content will be added soon.

Testing services

The Laboratory of Textile Technology offers testing services to different apparel and textile companies and other interest groups. The Laboratory of Textile Technology is a modern laboratory that allows to carry out different physical-mechanical and chemical experiments under controlled climatic conditions. Standards and laboratory procedures are used to conduct tests on textile and apparel materials, including fiber, yarn, knitted fabric, woven fabric and non-woven materials.

The tests offered by the Laboratory of Textile Technology and their prices are described as services and can be found in the following document starting on page 5. Price list of testing services

To order testing services or in the absence of suitable experiment contact the Head of the Laboratory Tiia Plamus, mobile 56211653, e-mail tiia.plamus@taltech.ee.


Content will be added soon.



Tallinn University of Technology

Ehitajate tee 5, Tallinn

Study building U04 3rd floor

Campus map

Contact person

Head of Laboratory, Senior Lecturer Tiia Plamus

Mobile: 56211653

Phone: 6202905

E-mail: tiia.plamus@taltech.ee

Social media

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