Tallinn University of Technology

Student project event and competition


Who participate: Student teams who make projects or solve challenges within problem- and project-based courses (e.g.  EuroTeQ Collider joined courses) 

When: every year in May during the last week of contact studies

Why/goal: to make the results of problem- and project-based learning and teaching more visible from the point of view of both students and lecturers, research groups and companies - these are practical examples of how the cooperation of different parties has made it possible to connect real-life problems, science-based education, entrepreneurship and different study and research fields. In order to create a path to innovation and encourage more to take such a hands-on approach. And, of course, sustainability is the overarching theme. 

In the figure below: Contributing to the goals of TalTech through the competition and EuroTeQ Collider

Figure TalTech goals and students projects competition