Tallinn University of Technology

At the 102nd anniversary ceremony of the Republic of Estonia, TalTech honoured the best researchers, lecturers, programme directors, support staff of 2019 and named the best authors of scientific articles and students.

TalTech Researcher of the Year 2019 is Targo Kalamees, Professor of Building Physics at the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, School of Engineering, and the best junior reseacher is Ralf-Martin Soe, Senior Research Fellow at the Smart City Centre of Excellence.

The best TalTech Research Articles of 2019:

  • In natural sciences, precision and health sciences: Sandra Kaabel, Robin S. Stein, Maria Fomitšenko, Ivar Järving, Tomislav Friscic, Riina Aav “Size-Control by Anion Templating in Mechanochemical Synthesis of Hemicucurbiturils in the Solid State“ Angew, 2019 Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 6230 –6234
  • In technics and technology:

Anton Vedešin, John Mehmet Ulgar Dogru, Innar Liiv, Sadok Ben Yahia, Dirk Draheim “A Secure Data Infrastructure for Personal Manufacturing Based on a Novel Key-less, Byte-less Encryption Method”, IEEE Access, 2019; 

Kristi Timmo, Mare Altosaar, Maris Pilvet, Valdek Mikli, Maarja Grossberg, Mati Danilson, Taavi Raadik, Raavo Josepson, Jüri Krustok, Marit Kauk-Kuusik “The effect of Ag alloying of Cu2(Zn,Cd)SnS4 on the monograin powder properties and solar cell performance”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7, 24281-24291 DOI:10.1039/C9TA07768E. 

  • In social sciences and humanities: Maarja Toots “Why E-participation systems fail: The case of Estonia's Osale.ee”, 2019 Government Information Quarterly, 36 (3), 546−559.

The best TalTech developments in 2019:

  • 1st prize – development project “Robotic Vessel NYMO”, research team consisting of Heigo Mõlder, Tanel Jalakas, Indrek Roasto, Taavi Möller.
  • 2nd prize – development project „Smart Pavement (a digitalised multifunctional module integrated into the pavement, powered by solar energy)“, research team consisting of Malle Krunks, Andres Krumme, Allan Lahi, Arvo Mere, Ilona Oja Acik, Veljo Sinivee, Nicolae Spalatu, Viktoria Vassiljeva, Mihkel Viirsalu, Daniil Denissov.
  • 3rd prize – development project „Development of accredited lighting engineering laboratory measurement services and innovative measurement method and instrument“, research team consisting of Argo Rosin, Arvo Oorn, Toivo Varjas, Rein Laaneots, Raivo Teemets, Taavi Möller.

The best TalTech lecturers in 2019:
Harli Moosaar, Senior Lecturer, Shipping Center, Estonian Maritime Academy;
Aurika Nõmm, Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, School of Engineering;
Jane Raamets, Lecturer, Tartu College, School  of Engineering;
Marina Krichevskaya, Senior Lecturer, Department of Materials and Environmental Technology, School of Engineering;
Kristiina Hakk, Associate Professor, IT College, School  of Information Technologies;
Priit Raspel, Visiting Lecturer, School  of Information Technologies, Department of Software Science and IT College;
Rutt Hints, Researcher, Department of Geology, School  of Science;
Raili Lahi, Lecturer, Department of Economics and Finance, School  of Business and Governance;
Külli Sarapuu, Associate Professor, Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance, School  of Business and Governance;
Marina Järvis, Senior Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, School of Business and Governance.

The best TalTech Programme Directors in 2019:

Maarja Kruusmaa, School  of Information Technologies
Kristjan Rebane, School  of Information Technologies
Vello Tõugu, School  of Science

The best TalTech Support Staff Members in 2019:

Virgo Vellend, Multimedia Specialist, School  of Information Technologies;
Liisi Ilu, Administrative Manager, School  of Information Technologies;
Aime Piht, Head of the Dean's Office, School of Engineering;
Marika Lunden, Deputy Head of Research Administration Office;
Keiu Org, Student Recruitment Coordinator, Office of Academic Affairs;

TalTech Student of the Year 2019 is Rico Jaanipere

TalTech Student Deed 2019 is the Flower Scholarship Initiative carried out by Brigita Mass, Meeri Vainola, Helina Piibeleht and Karina Natfullina, members of the Student Council of the School of Business and Governance; 

The Sports Deed 2019 is Siim Salin's silver medal in the Student World Cup in Classical Powerlifting, which was awarded with the title of the best student athlete in Estonia in 2019.

TalTech Cultural Deed 2019 is the TalTech Folk Dance Group Kuljus - celebration of the 70th anniversary of the dance group Kuljus with a spectacular concert performance Kaheksakand.