Tallinn University of Technology

Table of Contents


Information for new student

Getting your UNI-ID, how to log in to your university e-mail, how to log in to Study Information System (ÕIS) etc, can be found here.  Information on student housing and map of the campus ( under section Good to know) can be found here.

Bus service will be available on Wednesdays for attending the compulsary courses. Bus leaves Delta Building in Tartu 7:15, and arrives to Taltech Main Building parking lot Ehitajate tee 5. Bus will leave from IT College parking lot Raja 4C at 17:45, and takes students back to Delta Building in Tartu. Bus will have wifi. 

10:00- 11:30 ITT8060 Advanced Programming lecture in room U05-103 (Main building)

12:00-13:30 ITT8060 Advanced Programming practice in room ICT-122 ( IT Building)

14:00-15:30 IDY0204 Software Quality and Standards lecture in room U05-103

16:00-17:30 IDY0204 Software Quality and Standards practice in room ICO-410 (IT College Raja 4c)

Consultation hours

Contact the lecturer in order to get information about the consultation hours. Contact information of the lecturer can be easily found by using the  search engine.


Practical training

In software engineering you need to complete 18 ECTS worth of practical training. You can choose between getting credit for internships or doing project courses listed under the practical training module. The below information currently concerns only the credit for internships. Please note that starting with the 2016 cohort, the students choosing the Enterprise Software specialization will need to choose from the two course codes below (or both) to get credit for internships at companies. The embedded and real time software engineering students will need register their internships in University of Tartu.

To get your practical training assessed, you will need to complete a 4 step process and pick from the two internship credit codes:

  • ITX8510 offers 6 ECTS for Internships & Practical trainings. (4 weeks of full time work)
  • ITX8511 offers 12 ECTS for Internships & Practical trainings. (8 weeks of full time work)

If you are looking for a new internship place, please first check out UT practical training offers, and also the following Taltech Shool of IT page.

If you have found the company or government agency where you want to carry out your internship and have an idea about the duration of the internship, then you should contact the representative at the company and sign the follwing internship form:

1) Practical training plan2016.docx

If you have already work experience, the requirements to get this recognised are as follows:

The work that you have done must be in an IT-related field. For every 6 ECTS you must have worked at least 4 weeks full-time, or 8 weeks part-time (at 50%). You will still be asked to complete the practical training plan to be sure that the internship / practical training gets accepted.

Sign the form, have it signed by the supervisor at the company and then enrol yourself to the IVSM internships and practical training course and upload it to the appropriate assignment.

NB! No forms should be forwarded by e-mails!

2) Your supervisor at the legal entity where you carry out your internship will have to sign a form and evaluate your work progress. Internship regulations and supervisor form can be found on the Internship regulation and forms page. This signed supervisor form needs to be scanned and uploaded to the appropriate assignment in moodle.ttu.ee.

You can give the paper copy to the member of staff during your practical training seminar.

3) You will need to write a report about your internship. The guidelines of what the report should contain is given in the following document: Internship report guidelines.pdf. That needs to be submitted together with the supervisor form mentioned in the previous point.

4) You will have to give a presentation about what you have done during your work/internship. This presentation should not only give an overview of what the company is/was doing, but also present some particular projects and problems that you have been working on. If you have worked in a team, also explain how this went and what your contribution was. The presentation should be 8-10 min, and you should expect questions at any time.

The slots are listed in the moodle.ttu.ee under an appropriate course. Please write your name (by not exceeding the maximum student count) under the appropriate date. Please note that there are meetings in Tartu and Tallinn listed.

Before the seminar, you should file the application to register practical training under the appropriate course code (ITX8510 and/or ITX8511) in Taltech ÕIS. NB! Please press the "submit" button as well!

Internship coordinator for the curriculum is Tõnu Näks. Internship coordinator is an advisor, who, if necessary, recommends a place for internship, and explains and specifies the requirements for an internship.

More information can be found in alternative  web: courses.cs.ttu.ee/pages/IVSM#Practical_training


When writing the thesis you should follow the TalTech School of IT thesis formatting guidelines

Topics for thesis can be found here.

Deadlines for defence in May 2025

February 10, 2025- submit the study plan in OIS with thesis defence 

March 10, 2025- Thesis problem statement submission in Moodle 

May 12, 2025- deadline for defence application in OIS

May 12, 2025- deadline for submitting the final thesis pdf-file and metadata in Moodle

May 26, 2025 - Thesis defence in room ICT-411
