Tallinn University of Technology

Open studies

Open studies creates an opportunity for continued education. Everyone, who wants to increase their knowledge, study a new field or continue interrupted studies without applying to become a student, is welcome to participate in open studies. Open studies  is also suitable for those who want to test the suitability of a studying format or field of specialisation.

Advantages of open studies

The participation in lectures of open studies is together with students and the tests and exams completed are on an equal basis with students. The main difference is that for those participating in upgrading through open studies, do not have the load requirements stipulated for students. This means you have the possibility of studying subjects that interest you from one or several study programmes, at a pace suitable to you. The discounts (incl. health insurance, state study loans, ISIC) attributed to students also are not valid in open studies. 

Acceptance into open studies

  • The prerequisite for studies is at least the completion of secondary studies.

  • Acceptance is without competition.

  • Studies take place using the same schedule used by regular students.

  • Studying in open university costs. 

  • Starting studies requires signing a contract (duration one semester or 6 months), which gives access to the study information system ÕIS and the libraries (requires taking along the signed contract). 

  • The contract is signed in person (in Tallinn, Kopli 101, room 223). Take with you documents proving your education and person, as well as a filled in application (can be filled in on location too, if necessary).


What is open studies?

Open studies creates an opportunity for continued studies. Everyone, who wants to increase their knowledge, study a new field or continue interrupted studies without applying to become a student, is welcome to participate in open studies. Open studies is also suitable for those who want to test the suitability of a studying format or field of specialisation.

What is the principle difference between someone studying in open studiesand a student? 

The participation in lectures of open studies is together with students and the tests and exams completed are on an equal basis with students. The main difference is that for those participating in upgrading through open studies, do not have the load requirements stipulated for students. This means you have the possibility of studying subjects that interest you from one or several study programmes, at a pace suitable to you.

Which subjects and schools are accessible in open studies?

It is possible to study subjects of all study programmes offered by the different schools and colleges of TalTech on the level of professional higher education, Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral studies.

Is it possible to select subjects from different fields and complete only individual subjects from a study programme?

Yes, it is possible to select exactly those subjects, which one wants. There is no restriction on the number of subjects.

Are those in continued education eligible for student discounts?

Students in open studies do not have the right to student discounts (incl. health insurance, state study loans, ISIC).

When and how does application into open studies take place?

It is possible to start open studies twice a year – in the autumn semester and spring semester. A contract is signed with the student, which regulates studies just for one semester. Application information and dates will be published on the Tallinn University of Technology website.

All people with at least secondary education can study in open studies. Acceptance takes place without state examinations. It is necessary to present an application form, the original and a copy of the document confirming education, as well as an identification document, in order to sign the contract. The application form can be found on the open studies website or in the offices of the TalTech open studies and colleges.

It is required to take along an identification document for extending the contract for the next semester.

Do I need to present a proof of education document, if I have previously studied at TalTech EMERA?

No, you do not. In such a case you need to present an identification document and fill in the application form.

What is the study information system ÕIS?

The TalTech study information system is an official information system on the organisation of studies, which is used for exchanging information concerning the organisation of studies.
A student in open studies compiles and presents an individual programme of studies in the study information system (ÕIS).

How do I obtain a username and password for ÕIS?

There are four ways how to enter the study information system:

  1. Use your ID card;
  2. Use a password. A password is provided by the TalTech information systems services located in SOC building room 132. NB! Take along an identification document;
  3. Use your Mobile-ID;
  4. Use your Smart-ID.

Use your ID card to enter the system, if you want to enter or change your ÕIS password.

When must I select subjects?

A student in open studies, after signing the contract, receives the right to use the TalTech study information system ÕIS, where the student creates for him/herself an individual study programme.
Subjects can be chosen until the time established in the TalTech academic calendar. The corresponding information is displayed on the TalTech website and in the study information system under the open studies notices.

How to choose subjects?

Subjects can be chosen from the list of subjects, which is located in ÕIS.
All subjects taught and each study group has a code attributed to it.
NB! An open studies student is not bound by a single study group. The study group, the studies of which take place at the most convenient time can be chosen.
It is sensible, when selecting subjects, to acquaint yourself with the TalTech EMERA schedule, which displays the time and location of studies.

What to do if I have decided to discontinue studies?

You must inform open university  in writing, if studies will be discontinued.
Extract from contract section 4.4:
TalTech has the right to demand payment of half of the tuition fee, if the contract is cancelled prior to the 1st of November in the autumn semester and prior to April 1st in the spring semester.
The student is obligated to pay the full tuition fee, if a student in open studies cancels the contract after the 1st of November in the autumn semester and April 1st in the spring semester. 

Can one take subjects in open studies, which have prerequisite subjects, but these have not been completed?

The remark is informative and does not prevent a declaration. Your ability to complete the subject will be decided by the faculty teaching the subject.

Do I have the possibility and right to borrow books from the library?

You can become a user of the library based on the open studies contract. You can register as a user at the information desk of the library. Take with you, in addition to the contract, an identification document.

Do open studies cost and how much?

Open studies cost and the tuition fee depends on how many ECTS credits are chosen.
Tuition fees are found on the Tallinn University of Technology website.
The invoice is sent to the student in open studies through the study information system ÕIS two weeks after the date marked in the academic calendar as the deadline for choosing subjects.

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