Tallinn University of Technology

TalTech Sustainable Futures 2024

At the event, student teams of various courses who have joined EuroTeQ Collider will present their projects.

SF 2024 ilma QR

The main theme is "Enhance Connections for Sustainable Futures" in which the sub-themes are: people, nature, technology. Each student team defines and selects, based on the content and result of their project/challenge, one category with which they are most associated. For this the category descriptions may help:

  • People: e.g. strengthening and empowering communities, connecting people's needs and desires with the help of technology (including e.g. digital solutions) in various fields such as well-being, health, culture, etc. 
  • Nature: e.g. mindful connections with nature, considering our environmental resources and the connection of living organisms with the environment: interactions in the ecosystem, ensuring biodiversity and nature conservation, using renewable energy, etc.
  • Technology: e.g. effective connections through technology both digitally and physically in different areas such as information technology, logistics, transport, manufacturing, communication, etc.​​​​​

In every category, the best project will be chosen by the jury, and the team has an opportunity to represent TalTech in the international event EuroTeQaThon, which takes place from the 8th to the 10th of June in EuroTeQ partner university École Polytechnique in Paris.



  • Team size of 3-6 students
  • TwoPager introducing the team's project
  • Evaluation criteria (not mandatory, but rather a helpful and context-creating aid)
  • Pitch 3-5 minutes


  • 6.05 registration for TalTech Sustainable Futures competition
  • 6.05 registration for pitch practice
  • 13.05 TwoPager submission, add here in the Dropbox
  • 16.05 (by 17.00 pm) presentations submission, add here in the Dropbox

Pitch practice seminar

  • 10th of May, Friday 10.00-12.30, SOC-213, registration until 6.05
  • Mayri Tiido, founder of Materialivoog.ee and pitch trainer
  • An overview of the nature and main components of a presentation speech (pitch) will be given. A pitch presentation is practised to get valuable feedback from the seminar leader and other students.