Tallinn University of Technology

Water Quality Research Laboratory

Water and Environmental Engineering Research Group provides analyses on surface-, waste- and groundwater samples as part of various research projects. 

The control programme ensuring the quality of water monitoring data and standardised methodologies of laboratory analyses have been implemented in the laboratory.

The Quality Assurance System was founded taking into account the requirements of the standard EVS EN 45001. During the period 1997-2001 the system was upgraded according to the new and amended standard EVS ISO/IEC 17025. The laboratory was accredited on 4th of October 2001 by the Estonian Accreditation Centre in the field of analyses on water quality. The system, elaborated by our laboratory is the prerequisite for receiving reliable and realistic results of analyses. Quality assurance is ensured by internal and external control and by systematic participation in state level and international comparative tests.

The staff of the laboratory takes part in the regular seminars on quality assurance and quality controlling organised by the state as well as in international and national (twice per year) comparative tests on waste, surface, ground and drinking (if possible also on marine) water samples. The number of parameters determined and concentrations analysed vary in wide range, involving all features that characterise water quality.

The laboratory serves as the study base and research centre for the students who aim at Bachelor, Master and Doctoral degree.

Water quality parameters

Water resources are the wealth of our country. Objective assessment of these resources and realistic forecasting of future is one of the most important tasks of water scientists. For that one should know the relevance of water composition and characteristics with the requirements of the consumer.

The composition and features of water are formed according to the natural and anthropogenic impacts and can vary greatly.


Water Quality research laboratory is able to provide various analyses from surface water for enterprises, organisations and private persons.

The following analyses are made:

Physical and physical-chemical parameters;

Summary indicators on impacts and substances (organic compounds, nitrogen and phosphorus compounds, soluble and insoluble additional substances);

Anions and cations;

Substances analysed in batches (in groups).