Tallinn University of Technology

Table of Contents

About the Department

Department of Electrical Power Engineering and Mechatronics was established on 1 January 2017 within the framework of the structural reform of Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech) based on the departments of Electrical Power Engineering, Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering and Mechatronics.
We are an academic structural unit that belongs to the TalTech School of Engineering.
The department conducts teaching at the bachelor, master, and PhD levels, as well as research in the field.

Director of Department of Electrical Power Engineering and Mechatronics  prof. Ivo Palu.



Council of Department of Electrical Power Engineering and Mechatronics

  • Ivo Palu, Tenured Associate Professor, Head of Council
  • Ants Kallaste, Tenured Assistant  Professor
  • Jako Kilter, Tenured Associate Professor
  • Lauri Kütt, Tenured Associate Professor
  • Anton Rassõlkin, Tenured Associate Professor
  • Argo Rosin, Tenured Associate Professor
  • Aleksander Kilk, Senior Lecturer
  • Tarmo Korõtko, Senior Researcher
  • Toomas Vaimann, Leading Researcher
  • Dmitri Vinnikov,  Leading Researcher
  • Hannes Agabus, Energy Economics Expert
  • Ivar Kiitam, Researcher
  • Vahur Maask, Researcher
  • Marek Tull, Early Stage Researcher
  • Martin Sarap, Early Stage Researcher

Nõukogu koosseisu volitused kehtivad kuni 31.03.2027.