Tallinn University of Technology

Science in 3 minutes

Researchers and collaborators from the School of IT open their research in short videos and make clear who benefits from the research and how. In the videos, you'll learn why you need secure hardware or reliable software, how smart sensor solutions help marine companies find containers in ports, or how our software scientists helped innovate in global commerce. Another important topic is 5G research, how we help healthcare develop world-class remote services or how we apply artificial intelligence to control complex building automation.

Smart sensor solutions with machine learning algorithms help to create a smart infrastructure

TalTech's Embedded AI Research Lab with the researcher Mairo Leier has created solutions for companies that help save both time and money. Almost 80 percent of the projects are carried out in cooperation with the private sector. The laboratory is contacted when it is necessary to make the existing solutions more efficient or to create an opportunity to manage and monitor various processes. Today, the focus of the laboratory is on issues related to the digitization of smart infrastructure, transport and maritime affairs, and the main competence is the creation of smart sensor solutions using machine-learning algorithms.

The collaboration between Eurora Solutions and TalTech led to innovation in global trade

Ingrid Pappel, Head of Next Gen Digital State Research Group at TalTech Research Group, and Kaie Hansson, Innovation Manager at Eurora Solutions OÜ, talk about how the company created service platform software that benefits e-commerce platforms, e-shops, European Union countries, international postal, courier and logistics companies and European Union customs officials and tax administrations.

How to design secure hardware?

At the 2021 IT Innovation Festival, Professor Samuel Pagliarini of TalTech's Centre for Hardware Security spoke about what hardware security means and how to design secure hardware despite an unreliable supply chain. The center is developing a number of methods to make the chips more difficult for malicious parties to understand. If they do not understand its construction, it cannot be copied. If its construction cannot be fully understood, it will not be possible to obtain the data later when the back door is created.

Why is it necessary to create reliable software and "materials science" of the computer systems?

Pawel Sobocinski, head of TalTech's Laboratory of Compositional Systems and Methods, opens in the video with what reliable software technologies mean and why they are needed. Trustworthy software technologies means understanding the principles of writing software that can be trusted to do what its designers claim it does.

TalTech collaborates extensively in the development of remote healthcare services

One of the most exciting challenges of the E-medicine Centre is how to support the integration of remote services into the health care system. Remote healthcare services are services provided at a distance, using a variety of information and communication technologies to exchange medical data and information. Information can be exchanged, for example, in the form of text, audio or video, to prevent, diagnose and treat diseases. The use of remote services has the potential to improve the availability of health care services and the quality of treatment, saving money and time.

How artificial intelligence and data processing is helping to create better building automation?

Effective control systems are an essential part of modern technology and are applied in various fields. Building automation is undoubtedly one of the most important the point of view of control systems. In practice, the biggest challenge is to replace existing systems with modern data-driven smart technologies. Artificial intelligence is helping us, which enhances the design of effective control systems. It also helps to adapt the building's heating, cooling and ventilation automation, enabling a quick and predictive response to external conditions, which in turn saves money and the environment. Centre for Intelligent Systems' cooperation with R8 Technologies started almost two years ago. The aim of the cooperation was to develop and implement new, more efficient algorithms based on artificial intelligence and data processing in building automation.

TalTech's research group technologies provide value to society and improve people's quality of life

Professor Muhammad Mahtab Alam, Head of TalTech's Communication Systems Research Group, introduces in a video shown at the IT Innovation Festival what problems they are solving with new communication technologies such as 5G or Narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT). They are trying to make new technologies more reliable - that is, to transmit larger amounts of data with a shorter delay, as well as sustainable and energy-efficient data transmission.

How Telia and TalTech benefit from cooperation in the development of 5G technology?

Telia Estonia's Chief Technology Officer Andre Visse talks in a video shown at the IT Innovation Festival about how the telecommunications company and the Tallinn University of Technology work together in the best possible way and what both sides have already won. In his opinion, the cooperation has been especially fruitful due to the fact that Telia has practical knowledge and customer knowledge, and it is possible to gain more academic and scientific wisdom from TalTech.