Tallinn University of Technology

Rules for organisation of studies

Free studies

  • In order to study for free, a student must complete courses in his/her study programme in the amount of 30 ECTS credit points; tuition fee must be paid for the lacking credit points at the end of each semester.
  • A student completes the nominal workload if he/she completes courses in the amount of 30 ECTS credit points in a semester.
  • The credit points are calculated cumulatively after each semester. The required workload is 30 ECTS credit points per semester.
  • Full-time students who have commenced studies free of charge in a study programme taught in Estonian or English, including at a student place funded by tuition fee waiver scholarship, who fail to complete the required cumulative semester load by the end of the semester, shall pay tuition fee in the amount of 44 euros for each lacking credit point.

As an exception, tuition fee for lacking points shall not be paid by a student that has commenced full-time free studies in a study programme taught in Estonian and is a parent or a guardian of a child under the age of 7 years or of a child with a disability, a person with moderate, severe or profound disability or has fully or partially lost his/her capacity for work. Such a student can study for free provided that he/she completes the study programme in the amount of at least 15 ECTS credit points each semester. For this purpose, the supporting documents must be submitted to the dean’s office of the school at the beginning of the semester.  

In the first semester, a student must declare and complete courses in his/her study programme in the amount of at least 15 ECTS credit points.
NB! The credit points awarded through APEL shall not be counted towards completion of the required workload of 15 ECTS credit points! 

A student who fails to complete at least 15 ECTS credit points in the first semester loses his/her student place and will be exmatriculated.

During the course of the semester, in the event of voluntary disenrollment, the applicable fees for credit points shall be as follows:

  • For students enrolled in Estonian-language programs, who are entitled to tuition-free education, submitting a voluntary exmatriculation request during the semester, after more than 70 days have elapsed since the beginning of the semester, entails payment for the credit points of all declared but yet-to-be-completed courses for the current semester at the rate of 44 euros per credit point.
  • Similarly, for students enrolled in English-language programs, who are entitled to tuition-free education, submitting a voluntary exmatriculation request during the semester, after the deadline for submission of the semester curriculum, necessitates payment for the credit points of all declared but yet-to-be-completed courses for the current semester at the rate of 44 euros per credit point.

Self-paid studies

In order to secure a student place, a student shall complete courses in his/her study programme in the amount of at least 15 ECTS credit points per each semester.
Tuition fee shall be paid by students who:

  • are studying part-time;
  • have previously studied at the same level of higher education for free and the triple (or double in case of the integrated study programmes) nominal duration of the study programme has not passed from commencement of studies; 
  • re-commence studies in the same study programme (have studied less than fifty per cent of the nominal duration of the study programme) and less than two years have passed from exmatriculation.

Tuition fee rates

The university establishes the rates and the terms and conditions of payment of tuition fee by the Senate’s resolution for each academic year at least four months before the beginning of the academic year. The university has the right to increase the tuition fee rate by ten percent each academic year from the fee rate in the previous academic year.

  • In part-time studies, tuition fee shall be paid based on the credit point price, depending on the amount of the courses declared by the student for the semester.
  • In full-time studies, a tuition fee shall be paid based on the credit point price or a semester fee shall be paid based on the established fee rates.

Study load

A student shall choose his/her study load upon admission. At the end of each academic year, the university reviews the credit points completed by the student and recalculates the student’s study load for the next academic year based on the credit points. A study load is determined based on the courses in the study programme completed by the student and the number of semesters attended by the student.

  • Nominal load   30 ECTS credit points per each semester attended
  • Full-time load   22.5 - 30 ECTS credit points per each semester attended
  • Part-time load   15 - 22 ECTS credit points per each semester attended

A student shall be transferred from full-time study to part-time study at the end of an academic year if the student has not completed courses in the amount of at least 22.5 ECTS credit points per each attended semester.
Transfer from full-time study does not release the student from the obligation to pay for the credit points lacking in the previous semester.

Academic calendar

  • All the important deadlines related to studies are laid down in the academic calendar.

  • Each School has the right to specify the time schedule (e.g. the schedule related to graduation).

Declaring and completing a course

  • Each course can be declared free of charge twice.

  • A declaration is valid for one semester, i.e. the assessments and examinations must be passed in the semester for which you declared.

  • A course ending with an examination shall have three dates for taking an examination, a student can take an examination twice. The last result shall apply.

  • An extended course description shall include information on how the result of the course is formed and the deadlines.

Declaring a thesis, submitting a defence application

  • The graduation thesis must be declared by the student for the upcoming semester, which the student undertakes to defend the thesis. 
  • A student who has agreed on a supervisor and a thesis topic shall include them in the individual study plan. If a student does not have a thesis topic and a supervisor when declaring a thesis, the student shall submit the individual study plan without the abovementioned data.
  • It is possible to add or change the thesis topic and the name of the supervisor on defence application until the submission deadline set out in the academic calendar.
  • In order for a graduation thesis to be admitted for defence, a student shall submit a defence application via SIS by the deadline set out in the academic calendar. It is enabled only if the thesis has been declared. 


  • For accreditation of prior and experiential learning for the completion of a study programme an APEL application needs to be submitted in the study information system ÕIS.

  • Starting from 01.08.2020 (only the applications submitted starting from 01.08.2020)  the credit points taken into account through accreditation of prior and experiential learning, including continuing education courses, shall be counted towards completion of a study load.

  • Credit points acquired from APEL are counted toward completion of a study programme.

  • A fee is charged for APEL, except in case of applying for accreditation of courses completed in TalTech after 1 September 1995.

Read more 

Academic leave

A student is exmatriculated during studies in the following cases:

  • upon graduation in connection with the completion of a study programme in full

  • the student fails to submit the individual study plan/declaration by the prescribed deadline

  • at the student's own request (an application must be submitted in the study information system ÕIS)

  • the student has accumulated less than 15 ECTC credit points in the first semester

  • the student has failed to fulfil the part-time load requirement by the end of the academic year

  • due to contemptible conduct

  • the student has not paid the tuition fee

You are studying for free if you complete courses in your study programme in the amount of at least 30 ECTS credit points per each semester, i.e. you study with a nominal workload.
If you take more courses in one semester, you can take less in another semester.
Example: if you complete courses in your study programme in the amount of 36 ECTS credit points in the first semester, you only have to complete 24 ECTS credit points in the second semester, because the required nominal workload (2 attended semesters x 30 ECTS credit points = 60 ECTS credit points) is fulfilled.

A small error margin is allowed (6 ECTS credit points)
Example: if you declare 30 ECTS credit points in the first semester and for some reason you only complete 24 ECTS credit points, you do not have to pay for the lacking points. However, you must complete 30 ECTS credit points in each following semester and the lacking 6 ECTS credit points must still be completed in order to complete the study programme.

A student shall pay for the lacking credit points if the student lacks more than 6 ECTS credit points of the nominal workload (30 ECTS credit points per semester). The fee for the lacking credit points is calculated at the end of each semester. The lacking credit points are calculated using the following formula: the number of semesters studied multiplied by 30 ECTS credit points minus 6 ECTS credit points.
In case of paying for the credit points by which a student falls short of the nominal load, the price for a credit point is 44 euros.

In the first semester you complete 30 ECTS credit points and pay nothing.
In the second semester you complete 24 ECTS credit points and pay nothing, because you do not lack more than 6 ECTS credit points, which is the maximum amount you are allowed to fall short of the nominal workload. 
In the third semester you complete 24 ECTS credit points and shall pay for 6 ECTS credit points, because this is the amount of credit points by which you fall short of the required workload. 3x30 minus 6 = 84, but you have completed only 78 ECTS credit points. 84-78=6 ECTS credit points. 6x40=240 euros.
In the fourth semester you complete 30 ECTS credit points, but you still fall 6 ECTS credit points short of the minimum requirement and, thus, have to pay 6x40= 240 euros.
If you complete at least 36 ECTS credit points in the fifth semester, no invoice will be issued at the end of the semester.

Exception: a student who has commenced studies free of charge in a study programme taught in Estonian, if the student is a parent of a child under the age of 7 years or a person with a disability or a parent or guardian of a child with a disability, can complete less than 30 ECTS credit points in a semester without paying for the lacking credit points (provided that the student completes courses in the amount of at least 15 ECTS credit points in a semester). For this purpose, the child's birth certificate must be submitted to the dean’s office of the school at the beginning of the semester.
For further information please contact the dean’s office of the school!

A study load is determined based on the courses in the study programme completed by the student and the number of semesters attended by the student. At the end of each academic year, a student’s study load for the next academic year shall be determined by dividing the sum of the ECTS credit points of the completed courses by the number of the semesters. The semesters during which the student was on academic leave shall not be taken into account in the calculation of the semesters, but the credit points completed during academic leave shall be taken into account.

At the end of each semester, the amount of credit points completed by the student is reviewed to make sure whether the student has to pay for the lacking credit points. The calculation is done using the following formula: the number of semesters studied multiplied by 30 minus 6.

In the last semester of the nominal study period, a student shall reimburse tuition fee for the credits the student falls short from the completion of the study programme in full, excluding the credits for the graduation thesis/final exam.

A student can study for free if by the end of the respective semester the student has completed the following amount of credit points in his/her study programme:

Semesters completed

Nominal workload

In order to study for free, the following credit points are required:

By the end of I semester

30 ECTS credits

24 ECTS credits

By the end of II semester

60 ECTS credits

54 ECTS credits

By the end of III semester

90 ECTS credits

84 ECTS credits

By the end of IV semester

120 ECTS credits

114 ECTS credits

By the end of V semester

150 ECTS credits

144 ECTS credits

