Table of Contents
CEE-SIMP is a Doctoral-level course offered by a consortium of six prestigious European universities dealing with aspects of sustainable production of metallic raw materials, circular economy and entrepreneurship. The course consists of three main components: a series of online lectures offered by experts, working cases from industrial partners to be solved by international teams of students and a venture-creation Summer camp.
This program is for students interested on advancing their entrepreneurship, learning teamwork, developing business ideas, and learning the basics of creating a start-up company, The team can consist of 2–5 people. and welcomes students of higher, professional higher education, and vocational educational institutions as well as upper secondary schools.
The Jumpstarter program of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) is one of the more diverse pre-accelerator programs for start-ups. TalTech is a partner of EIT Raw Materials and Digital in Estonia.
The aim of the EIT Jumpstarter program is to provide support to start-ups and the opportunity to validate their idea across EIT areas. The EIT Jumpstarer is open to students, researchers and entrepreneurs, and applications are normally open in the spring.
Through several bootcamps, participants will receive suggestions for setting up their "Pitch deck" and moving forward in a competitive situation. At the end of the program, the team has validated their business concept, developed a business plan, formulated the next steps and presented their idea to potential investors. Passing the EIT Jumpstarter program provides the confidence to move forward with the EIT Thematic Networks' business acceleration programs, which already receive operating grants to turn ideas into reality.
The EIT Jumpstarter is divided into six thematic communities : health technologies, food technologies, mineral resources, energy, manufacturing and smart cities.
The Baltic and Eastern CLCs will host a Careers Fair in three locations in Eastern Europe. The project makes career opportunities more accessible to people in Eastern Europe from the Baltic States, Poland and South-East Europe.
At the events, participants will get the opportunity to meet and discuss with representatives from EIT RawMaterials partner organizations and other firms in the sector as well as education KAVA projects. The concept is to minimize the risk that people are underemployed while firms simultaneously experience skills shortages.
The objective of Ementor is to strengthen entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship in the Raw Materials sector by creating a specialized Mentor Network that can become a single door to ask for advice. The aim is not only mentoring start-ups or early stage businesses, but also to help in converting new EIT RM upscaling projects into spin-off companies.
Therefore the most related end-customers for this tool will be entrepreneurs or related teams that are willing to initiate their own technology based business in the Raw Materials field. Keeping in mind that the mentors will come from the partners own networks, and the consortium covers most of the EIT RM area of influence, EMENTOR will have a very broad area of geographical coverage from the very beginning (Sweden, Ireland, Estonia, Germany, Italy and Spain). In the future, additional recommendations/networks from other partners can be added to cover the entire EIT RM community.
Phosphorus(P) is a critical raw material and its sustainable management needs to be implemented in all European regions. In InPhos, a working group of experts from developed countries and the Baltic region will jointly develop a P strategy for the Baltic countries, via the transfer of knowledge and design of modern solutions for a sustainable use of P. InPhos will also raise awareness among stakeholders on the implications of P scarcity in Europe.
SmartHUB is the strategic alliance for machinery & mining engineering, building an IoT ecosystem, through that data can be collected on machine performance to help clients create and deploy machines that are more suited to the task at hand. SmartHUB can thus help secure better hours, improved efficiency, and better life expectancy of mining machines as well as processes.
The project objective is to develop superior technical infrastructure throughout EIT RawMaterials community to foster technologies and methodologies for re-activation of former mine sites. The project will establish a Network of Infrastructure (NoI) of experts throughout the EIT Raw-Materials community, developing superior technical infrastructure to create synergies to merge and further develop advanced technologies and methodologies for re-activation of former mine sites.
RE-ACTIVATE's work will stimulate investment by reducing risk for new investment in re-activation projects in European countries and by attracting different stakeholders. However, the European example, covering first class standards, can be expanded to all raw material regions of the world; to the benefit of all stakeholders in raw materials projects, like raw material companies, responsible authorities and the society, represented by NGOs, interest groups (e.g. environmental, first nations, cultural hesitates), local or regional agencies) or single persons.
FLAME has the vision of turning the raw materials dependence into a strategic strength for Europe. DPS technology can become key in increasing resource efficiency by enabling dry (ultra)fine mineral classification and extraction of valuable minerals from both primary and secondary resources.
Within the project, intense knowledge exchange between mineral end-users, power central customers and machine builders will enable de-siloing expertise, sharing of expertise, competences of skilled R&D, and technical personnel. In addition, student internships and engagement of engineering master students will be organized, aiming to provide a recruitment base.
Bridging to RM-rich developing countries. Many KIC partners have established long-standing relationships with RM-rich developing and emerging countries. The GATEWAY project will gather and circulate information about on-going projects done in cooperation with such countries. It will evaluate the potential for enhanced know-how development, transfer of technologies and secured access to raw material sources in sustainable conditions. One of the key deliverables of the project will be the identification of future research, education and business collaborations, which could be, pursued with non-European developing countries in the field of raw materials.
ReviRis is an evaluative toolbox for decision-makers. The project contextualizes current practices in civic engagement and decision-making focusing on involvement, and engagement of different actors and stakeholders in the planning/design process in the revitalization of post-mining land. The evaluative criteria are based on social, economic and biophysical attributes, possibilities and constraints, and tested using RIS region example cases.
Mining machinery is strategic for mining and critical in terms of occupational health of the workers. SAFEME4MINE is a preventive maintenance system of mining machinery focused on safety devices. The project will develop a system (software-based solution and a measurement toolkit). Together with a precise inspection procedure, the system will give as result recommendations and corrective measures contributing to the overall maintenance strategy.
Visual 3D - Visualisation of 3D–4D models in exploration and geosciences
The goal of this project is to increase the understanding of geological bodies in 3D and 4D through improved visualisation techniques. By creating a network that improves the interchangeability of models and furthermore enables full data integration, the project aims to decrease the need for over-simplifications and consequently increase the usability of geomodels in exploration and research.
VR Lab
VR-Lab is an education program content, introducing RM & experiment procedures, including an interactive VR environment mimicking metallurgical facilities & labs. The VR-Lab allows students and professionals to gain hands-on experience on planning, performing & evaluating experiments in a test facility & operating high-temperature processes, without high costs, preparations & safety issues. VR-Lab is accessed via VR-devices, PCs & mobiles.
This project focuses on the generation of intelligence, data and information related to the framework conditions to boost innovation relevant to the present and future Mobility Transition trends. It is aimed to identify main conditions and barriers to support innovation in this area, particularly for the EU-Africa context. The information is sourced from a wide range of stakeholders in the context of Mobility Transition, with emphasis on resource-rich countries in Africa and its unique selling points compared to other similar stakeholders globally.