Tallinna Tehnikaülikool

Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli majandusanalüüsi ja rahanduse instituudi avatud teadusseminarid toimuvad tavaliselt kuu teisel ja neljandal kolmapäeval nii kohapealse kui online osalemisvõimalusega, kui ei ole teatatud teisiti. Ettekanne kestab umbes 45 minutit, millele järgneb veerand tundi arutelu. Seminar toimub inglise keeles. Ettekande aluseks olev artikkel on üldjuhul kättesaadav seminaril kohapeal. Küsimuste korral vőib pöörduda teadusseminaride koordinaatori Natalia Levenko (natalia.levenko@taltech.ee) poole.

Ettekannete lühikokkuvõtted (inglise keeles)

Seminaride kalender 2024/2025 õppeaastal

*Planeeritud seminaride graafikus võib esineda muudatusi

Kuupäev Esineja Teema
25.09.2024 SOC-413 / MS Teams Natalia Levenko (TalTech, Eesti Pank) Threshold effects in monetary policy transmission to the euro area credit markets
09.10.2024 SOC-413 / MS Teams Jaan Masso (Tartu Ülikool) What determines the gender pay gap in academia?
23.10.2024 SOC-413 / MS Teams Syed Jawad Hussain Shahzad (Montpellier Business School) Decomposing cryptocurrencies behavioral anomalies
30.10.2024 SOC-413 / MS Teams Alari Paulus (Eesti Pank) Consumer price rigidity in the Baltic states during periods of low and high inflation
13.11.2024 SOC-413 / MS Teams Francesca Loria (Federal Reserve Board ja Centre for Economic Policy Research) TBD
27.11.2024 SOC-413 / MS Teams Karsten Staehr (TalTech, Eesti Pank) The effects of austerity, inflation and growth shocks on debt dynamics in the euro area countries
11.12.2024 SOC-413 / MS Teams Pavlo Illiashenko (TalTech) TBD
12.02.2025 SOC-413 / MS Teams Kristjan Liivamägi (TalTech) TBD

Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli majandusanalüüsi ja rahanduse instituudi avatud teadusseminarid toimusid tavaliselt kuu teisel ja neljandal kolmapäeval nii kohapealse kui online osalemisvõimalusega, kui ei olnud teatatud teisiti. Ettekanne kestis umbes 45 minutit, millele järgnes veerand tundi arutelu. Seminar toimus inglise keeles. Ettekande aluseks olev artikkel oli üldjuhul kättesaadav seminaril kohapeal. Küsimuste korral vőib pöörduda teadusseminaride koordinaatori Natalia Levenko (natalia.levenko@taltech.ee) poole.

Ettekannete lühikokkuvõtted (inglise keeles)

Seminaride kalender 2023/2024 õppeaastal

*Planeeritud seminaride graafikus võib esineda muudatusi

Kuupäev Esineja Teema
23.08.2023 SOC-413 / MS Teams Juan Carlos Cuestas Olivares (Universitat Jaume I / TalTech) Self-employment and macro-factors: Do they really matter?
27.09.2023 SOC-413 / MS Teams Karsten Staehr (Eesti Pank / TalTech) Fiscal Performance under Inflation and Inflation Surprises: Evidence from Fiscal Reaction Functions for the Euro Area
17.10.2023 SOC-413 / MS Teams François Vaillancourt (CIRANO / Université de Montréal) Economics and language: framework, policy relevant tools, policies in Québec/Canada
25.10.2023 SOC-413 / MS Teams Helery Tasane (TalTech) Regional Economic Impacts of the Øresund Cross-Border Fixed Link: Cui Bono?
08.11.2023 SOC-413 / MS Teams Lorenzo Trimarchi (Université de Namur) The Anticompetitive Effect of Trade Liberalization
22.11.2023 SOC-413 / MS Teams Jelena Matina (TalTech)

Bilingual Learning in COVID-19 Conditions: has Students’ School Satisfaction Changed?

13.12.2023 SOC-413 / MS Teams Heili Hein (TalTech) Regional economic structure, educational provision, and education-job mismatch among young European workers
21.02.2024 MS Teams L.J.R. (Bert) Scholtens (University of Groningen) The Zelensky Moment: Arms, Investments and the Russian Invasion
28.02.2024 SOC-413 / MS Teams Fabio Canova (BI Norwegian Business School)

What drives the recent surge in inflation? The historical decomposition roller coaster

27.03.2024 SOC-413 / MS Teams Kaire Põder (EBS) Family background effect on electoral participation and how schools can treat it?
10.04.2024 SOC-413 / MS Teams Simona Ferraro (TalTech)

Inclusive Education in Soviet-Inherited Exclusive School System: The Effects of Student Background Factors on School Efficiency

24.04.2024 SOC-413 / MS Teams

Michael C. Burda (Humboldt-Universität Berlin, IZA)

Greenhouse Gas Mitigation and Price-Driven Growth in a Solow-Swan Economy with an Environmental Limit
15.05.2024 SOC-413 / MS Teams Eleuterio Vallelado (University of Valladolid) What Explains the Zero-Debt Puzzle in BRICS Countries? Disentangling the Financial Flexibility and Financial Constraints Hypotheses
22.05.2024 SOC-413 / MS Teams Kaido Kepp, Kadri Männasoo (TalTech) Does it pay to pay attention? Estimating sources of consumer inertia in car insurance market

Majandusanalüüsi ja rahanduse instituudi teadusseminarid 2022/2023 toimusid koostöös Euroopa Liidu rahastatava Horisont 2020 teadus- ja innovatsiooniprogrammi grandiprojektiga nr 952574 „Indiviidi käitumine ja majanduslik tulemuslikkus: Metodoloogilised aspektid ja institutsionaalne kontekst“ [www.taltech.ee/en/ibep]. 
Teadusseminaride koordinaator Kadri Männasoo.

Horizon 2020 logo small
Kuupäev Esineja Teema
07.09.2022 SOC-413 / MS Teams Michael Funke (University of Hamburg / TalTech) Temporary Super Depreciation Allowances for Green and Digital Investments
21.09.2022 SOC-413 / MS Teams Karin Jõeveer Bankers' Pay and the Evolving Structure of US Banking
05.10.2022 SOC-413 / MS Teams Kadri Männasoo Digital Capacity and Employment Outcomes: Microdata Evidence from Pre- and Post-COVID-19 Europe
19.10.2022 SOC-413 / MS Teams Marzenna Anna Weresa (World Economy Research Institute, Collegium of World Economy, SGH Warsaw School of Economics) The Determinants of Innovative Capacity in the Medical Sector in Central Europe and across the European Union
09.11.2022 SOC-413 / MS Teams Elias Rantapuska (Aalto University School of Business) The Money Doctor in Your Social Network
30.11.2022 SOC-413 / MS Teams Hannu Vartiainen (University of Helsinki) Preferences for uncertainty and time
07.12.2022 SOC-413 / MS Teams Jaanika Meriküll (Eesti Pank / University of Tartu) Were jobs saved at the cost of productivity in the Covid-19 crisis?
08.02.2023 SOC-413 / MS Teams Amaresh K Tiwari (University of Tartu) Automation in an Open, Catching-Up Economy: Aggregate and Microeconometric Evidence
22.02.2023 SOC-413 / MS Teams Joni Kokkonen (Aalto University) Hidden Investment Beliefs
08.03.2023 SOC-413 / MS Teams Gaygysyz Ashyrov (Estonian Business School) Terrorism and tax morale
22.03.2023 SOC-413 / MS Teams Laivi Laidroo Simplified reporting for micro-entities – ‘game-changer’ for annual report submission behaviour or not
19.04.2023 SOC-413 / MS Teams Analia Schlosser (online in MS Teams) (Tel Aviv University, IZA, and CEPR) Fostering Soft Skills in Active Labor Market Programs: Evidence from a large-scale RCT
10.05.2023 SOC-413 / MS Teams Michael Funke (University of Hamburg / TalTech) Modeling Semiconductor Export Restrictions and the US-China Trade Conflict

Majandusanalüüsi ja rahanduse instituudi teadusseminarid 2021/2022 toimusid koostöös Euroopa Liidu rahastatava Horisont 2020 teadus- ja innovatsiooniprogrammi grandiprojektiga nr 952574 „Indiviidi käitumine ja majanduslik tulemuslikkus: Metodoloogilised aspektid ja institutsionaalne kontekst“ [www.taltech.ee/en/ibep]. 
Teadusseminaride koordinaator Kadri Männasoo.

Horizon 2020 logo small
Kuupäev Esineja Teema
08.09.2021 SOC-414 / MS Teams Michael Funke (University of Hamburg / TalTech) The Political Globalisation Trilemma Revisited: An Empirical Assessment Across Countries and Over Time
29.09.2021 SOC-415 / MS Teams Kaire Põder (EBS) and Triin Lauri (Tallinn University) The Paradox of State-Funded Higher Education: Winner Still Takes it all?
MS Teams
Simona Ferraro Measuring Mismatch in the Estonian Labour Market
27.10.2021 SOC-413 / MS Teams Simona Ferraro Non-Profit Youth Work Organizations in Estonia: an Analysis of Efficiency
10.11.2021 SOC-413 / MS Teams Aaro Hazak and Marit Rebane COVID-19 and Self-Reported Health Indicators among the Estonian Labour Market Segment
24.11.2021 SOC-413 / MS Teams Helery Tasane How the EU Cohesion Policy Targeted at R&D and Innovation Impacts the Productivity, Employment and Exports of SMEs in Estonia
08.12.2021 SOC-413 / MS Teams Flavio Hafner (Aalto University) The Equilibrium Effects of Workers' Access to Jobs: Evidence from a Labor Market Integration
09.02.2022 SOC-413 / MS Teams Michael Funke (University of Hamburg / TalTech) The US-China Phase One Trade Deal: An Economic Analysis of the Managed Trade Agreement, by Michael Funke and Adrian Wende
09.03.2022 SOC-413 / MS Teams Artjom Saia R&D Varying CO2 Emissions Regime Shift: A Panel Smooth Transition Regression Analysis
23.03.2022 SOC-413 / MS Teams Kaido Kepp and Karin Jõeveer What Drives Drivers? Switching, Learning and the Impact of Claims in Car Insurance
06.04.2022 SOC-413 / MS Teams João Paulo Vieito (Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo) Herding Behavior in Integrated Financial Markets: The Case of MILA
20.04.2022 SOC-413 / MS Teams Matthijs Lof (Aalto University) What matters to individual investors in a welfare state?
04.05.2022 SOC-413 / MS Teams Merike Kukk Personal Inflation Experience and Households’ Choices

Majandusanalüüsi ja rahanduse instituudi teadusseminarid 2020/2021 toimusid koostöös Euroopa Liidu rahastatava Horisont 2020 teadus- ja innovatsiooniprogrammi grandiprojektiga nr 952574 „Indiviidi käitumine ja majanduslik tulemuslikkus: Metodoloogilised aspektid ja institutsionaalne kontekst“ [www.taltech.ee/en/ibep].
Teadusseminaride koordinaator Kadri Männasoo.

Horizon 2020 logo small
Kuupäev Esineja Teema
SOC-310 / MSTeams
Jaan Masso (Tartu Ülikool) The role of firms in the gender wage gap
MS Teams
Yair Antler (Tel Aviv University) Multilevel Marketing: Pyramid-Shaped Schemes or Exploitative Scams?
MS Teams
Ayala Arad (Tel Aviv University) Turning-on Dimensional Prominence in Decision Making:Experiments and a Model
SOC-311 / MS Teams
Niveditha Prabakaran (EBS) Do property rights solve the tragedy of commons under free trade? Evidence from Brazil
MS Teams
Kadri Männasoo Working hours and gender wage differentials: evidence from American working conditions survey
MS Teams
Michael Ungeheuer (Aalto University) Information, Trade, and Salient Returns
MS Teams
Merike Kukk The gender wealth gap in Europe: A comparative study using a model averaging methodology
MS Teams
Kadri Männasoo Investment Irreversibility and Cyclical Adversity: Implications for the Financial Performance of European Manufacturing Companies
MS Teams
Toomas Laarits (NYU Stern School of Business) Discounting Market Timing Strategies
MS Teams
Ciprian Domnisoru (Aalto University) The Rise of For-Profit Higher Education: A General Equilibrium Analysis
MS Teams
Aaro Hazak Techno-economic assessment of CO2 capture possibilities in shale oil production
MS Teams
Leonardo Ivarola (University of Buenos Aires) Economic models, realism and similarity

Kuupäev Esineja Teema
12.09.18 Ivo Bischoff (University of Kassel) Cooperation on a competitive ground? An empirical investigation of the emergence of inter-local business parks in Germany
26.09.18 Natalie Lubenets, Mart Maiväli (European Commission) Digitigrating e-Estonia: applying  the Hedgehog and the Fox analogy* to resolve the issue of measuring
11.10.18 Tilsa Oré-Mónago (Stoney Brooks) Competition with endogenous and exogenous switching costs
24.10.18 Kristof De Witte (KU Leuven) Does it matter when your smartest peers leave your class? Evidence from Hungary
07.11.18 Karsten Staehr Current Account Dynamics in Central and Eastern Europe: Pull, Push and Exchange Rate Regimes
21.11.18 Laivi Laidroo The role of location in FinTech formation
12.12.18 Ton Notermans  Two Decades of Italian EMU Membership: Structural Reforms versus Hysteresis
13.02.19 Yassine Bakkar (TalTech ärikorralduse instituut) Internationalization, Foreign Complexity and Systemic Risk: European Banks Perspective
27.02.19 Katrin Schwanitz (Estonian Institute of Population Studies, TLÜ) Young Adults’ Domestic Comfort at Home – Inter-Generational Time Exchanges in 6 Countries
06.03.19 Till Grüne Yanoff (KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm)

From Preferences to Well-Being: The Need for Cognitive Mechanisms

13.03.19 Laivi Laidroo & Mari-Liis Kukk Institutional Drivers of Crowdfunding Volume
27.03.19 Merike Kukk What explains the gender gap in wealth? Evidence from administrative data.
10.04.19 Simona Ferraro Local governments’ efficiency and educational results: empirical evidence from Italian primary schools
08.05.19 Simona Ferraro & Orsolya Soosaar Minimum Wage, Employment and Firm Productivity
22.05.19 Merike Kukk Who Owns the Savings in the Family? Joint and Individual Financial Assets


Leonardo Ivarola (Buenos Aires University) Institutions and social behavior in complex systems 

Kuupäev Esineja Teema

Kalle Ahi, Laivi Laidroo

New Evidence on the Relationship between Banking Market Competition on Bank Risk-taking in Europe
18.05.16 Amaresh K. Tiwari Microeconometric Evidence of Financing Frictions and Innovative Activity
11.05.16 Kaire Põder, Andre Veski Efficiency and fair access in kindergarten allocation policy design
13.04.16 Kadri Männasoo Endowment, commitment and convergence: The unfolding of the sources of productivity growth
23.03.16 Dominika Fijałkowska Behaviour of Informed and Uninformed Investors: Ex-ante Uncertainty Vs. Signalling Theory
09.03.16 Enn Listra (Fifty) Shades of Grey in Competition: The Concept(s) in a Unifying Framework
10.02.16 Tõnn Talpsepp How Does Learning and Education Help to Overcome the Disposition Effect?
09.12.15 Karin Jõeveer The Economics of Collateral
11.11.15 Aleksei Netšunajev Structural Vector Autoregressions with Smooth Transition in Variances: The Interaction Between U.S. Monetary Policy and the Stock Market
28.10.15 Marit Rebane Shorter Dinner and Other Aspects of Growing Up with a Single-Mother
14.10.15 Ricardo Vicente Picking Big Winners and Small Losers: An Evaluation of Estonian Government Grants for Firms
09.09.15 Karsten Staehr Uncovered Interest Parity and Expectations. New Results from Central and Eastern Europe
07.09.15 Madhav Govind Role of Intermediary Organizations in Transfer and Commercialization of University Generated Knowledge: Indian Experiences

Kuupäev Esineja Teema
14.05.14 Grigori Gainštein Trade Dynamic and Adjustment Costs in the Baltic States
03.03.14 Marco Lopriore The pillars of EU economic governance
12.02.14 Kadri Männasoo Banks’ Risk-taking with Credit Commitments: Comparative European Evidence
11.12.13 Kaire Põder, Triin Lauri Swedish, Finnish and Estonian schools: Family background effect and the moderating effect of school level choice policy
27.11.13 Abel Polese The Informal Post-Socialist Economy
13.11.13 Laivi Laidroo Banks’ CSR disclosures – headquarters versus subsidiaries
16.10.13 Tõnn Talpsepp A Closer Look at the Disposition Effect: Speculating in Gains, Waiting in Losses

Kuupäev Esineja Teema
 09.05.12 Kadri Männasoo Krediidipiirangud ja T&A: Mikroökonomeetriline analüüs nõudluse tõusu- ja mõõnaperioodil
11.04.12 Karsten Staehr Price Convergence and the Dynamic Penn Effect in Central and Eastern Europe: Convergence Speed and Cross-Country Heterogeneity
04.04.12 Angelika Kallakmaa-Kapsta Estonian housing market: affordability problem and regulatory framework
14.03.12 Laivi Laidroo Kvartalitulemuste avaldamisele järgnevate hinnareaktsioonide asümmeetria testimine Tallinna, Riia ning Vilniuse börsil aastatel 2000-2009
08.02.12 Guido Baldi Can the Distinction between Productive and Unproductive Government Spending Help Explain Puzzling Empirical Results about the Effects of Fiscal Policy Shocks?
14.12.11 Kaire Põder Hariduse võrdsus ja efektiivsus ning koolivaliku poliitika: kvalitatiivse ja kvantitatiivse meetodi ühendamine
09.11.11 Karsten Staehr Is There a ‘Baltic Way’ of Economic Transition? Reforms, Results and Challenges in Comparative Context