Tallinn University of Technology

Enchance your legal studies at TalTech in Estonia - one of the world’s most digitised nations - and prosper as a highly qualified lawyer, legal engineer or archidect of legal solutions. Be a member of team already while studying with the high level experts who work for interatioal orgaisations, advice governmets or tech companies.

Why TalTech?

TalTech's innovative, industry-aligned study programmes prepare graduates for crucial challenges. The university excels in research across engineering, natural sciences, IT, business, and maritime studies. The most beautiful campus in the region features modern facilities, including high-tech labs. Located in the country with the most unicorns per capita in the EU, TalTech creates and transfers the best digital practices to society and supports entrepreneurship with dedicated start-up programmes. TalTech is also a participant in EuroTeQ, a collaborative project involving technical universities, providing students with access to courses from Europe’s leading technical universities.

Our law programme:

  • The Programme gives you a thorough understanding of the connections between law and technology. You will learn to discuss the issues of the EU digital market, regulating artificial intelligence and cyber security.
  • After graduating you can work as law and tech lawyer in the companiesor public offices, you will be able to master the legal challenges of a rapidly changing and increasingly technologically sophisticated society.
  • Learning in a multi-cultural environment is guided by high-qualified academics with PhDs and experienced professionals from all around the world.


Our law programme enables you to specialise in law and technology. The Law and Technology specialisation covers the key areas of law related to artificial intelligence, data protection, cyber security and intellectual property. This specialisation will enable graduates to navigate the legal framework surrounding new technologies in their careers.


Students for this study programme are admitted based on the admission threshold. By the motivation letter and interview, candidate’s English, skills of expression, analysing and argumentation are evaluated. The maximum combined score for the online application (CV), motivation letter and interview is 10 points. The online application form in DreamApply is being assessed as your CV, therefore please include there your educational and professional experience in details. An applicant who receives the minimum of 5 points is admitted.

Please find the programme specific admission requirements below:

In order to qualify for the studies in Tallinn University of Technology an applicant has to have at least 60% of the highest possible CGPA.

If you come from another programme than law then you must have passed at least 36 ECT law courses. You can take these courses also from the TalTech bachelor’s law programme. We suggest the following courses.

In autumn semester:

  • MOA3020 Foundations of Law and Legal Theory
  • MOE3021 Legal Syllogism and Introduction to the General Part of Civil Law
  • MOR3040 Public International Law
  • MOA3031 Comparative Constitutional Law in a Digital Society

In spring semester:

  • HOL6010 European Union Law
  • MOA3030 Human Rights Law in a Digital Society
  • MOL3010 Foundations of European Contract Law

In order to apply, a candidate is required to upload a Test-taker Score Report of the GRE General Test to the DreamApply application system. The test has to be completed but there is no threshold score required for this programme.

This is a prerequisite for qualifying and has to be fulfilled latest by the application deadline.

Candidates who have obtained a full Bachelor's degree in EU, EFTA or OECD member state are waived from the GRE requirement.

Please see more information about our GRE General Test requirement here, including the exact eligibility criteria for being exempted from this prerequisite and how to order the test result electronically to TalTech.

Motivation letter must consist the profound answers to the following questions (max 300 words per question):

  • Explain your interest in law. Describe your professional goals and explain how the degree programme you are applying for supports your professional profile. Explain why you are specifically interested in Law and Technology. (0-2 points) 

  • Describe your previous education how does your academic background fit to the degree program you are applying for? Evaluate your previous knowledge and skills gathered during your previous education, how they would be useful in your studies in the law programme. (0-2 points) 

NB! It is important to properly cite and reference any sources used in your motivation letter (quotations, publications, ideas etc. that are not your own). Additionally, AI-generated text is not acceptable as the purpose of the motivation letter is to show the applicant’s genuine motivation. Neglecting the aforementioned principles will result in the disqualification of your application. 

Aspects evaluated during the interview:

  • What is the interest of the candidate in the field of law? What area interests the candidate most and why? How candidate sees his/her future professional career? Why candidate has decided to study at the Tallinn University of Technology? Why candidate finds the programme offered attractive? Why candidate believes that he/she is the right person for this programme? (0-2 points) 

  • What is the knowledge of the candidate about the problems concerning law? (0-2 points) 

  • What does candidate know about the role of the lawyer and the professional ethics/moral of the lawyer? (0-2 points) 

Duration of the interview is 15-30 minutes.

Curriculum overview

Law and Technology – provides you profound knowledge and skills in regulating and applying the norms related to different fields of technology such as intellectual property, cyber security and artificial intelligence.

  • General Courses (18 ECTS) - covers compulsory courses such as Human Rights, Ethics and Technology, Artificial Intelligence and Law, Entrepreneurship and Business Planning.
  • Legal Theory, EU and International Law (24 ECTS) – covers compulsory courses such as Legal Research Methodology, Selected Actual Topics from European Union Personal Data Protection Law, Case Studies of EU Internal Market and Competition Law, EU and Digital Technologies.
  • Special Studies Compulsory Courses (18 ECTS) – covers courses such as Cyber Security and Law, Legal Protection of Information Technology Products, Software and Database, Digital Intellectual Property and Law.
  • Internship (6 ECTS) – can be either a legal internship or participation in moot court competition or taking the Team-work Project course.
  • Special studies optional courses (18 ECTS) – covers courses such as Legal Framework of e-Governance, Estonian Language and Culture, Intellectual Property and Competition Law, Medical Law, Rights, Obligations and Liability of Actors on the Internet, Legal Aspects of Cyber Investigations, Legal Aspects of Fintech, Case Studies of International Tax Law in the Area of Digital Economy, Legal Aspects of Digital Business, Enterpreneurship Project.
  • Free choice courses (6 ECTS) – students can choose from a wide variety of courses offered at the university.
  • Graduation thesis (30 ECTS) – individual legal research on a topic chosen by the student.

Compulsory courses

  1. Graduation thesis (30 ECTS) – individual legal research on a topic chosen by the student.

Elective courses

Courses are delivered by profound experts of EU and international law and law and technology from Estonia and all around the world, e.g. 

  • Professor Tanel Kerikmäe has solid experience in assessing legal and ethical risks of different ecosystems and capacity building, including artificial intelligence.
  • Professor Thomas Hoffmann's research focuses on comparative private law, insolvency law, private international law, contracts in digital environments and consumer law. He provides comprehensive research on Estonian, German and international law to various stakeholders within numerous EC tenders.
  • Adjunct professor Katrin Nyman-Metcalf specialises primarily in information and communication technology law including freedom of expression, and e-governance.
  • Adjunct professor Ondrej Hamulak focuses his research on the relations and interactions between EU law and national law, the theoretical impact of membership in the EU on state sovereignty and the legitimacy and the rule of law within the EU, in particular the system of protection of fundamental rights at the supranational level.
  • Senior researcher Archil Chochia focuses on technology law, ethical issues of digitalization, and European Union integration and neighborhood policy. Archil has extensive international experience, having collaborated on numerous international research projects and presented at conferences and seminars worldwide.
  • Senior researcher David Ramiro Troitiño focuses on EU integration, digital policies, and e-governance. In addition to his work at the technical university, David is also a member of the Jean Monnet Chair of European Union Digital Development and the deputy director of the Jean Monnet Network on e-Governance and Digital Development.

Why study in TalTech Law School?

  • Integration of Technology and Law: TalTech’s law program combines traditional legal education with modern technology topics such as cybersecurity, data protection, digital intellectual property, and the legal aspects of artificial intelligence, preparing students for contemporary legal challenges. Katrin Merike Nyman-Metcalf, Associate Professor in the Department of Law, explains why a lawyer should know technology law in today's society. Read here and here.
  • Research Excellence and Practical Legal Tech Focus: The department engages in research projects on AI and law, e-governance, international cyber diplomacy, and the digital single market, equipping students with cutting-edge knowledge in legal tech. Our interdisciplinary approach extends to areas such as the medical field, e-construction, e-governance, smart city, legaltech capabilities, energy law, legal design, and more.
  • Highly Professional Staff: TalTech’s faculty includes professionals from MIT, Uppsala University, Helsinki University, and others, offering students world-class education and insights. Our research outputs are among the best in law & tech.
  • Multicultural and International Environment: With faculty and students from over 38 nations and global collaborations, TalTech provides a multicultural education, essential for understanding different legal systems and cross-border careers.
  • Strong Industry and Government Connections: TalTech partners with developed legal societies, EU institutions, and government ministries. We have provided services to leading digital age corporations like Meta and Bolt. We organize the annual international student conference Laitech with nearly 500 participants and the Future Law conference for the world's most innovative legal practitioners.
  • Support for Entrepreneurship: Located in Estonia, with the highest number of start-ups per capita in the EU, TalTech supports entrepreneurship through start-up programs and implementing capacity building projects in cooperation with TalTech innovation centre MEKTORY and Tehnopol. We also have LegalLab, which specializes in handling government and international procurements, in partnership with Deloitte, PwC, and other leading consulting firms globally.

Future Career

Majandusteaduskonna tudengid

The demand for lawyers specialising in technology law is on the rise. The digital world is developing at a rapid pace and the regulation of information technology and intellectual property or digital market is becoming increasingly more important. Consequently, seize the opportunity to become a modern, technologically savvy lawyer - by choosing our law programme, technological changes will bring you new opportunities. After graduating, your knowledge will enable you to contribute to the discussions on the development of the legal frameworks surrounding new technologies. Do not be a bystander. Be a part of the change!

Our graduates are qualified work in EU and international organisations and institutions, international companies and different law offices.

Prominent alumni

  • Kerli Veski is an Estonian diplomat and Director General of Law Department in Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • Paula-Mai Sepp, adviser in the Ministry of Justice on the field of public e-services and IT.
  • Sandra Särav, Deputy Secretary General for Business and Consumer Environment, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications for Estonia.
  • Bogdan Kelichavyi is the newly elected mayor of Kopychyntsi, in the western Ternopil region, Ukraine.

What students say?

Saban Ibrahim Goksal is our law graduate who came to Estonia because of his interest in technology law and his desire to find a flexible and future-oriented educational and living environment. Read here

After my studies at Tallinn Law School, I joined the Business Security and Legal Compliance team in an international telecommunications company, Tele2, and undertook the challenges of working as an in-house lawyer. For a lawyer, working in the rapidly changing telecom industry offers a wide range of challenges, both exciting and demanding, to tackle on a daily basis, for which the studies in Tallinn Law School has prepared me well. The future seems bright with many interesting opportunities ahead!

I studied both bachelor and master degrees of law in Tallinn Law School (TLS), Tallinn University of Technology. I chose to study in Tallinn because of the programme emphasising international and European Union law as well as human rights, which I have always felt passionate about. My decision was supported by the fact that no university in Finland provided similar kind of internationally orientated legal education in English. I truly enjoyed my studies at TLS. Based on my own personal interests I wrote my master thesis on human rights in health care, which turned out to be a gold mine for my career. During the thesis project I had plenty of great discussions with my supervisor, Professor Katrin Nyman-Metcalf who, together with the other members of TLS’s academic staff, also encouraged me to expand my research to a doctoral level. Following their advices as well as my own academic desires, after graduating Master in Arts in Law I enrolled to University of Helsinki as a Ph.D. Candidate of law.

The reason I came to study in the Law programme is that it is offered in Estonia and the country is renowned for its advanced e-governance systems and start-ups. Secondly, the programme is offered at technical university, so what would be a better place to study law and technology! The programme has lived up to my expectations – we have had many exciting courses such as digital evidence, cyber security and a course on how to build start-ups, all this through the prism of law, which gives the programme a stimulating touch of interdisciplinarity.

Student life

TalTech Students

TalTech hosts nearly 40 student organizations catering to various interests, such as robotics, satellite construction, event organization, and debate clubs. These organizations provide leadership and project management opportunities, allowing students to pursue passions outside the classroom. The university also supports a balanced and healthy lifestyle through its sporting facilities and active sports community, offering a range of sports and fitness activities.

The student association of TalTech Law School, acts as a trustee for law students by providing social, and cultural activities. Collaborating with other student organizations, and business partners both domestically and internationally. The association supports students academically and in everyday challenges, enhancing their university experience. Look more on our Instagram and Facebook pages.

Ask Us

TalTech international admissions office

TalTech international admissions office provides general advice to prospective Bachelor’s and Master’s degree applicants and their advisers about applying to and studying at TalTech.

Contact us via study@taltech.ee.

Student counsellor at School of Business and Governance

Student counsellor at the School of Business and Governance can help you with questions about the study programme.

Piret Levertand
(+372) 620 3940

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