Infertility is a global problem affecting approximately 15% of all couples in a fertile age. There are many causes for both male and female infertility, as well as numerous treatment options. One common method enabling otherwise infertile couples to receive their genetically own offspring is in vitro fertilization (IVF). Sadly, the efficiency of IVF is low – on average only one in three procedures culminates in the birth of a child.

The Reproductive Biology Research Group at the Tallinn University of Technology studies the molecular mechanisms behind normal ovarian function and infertility. We are focused foremost on female infertility and on such ovarian processes which assure the maturation of a healthy egg. This maturation is affected by hormones from the pituitary gland, steroid hormones produced by the ovaries and several signaling molecules that traffic between the egg and the surrounding granulosa cells. By identifying key signaling pathways for ovarian functions, we can understand, diagnose, and treat infertility of ovarian etiology
In our work we use both classical laboratory methods as well as methods for high throughput analysis, especially RNA sequencing. We use bioinformatical data analysis to model active signaling pathways in the ovary.
We are in close cooperation with the Competence Centre on Health Technologies, HansaBioMed Life Sciences and with all fertility clinics in Estonia.