Staff Exchanges
Here you can find an overview of staff exchanges from NUOL, HCMCUL and RULE to TalTech and UNIL and vice versa. Staff exchanges are a key element of Project IKID.
Muy Seo Ngouv
Home University: RULE
Host University: TalTech
Staff exchange period: 29 Jan 17 - 29 Apr 17
Muy Seo – the first visitor under project IKID – arrived in Tallinn on 29 January 2017. She is a researcher and lecturer at the Center for the Study of Humanitarian Law, Royal University of Law and Economics in Cambodia. She provides legal trainings and her research focuses on humanitarian law and human rights law. She had got her Master’s Degree in Law with specialization in Human Rights Law at the Lund University in Sweden. Her 3 months visit to Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech) focuses primarily on research on the ineffective legal aid system in Cambodia that hinders the fulfilment of rights to legal representation in criminal proceedings.

Muy Seo Ngouv presenting her research at a workshop at TalTech
Trần Việt Dũng
Home University: HCMCUL
Host University: TalTech
Staff exchange period: 6 Feb 17 - 20 Feb 17
Trần Việt Dũng is Associate Professor and Dean of the Faculty of International Law at HCMCUL. He has studied International Trade Policy at Harvard University (USA) and he received his PhD in law from the National University of Singapore. Prior to joining the academia, he was the Managing Director of KhattarWong (Vietnam) as well as Senior Legal Consultant for the Ho Chi Minh City Information Technology Management Office. He has been a visiting scholar at Singapore Management University (Singapore) and Chonnam National University (South Korea), and Adjunct Professor at the University of the West of England (UK). His research interests relate to international trade law, international competition law and policy, globalisation and law, and investment law. His visit to TalTech was primarily aimed at developing research cooperation under project IKID.

Tran Viet Dung giving a lecture at TalTech
Chintana Khouangvichit
Home University: NUOL
Host University: TalTech
Staff exchange period: 12 Feb 17 - 10 Feb 18
Chintana Khouangvichit is a researcher and lecturer at the Faculty of Economic and Business Management, National University of Laos. She teaches Microfinance, Business Finance, Financial Markets and Institutions and Financial Analysis. She has a Master degree in Southeast Asian Studies and her research focuses on the effects of the foreign direct investments. During her visit to TalTech she will develop her research skills, focussing on financial aspects of development into knowledge economies.

Chintana Khouangvichit (middle) with Thanouxay Volavong and Souliphone Luanglath at their office in TalTech
Souliphone Luanglath
Home University: NUOL
Host University: TalTech
Staff exchange period: 12 Feb 17 - 11 Feb 18
Souliphone Luanglath is interested in the topics of organizational behaviour, human resource management, and incentive structures. He has a Master’s degree in Business Administration from Japan and he is a researcher and lecturer at the Faculty of Economic and Business Management, NUOL. He is doing research in the above fields during his visit to TalTech where he will attend several courses and seminars as well.

Souliphone Luanglath (right) with Michiru Nagatsu (Senior Researcher at the University of Helsinki) during the project IKID 2017 annual meeting-conference in Tallinn
Thanouxay Volavong
Home University: NUOL
Host University: TalTech
Staff exchange period: 12 Feb 17 - 10 Feb 18
Thanouxay Volavong has a Master's degree in International Economics from the National University of Laos and he is a researcher and lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business Management at NUOL. His main research field is international trade and poverty. He is doing research and getting training at TalTech during his 12 months visit under project IKID.

Thanouxay Volavong presenting his research proposal at the course on reseacrh publication skills by Prof Ali M.Kutan (Southern Illinois University) in Nelijärve, Estonia
Hoai Huan Pham
Home University: HCMCUL
Host University: TalTech
Staff exchange period: 20 Feb 17 - 21 Aug 17
Hoai Huan Pham is a PhD candidate and lecturer at the Faculty of International Law at HCMCUL. His research focuses on the legal framework of horizontal price fixing. There is little consensus on how legal regimes should identify and remedy horizontal price fixing, including in the context of transition economies aiming at economic progress. With his research he aims to provide an analytical foundation for designing the competition law and policy of Vietnam in relation to the horizontal price fixing activities.

Hoai Huan Pham presenting his research at a workshop at TalTech
Hoai Nam Phan
Home University: HCMCUL
Host University: TalTech
Staff exchange period: 20 Feb 17 - 21 Aug 17
Hoai Nam Phan is a PhD candidate and lecturer at the Faculty of International Law at HCMCUL. His main research interest is commercial dispute settlement with the involvment of foreign counterparts Vietnam - an important issue of institutional efficiency affecting the business climate and economic development perspectives. In addition to research, he will be attending various training activities at TalTech during his 6 month visit.

Hoai Nam Phan (left) meeting Tiia Sarv and Prof Tanel Kerikmäe after arrival at TalTech, together with Hoai Huan Pham (right)
Ratana Ly
Home University: RULE
Host University: TalTech
Staff exchange period: 27 Feb 17 - 29 Apr 17
Ratana Ly is a research fellow and lecturer at the Center for the Study of Humanitarian Law, Royal University of Law and Economics in Cambodia. She provides legal trainings and her research focuses on international human rights law and international criminal law. She has her Master’s degree in Law from the Nagoya University in Japan. During her visit to TalTech she studies "legal clinic" related issues in Cambodia, including learning from the success factors and challenges in running a "legal clinic" in the Estonian context.

Ratana Ly (second right) and Muy Seo Ngouv (second left) meeting Prof Tanel Kerikmäe and Dr Archil Chochia at TalTech
Aaro Hazak
Home University: TalTech
Host University: RULE
Staff exchange period: 4 Mar 17 - 3 Apr 17
Aaro Hazak (Project IKID Leader, Head of WP1), Professor of Institutional Economics, has led several research grant projects and applied studies on the regulatory and broader institutional context of development into knowledge economies, company survival and investment decisions. He has conducted postdoctoral research at the University of Zurich (Switzerland). He has been a visiting fellow at Macquarie University (Australia), and a visiting professor at several universities in emerging countries, including National University of Laos (Laos), Tribhuvan University (Nepal), Buenos Aires University (Argentina) and the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), doing research, developing new courses and lecturing on topics closely related to the project. His visit to RULE was primarily aimed at introducing the project activities and developing cooperation with various units at RULE as well as delivering training on institutional aspects of development into knowledge economies.

Aaro Hazak meeting Kimsan Soy - Director for the Center for the Study of Humanitarian Law and Project IKID coordinator at RULE
Rotha Ung
Home University: RULE
Host University: TalTech
Staff exchange period: 19 Mar 17 - 18 Jun 17
Rotha Ung, PhD, is a Professor and Vice Dean of the Faculty of Law at RULE. His academic interests relate to legal issues of competition and infratructural development - important aspects of institutional factors of development into knowledge intensive societies. His visit to TalTech focussed on expanding research skills and obtaining knowledge to share with colleagues and students at RULE.

Prof Rotha Ung (left) together with Aleksander Gorzelak (National Research Institute, Poland) and Hoai Huan Pham (HCMCUL) during a group work session of the course on reseacrh publication skills by Prof Ali M.Kutan (Southern Illinois University) in Nelijärve, Estonia
Tanel Kerikmäe
Home University: TalTech
Host University: HCMCUL
Staff exchange period: 3 Apr 17 - 13 Apr 17, 5 Nov 17 - 14 Nov 17, 9 Dec 18 - 17 Dec 18
Tanel Kerikmäe (Head of WP4), Jean Monnet Professor in European Law and Head of TalTech Department of Law, has been active as legal expert for various public and private institutions and international organizations. He has extensive professional experience with transition countries, having been the EU key constitutional law expert in Central Asia (2009-2010), and being in charge of several development aid projects to raise competitiveness in the EU neighbourhood countries. He has been teaching and supervising PhD theses at several universities internationally, including in the UK, Switzerland, as well as transition countries such as Cambodia and Kyrgyzstan. His visits to HCMCULwere primarily aimed at introducing the project activities, developing cooperation with various units at HCMCUL and discussing research progress.

Prof Tanel Kerikmäe meeting with Trần Việt Dũng, Dean of the Faculty of International Law at HCMCUL
Vandanet Hing
Home University: RULE
Host University: UNIL
Staff exchange period: 7 Apr 17 - 30 Jun 17
The Chair of Public International Law of UNIL hosted Vandanet Hing as part of Project IKID as a guest researcher for 3 months. Vandanet Hing is a lecturer and researcher at RULE, specializing in international humanitarian law and human rights law. Alongside her research and teaching role, she coaches RULE students to participate in IHL Moot national and international round. She also provides IHL trainings to pre-deployment Cambodian peacekeepers. She holds a Master of Laws in Human Rights from the University of Hong Kong.

Vandanet Hing with Prof Aaro Hazak in her office at RULE
Tanel Kerikmäe
Home University: TalTech
Host University: RULE
Staff exchange period: 14 Apr 17 - 19 Apr 17, 15 Nov 17 - 21 Nov 17 and 1 Oct 19 - 9 Oct 19
Tanel Kerikmäe (Head of WP4), Jean Monnet Professor in European Law and Head of TalTech Department of Law visited RULE to introduce and discuss the project activities, develop cooperation with various units at RULE and deliver seminars and lectures.

Prof Tanel Kerikmäe giving a lecture to introduce the topic areas of Project IKID
Piya Wongpit
Home University: NUOL
Host University: UNIL
Staff exchange period: 7 Jul 17 - 30 Dec 17
The Centre of Comprative, European and International Law at UNIL hosts Piya Wongpit for his research visit starting from July 2017. He has a PhD in Economic Development and Policy from Kobe University in Japan. His research interests are micro finance, international trade and economic development. He will research on these topics and be trained during his visit UNIL.

Hoan Duong
Home University: HCMCUL
Host University: TalTech
Staff exchange period: 07 Aug 17 - 06 Nov 17
Hoan Duong is a lecturer at Administrative and State Law Faculty and Director of the Center for Legal Consultancy at HCMUL. He has expertise in administrative justice, street law and legal consultancy. Hoan Duong got his Master's Degree in Law at Lund University in Sweden. Currently being a doctor candidate in HCMCUL, his research focuses on legal mechanism for accountability of administrative action. The purpose of his visit to TalTech is to do comparative research on accountability of administrative action in Vietnam and Estonia in particular and EU in general. Furthermore, he is here to participate in a training program at TalTech.

Hoan Duong (left) meeting Prof Tanel Kerikmäe (right) at TalTech
Sopheak Srun
Home University: RULE
Host University: TalTech
Staff exchange period: 01 Sep 17 - 30 Aug 18
Sopheak Srun is a program coordinator at French Cooperation Department and also a researcher at University Research Centre in Economics and Management at Royal University of Law and Economics. He has been involved in many research projects funded by Cambodian government, International Organisations as well as by private sectors. His research mainly focuses on International Trade. At the same time, he is also doing is PhD thesis at the University of Toulon in France. During his visit at TalTech, Sopheak will conduct research on Cambodia’s International Trade and also participate in research and training activities.

Sopheak Srun in his office at TalTech
Maria Claudia Solarte-Vasquez
Home University: TalTech
Host University: RULE
Exchange period: 27 Sep 17 - 28 Oct 17
Maria Claudia Solarte-Vasquez, LLM, PhD Ca. is part of the research team of the Tallinn Law School of TalTech. Her research interests are focused on a transdisciplinary approach to transaction design and private governance institutionalization processes, contract innovation and usability. Her expertise is mostly related to legal theory and the main field of practice is ADR and conflict management. During her visit to RULE she delivered training in International Contracts and International Arbitration. It is among her plans to develop workshops within the frame of IKID, for the dissemination of legal services innovation and contract drafting as well as social sciences academic writing for lawyers, engineers and in general, complex interdisciplinary fields such as the computational social sciences.

Students of RULE attending a lecture by Maria Claudia Solarte-Vasquez
Phuong An Nguyen
Home University: HCMCUL
Host University: UNIL
Staff exchange period: 26 Oct 17 - 31 Dec 17
Phuong An Nguyen is a researcher and lecturer in International Law at the Ho Chi Minh City University of Law. Her fields of interest are Human Rights and Public International Law. She visited The Centre of Comparative, European and International Law at the University of Lausanne as a fellow researcher for two months in 2017 under the supervision of Prof. Andreas R. Ziegler.

Phuong An Nguyen (third left) with his colleagues from HCMCUL and Assoc. Prof. Karin Jõeveer (left) discussing training needs and research issues
Nguyễn Hoàng Thái Hy
Home University: HCMCUL
Host University: UNIL
Staff exchange period: 26 Oct 17 - 31 Dec 17
Nguyễn Hoàng Thái Hy visited the Centre of Comparative, European and International Law at the University of Lausanne as a fellow researcher for two months. He is a teacher and researcher in International Commercial Law at the Ho Chi Minh City University of Law. His fields of interest are International Sale of Goods Contract Law, International Investment Law, WTO Law, Competition Law and Policy, Law and Economics, ASEAN Law and International Dispute Settlement. Hoang Thai Hy was invited to Lausanne through project IKID by Prof. Andreas R. Ziegler, under whom he conducted research.

Nguyễn Hoàng Thái Hy (right) with his colleagues from HCMCUL and Assoc. Prof. Karin Jõeveer (second right) discussing training needs and research issues
Archil Chochia
Home University: TalTech
Host University: HCMCUL
Staff exchange period: 01 Nov 17 - 01 Jan 18 and 25 Nov 19 - 18 Dec 19
Dr. Archil Chochia, researcher at Tallinn Law School of Tallinn University of Technology, is visiting Ho Chi Minh City University of Law (HCMCUL), in Vietnam. The visit focuses on delivering series of workshops on two topics: 1) E-governance - general principles, legal aspects, EU Digital Single Market, Estonian experience; 2) Academic research - organisation of research activities at university, personal research plan, research methodology, academic journals, h-index, Estonian Research Portal (ETIS). Furthermore, the work is done with Vietnamese colleagues concerning establishing academic journal at HCMCUL, as well as planning special issue of Tallinn Law School’s Scopus-indexed Baltic Journal of European Studies, which will be dedicated to ASEAN region.

Dr. Archil Chochia (right) with Prof. Tanel Kerikmäe at HCMCUL
Agnes Kasper
Home University: TalTech
Host University: RULE
Staff exchange period: 1 Nov 17 - 4 Dec 17
Several high-level research lectures and seminars were delivered to MA students in the topics of Research Methodology and Cyber Security and Law. Dr. Kasper has instructed courses that gave fundamental and practical insight to academic research. Topics covered ranged from theoretical approaches to academic research through delimitation of maritime boundaries to devising legislative solutions to combat poverty and provide legal assistance to organizations dealing street children, etc. In a comprehensive course Dr Kasper have also contributed to raising awareness and building stakeholders’ openness on cyber security challenges. In this latter course discussion focused on comprehensive management of global cyber treats, legal frameworks providing globally relevant norms to deal with local cyber security challenges, identification of locally applicable norms as an input from private sector for formulating national cyber security policies. Outcomes of these courses are measured in terms of course deliverables that are academically relevant, informed and novel in their contexts.

Dr Agnes Kasper with the young scholars of Royal University of Law and Economics in Phnom Penh
Merle Ojasoo
Home University: TalTech
Host University: RULE
Staff exchange period: 22 Nov 17 - 22 Dec 17
Merle Ojasoo, PhD, is Associate Professor at Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia) in the School of Business and Governance, teaching Business Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Change Management. Her main research interests are CSR, Ethics of Organisations and Management. She has published several scientific articles and has participated in various scientific conferences. She serves as a member of the editorial board and referee for many journals and conferences. She has been involved in many international teaching projects.

Merle Ojasoo giving a lecture at RULE
Karin Jõeveer
Home University: TalTech
Host University: HCMCUL
Staff exchange period: 6 Dec 17 - 11 Jan 18
Karin Jõeveer is an Associate Professor at the Department of Economics and Finance at the Tallinn University of Technology. She has a Ph.D. degree from the Charles University in Prague (CERGE-EI). Before the current job in Tallinn she worked several years in the United Kingdom – as a lecturer at the Keele University and Queen’s University of Belfast, and as a senior research fellow at the Financial Markets Group at the London School of Economics. She has broad interests in the field of financial economics. She has studied the firms’ financing decisions and currently she is working on efficiency of financial institutions.

Ha Thi Thanh Mai, Karin Jõeveer and Tran Viet Dung after Karin Jõeveer held a guest lecture at HCMCUL
Thomas Hoffmann
Home University: TalTech
Host University: HCMCUL
Staff exchange period: 31 Dec 17 - 02 Feb 18
Dr. Thomas Hoffmann, Associate Professor at Tallinn Law School of Tallinn University of Technology, has visited Ho Chi Minh City University of Law (HCMCUL) in Vietnam. During his visit he delivered a series of scientific seminars with HCMCUL colleagues and lectures on the topics 1) Academic research (academic research and writing, publishing in internationally recognized journals, research methodology, impact factor and H-index), 2) Private International Law (especially insolvency law, the Brussels Regime, current reforms) and 3) German private law (contract law, German "Gutachtenstil"-method, comparative law). Besides, he also continued cooperation with Vietnamese colleagues to publish together on law and technology (IP/IT issues), develop a comprehensive book with comparative approaches on Vietnamese law and supervised HCMCUL PHD candidate Hoai Nam Phan during his stay in Ho Chi Minh City.

Dr. Thomas Hoffmann with the young scholars in HCMCUL
Lehte Roots
Home University: TalTech
Host University: HCMCUL
Staff exchange period: 5 Jan 18 - 6 Feb 18
Dr. Lehte Roots is Associate Professor in Tallinn Law School, Tallinn University of Technology. She is interested to research EU law, migration and asylum law. She has also written articles about citizenship and e-governance, EU neighbourhood policy and public administration. Prof. Roots is Head of the Thesis Defence Committee and member of the Scientific Committee of the academic journal Studii Europene of Center of European Studies. She has obtained her PhD in European University Institute in Florence, Italy and Masters in Public Management in Potsdam University in Germany. In the host University Associate Professor Roots is delivering lectures, seminars on Legal Research and Writing, E-governance and Migration law. She also participates at the conference related to migration, organised by the hosts. Additionally, there will be meetings with staff of host organization to enhance further collaboration between the Universities.

Dr. Lehte Roots in HCMCUL
Aaro Hazak
Home University: TalTech
Host University: HCMCUL
Staff exchange period: 8 Jan 18 - 13 Feb 18 and 6 Jan 19 - 1 Feb 19
Aaro Hazak (Project IKID Leader, Head of WP1), Professor of Institutional Economics, has led several research grant projects and applied studies on the regulatory and broader institutional context of development into knowledge economies, company survival and investment decisions. His visits to HCMCUL were primarily aimed at introducing the project activities and developing cooperation with the academic staff working on topics of economic issues as well as delivering training on institutional aspects of development into knowledge economies and research methodology related seminars and consultations.

Prof. Aaro Hazak (second right) with Assoc. Prof. Karin Jõeveer (first right) meeting HCMCUL academic staff to discuss training needs and research issues in economics and finance
Somaly Nguon
Home University: RULE
Host University: TalTech
Staff exchange period: 13 Jan 18 - 12 Jan 19
Somaly Nguon is a research fellow at Center for the Study of Humanitarian Law, Royal University of Law and Economics (RULE), in Cambodia. She is also a legal consultant in a Cambodian Law Firm. Somaly holds a Master in Law and Technology from Tallinn University of Technology in Estonia and Master in International Human Rights Law from Paññāsāstra University of Cambodia. She conducts extensive legal research and publications in the area of Cybersecurity law and e-Governance. Her current research focuses on implementing e-Governance in Cambodia, learning from Estonian experience and data protection approaches in e-Commerce for developing nations, policy vs. data protection implications.

President of Estonia Kersti Kaljulaid (first right) and Somaly Nguon (second right)
Sokun Prum
Home University: RULE
Host University: TalTech
Staff exchange period: 1 Feb 18 - 30 Apr 18
Sokun Prum is a DBA candidate and a Lecturer in Finance at RULE. He got his Master's Degree in the field of Development Management at the Norton University (NU) and second Master's Degree in Financial Management at RULE in Cambodia. As a three-month visiting scholar at TalTech, his aim is to study the relationship between market orientation and sales performance of small and medium enterprises in Phnom Penh city. In addition he participates in several research related courses, including R programming and Multivariate Statistical Analysis, which will surely contribute to his research.

Sokun Prum doing research at his office at TalTech
Huy Chheang
Home University: RULE
Host University: TalTech
Staff Exchange period: 01 Feb 18 - 30 Apr 18
Mr. Huy Chheang is a Lecturer and a Deputy-Head of the Department of Economics and Finance of the Faculty of Economics and Management at RULE. He is currently teaching subjects in Finance such as Credit Management, Financial Markets and Institutions, International Financial Management. During his visit to TalTech, he primarily focuses his research on the role of microfinance to enhance the living standard in Cambodia. He pursues to expand his research skills by participating in various trainings and courses at TalTech (e.g. Multivariate Statistical Analysis and R programming). He hopes to obtain knowledge to share with colleagues and students at RULE.

Huy Chheang doing research at his office at TalTech
Karsten Staehr
Home University: TalTech
Host University: NUOL
Staff exchange period: 3 Feb 18 - 5 Mar 18
Karsten Staehr (TalTech, Head of WP5), Professor of Macroeconomics, has a Master’s degree from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the USA and a Ph.D. from the University of Copenhagen in Denmark. He has an extensive publication record within macroeconomics, international finance, public economics and post-communist economic transition. Karsten visits NUOL in February 2018 to give presentations on paper writing and publication, assist in curriculum development and discuss research papers with researchers at NUOL. He will also initiate collaborative research focusing on Asian emerging economies.

Karsten Staehr and members of the faculty at NUOL
Touch Leng
Home University: RULE
Host University: TalTech
Staff exchange period: 12 Mar 18 - 15 June 18
Ms Touch Leng was a visiting scholar at TalTech starting from March 2018. She works for the Faculty of Public Administration at RULE doing research and teaching there.

Touch Leng at her office at TalTech Law School
Sonesana Mixayboua
Home University: NUOL
Host University: TalTech
Staff exchange period: 24 Apr 18 - 23 Apr 19
Sonesana Mixayboua works at Faculty of Economics and Business Management of National University of Laos (NUOL), where he teaches undergraduate students and does research. He has a Master’s Degree in Economics and Management from the Czech University of Life Sciences (CULS) and he is a Ph.D. candidate in Economics at Minho University in Portugal. He has been involved in several research projects. His research interests are Macroeconomics, Environmental Economics and Agricultural Economics. While being a visiting scholar at TalTech he focuses his research on the impact of energy sector development on economic growth in Laos and factors that impact SME access to finance and SME development.

Sonesana Mixayboua working at his desk at TalTech
Thaviphone Inthakesone
Home University: NUOL
Host University: TalTech
Staff exchange period: 24 Apr 18 - 15 Mar 19
Thaviphone Inthakesone works at Accounting Department of Faculty of Economics and Business Management of National University of Laos (NUOL). She has Master’s Degree in Accounting from NUOL. Her research interest is Financial Literacy Assessment of Small and Medium Enterprises Entrepreneurs and its Impact on Firms Sustainability in Lao PDR. During her visit to TalTech she will be doing research, attend training and research seminars and participate in the ECEE conference and summer school.

Thaviphone Inthakesone working at her desk after arriving at TalTech.
Kimsan Soy
Home University: RULE
Host University: TalTech
Staff exchange period: 14 June 18 - 13 July 18
Kimsan is a Researcher and Director at the Center for the Study of Humanitarian Law, Royal University of Law and Economics (RULE) in Cambodia. He holds a Master of Law from South Korea and a Master in Human Rights and Democratisation from the University of Sydney, Australia. His current research focuses on a wide range of human rights and institutional efficiency issues, particularly gender equality, labor rights, judicial independence, fair trial and access to justice. Kimsan joined the IKID project in its early stage of implementation as one of its coordinators from RULE since 2016. His one month visit to TalTech primarily focused on participating at the annual meeting of Project IKID where all the coordinators from partner universities reported on progress and challenges as well as networking for future cooperation and presenting his research.

Kimsan Soy (third right) attending the Annual Meeting of Project IKID in Tallinn
Phouphet Kyophilavong
Home University: NUOL
Host University: TalTech
Staff exchange period: 15 June 18 - 1 July 18 and 14 June 19 - 30 June 19
Phouphet Kyophilavong (NUOL) is Associate Professor and Vice Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Management at NUOL. He received his PhD in economics from Kobe University (Japan) in 2003, and he has researched and published on macroeconomic management, economic integration, poverty reduction and other areas. He has been a Fulbright Visiting Scholar at Harvard University (USA) as well as a visiting scholar at Pukyong National University (South Korea), Nagoya University (Japan), University of Laval (Canada), and Nanyang Technological University (Singapore). He has led numerous research projects, he works closely with Lao government agencies as well as international organisations, and he is Editor in Chief of the Lao Journal of Economics and Management.

Phouphet Kyophilavong (first right) at the Annual Meeting of Project IKID in Tallinn
Tran Viet Dung
Home University: HCMCUL
Host University: TalTech
Staff exchange period: 15 June 18 - 17 July 18
Tran Viet Dung, Associate Professor at HCMCUL visited Tallinn Law School of Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech), Estonia in June-July 2018. During his visit he presented his research and had discussions with TalTech colleagues on the topic of development Investor-State Dispute Settlement under the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement. He attended the Annual Meeting of Project IKID. He also discussed with Head of Department of Law of TalTech on the framework of visiting professors and visiting fellows between the two institutions; research on promotion of law and policy of e-government in Vietnam; and supervision of PhD students of HCMCUL.

Tran Viet Dung (second left) with colleagues from HCMCUL, NUOL and TalTech at the 2018 Annual Meeting of Project IKID in Tallinn
Mai Hong Quy
Home University: HCMCUL
Host University: TalTech
Staff exchange period: 17 June 18 - 18 July 18
Professor Mai, former Rector of Ho Chi Minh City University of Law, visited Tallinn Law School of Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia. She attended the annual conference Economic Challenges in Enlarged Europe and also participated in the Project IKID Interim Meeting. Professor Mai discussed with Estonian colleagues on the framework of visiting professors and visiting fellows between HCMUL and TalTech. She also accessed the library of TalTech to write a research paper.

Professor Mai Hong Quy (left) at the Library of Tallinn University of Technology together with Professor Tanel Kerikmäe (right)
Boutsakhone Keorodom
Home University: NUOL
Host University: UNIL
Staff exchange period: 04 Jul 18 - 04 Jan 19
Boutsakhone Keorodom ia a Lecturer at the Faculty of Economic and Business Management at the National University of Laos (NUOL). She obtained a Master in Development, Environment and Societies at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the University of Gembloux in Belgium. Her research interests are tourism management, marketing and entrepreneurship and business in the field of agriculture.

Boutsakhone Keorodom in the middle with Kong Lay on the left and Alay Phonvisay on the right at UNIL welcome event
Alay Phonvisay
Home University: NUOL
Host University: UNIL
Staff exchange period: 04 Jul 18 - 04 Jan 19
Alay Phonvisay is a Lecturer at the Faculty of Economic and Business Management at the National University of Laos (NUOL), where he teaches econometrics, development studies, and regional economic integration. Alay holds a Master's Degree in Economics and PhD in Economics from the Graduate School of International Studies at Kobe University. Prior to joining NUOL, he was a Data Analysis and Evaluation Specialist at the Poverty Reduction Fund. He has worked with both national and international organizations in conducting impact assessments for development projects across the Lao PDR. Alay’s primary areas of expertise include monitoring and evaluation, policy and program analysis, and applied economic research with a focus on health, industrial policy, trade and poverty reduction. He has conducted numerous research projects in the fields of health economics, economic development, and international trade. Alay is experienced in developing and implementing complex field projects using both qualitative and quantitative methods. Alay is fluent in Lao, Thai, English, and Japanese.

Dina Chhorn
Home University: RULE
Host University: TalTech
Staff exchange period: 2 Sep 18 - 28 Feb 19
Dina Chhorn is Research Fellow at the Research Group Theoretical and Applied Economics (France) and Research Lecturer in Economics at the Royal University of Law and Economics (Cambodia). After getting Maîtrise in Quantitative Economics (University of Lyon, France) and Master in Money, Finance & Governance (École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France), he is presently pursing PhD in Economics (University of Bordeaux, France). Beside his academic background, he works as Economist at the Radio France Internationale (RFI Khmer) and also member of the affiliations (Cambodian Economic Association, Cambodia Development Center, and Cambodia Investor Club). His visit at Tallinn University of Technology from September 2018 will focus on doing research under the topics “The Economics of Globalization, Poverty and Inequality in Asia and Cambodia” as well as participating training, seminars and conferences.

Dina Chhorn at the Tallinn University of Technology library
Hoang Gia Bao Ho
Home University: HCMCUL
Host University: TalTech
Staff exchange period: 2 Sep 18 - 3 Jan 2019
Hoang Gia Bao Ho is a lecturer at Faculty of Management, Ho Chi Minh City University of Law. During his stay at TalTech as a visiting scholar under IKID project, he focuses on researching the trade balance and exchange rate in the trade relationship between Vietnam and EU. His topics of interest include international trade, international finance and risk management.

Hoang Gia Bao Ho next to the land mark of Tallinn University of Technology
Trong Tin Nguyen
Home University: HCMCUL
Host University: TalTech
Staff exchange period: 2 Sep 18 - 3 Jan 19
Trong Tin Nguyen is a researcher and lecturer at the Faculty of Management, Ho Chi Minh City University of Law. His main research focuses on the monetary policy and financial development in Vietnam and Asian countries. During his time at TalTech, in addition to work as a visiting scholar under IKID project, he is also attending training courses on Development Economics and Applied Econometrics, as well as attending various seminars, workshops and conferences.

Trong Tin at Tallinn University of Technology library
Kong Lay
Home University: RULE
Host University: UNIL
Staff exchange period: 03 Sep 18 - 29 Nov 18
Kong Lay is a deputy Head of Department of Accounting and Management, and he is also a researcher at the Royal University of Law and Economics (RULE), Cambodia. He specializes in business management. His research interests are business management and staff motivation. During his research visit, he conducted a research. Kong Lay holds a Master's degree in Business Management from Charles Sturt University.

Kong Lay (in the middle) at UNIL welcome event
Andreas R. Ziegler
Home University: UNIL
Host University: HCMCUL
Staff exchange period: 19 Oct 18 - 14 Nov 18, 1 Feb 19 - 5 Feb 19, 14 Feb 19 - 16 Feb 19
Andreas R. Ziegler (UNIL, Co-Head of WP6) is currently a Professor of International Law and the Director of the LLM Program in International and European Economic and Commercial Law at the University of Lausanne. He has published widely on European law, public international law, on international courts and tribunals, as well as trade and investment. He regularly advises Governments, International Organizations, NGOs and private clients and has represented them before various domestic and international courts and arbitral tribunals. His visits to HCMCUL were dedicated to lectures, seminars, research guidance and various networking activities.

Andreas Ziegler (in the middle) giving a lecture at HCMCUL
Andreas R. Ziegler
Home University: UNIL
Host University: NUOL
Staff exchange period: 19 Nov 18 - 4 Dec 18 and 1 Oct 19 - 21 Oct 19
Andreas R. Ziegler (UNIL, Co-Head of WP6) Professor of International Law and the Director of the LLM Program in International and European Economic and Commercial Law at the University of Lausanne visited NUOL with the purpose of delivering seminars, research discussions and various networking activities.

Assoc Prof Phouphet Kyophilavong (NUOL), Prof Andreas R. Ziegler (UNIL) and Thanouxay Volavong (NUOL) discussing research progress
Đặng Huỳnh Thiên Vy
Home University: HCMCUL
Host University: TalTech
Staff exchange period: 4 Nov 18 - 16 Mar 19
Đặng Huỳnh Thiên Vy is a lecturer of the Faculty of International Law at HCMCUL, where she teaches International Trade Law and Contract law. She also obtained the master degree from Nagoya University in Japan as a scholar of Monbukagakusho scholarship from Japanese Government. Her research interest is related to patent law, trade law and regulations on fintech. She used to be a teaching assistant in exchanged culture and law class between Japan and Vietnam since she studied here, and she also an assistant for IKID project in Vietnam. Her aim in TalTech is to develop her research skills, focus on writing journals and obtain further knowledge of her major.

Đặng Huỳnh Thiên Vy presenting at TalTech
Thị Hiền Phạm
Home University: HCMCUL
Host University: TalTech
Staff exchange period: 4 Nov 18 – 16 Mar 19
Thi Hien Pham is a researcher and lecturer at International Law Faculty at Ho Chi Minh City University of Law. Her fields of interest are International Investment Law, WTO Law and Law of Contracts for International sale of goods. During her time at TalTech, her main research focuses on the interaction between Environmental protection and International Investment Law and experiences for Vietnam. In addition to research, she will be attending various training activities at TalTech during her 4 months visit.

Thi Hien Pham giving a presentation at TalTech
Karin Jõeveer
Home University: TalTech
Host University: RULE
Staff exchange period: 10 Dec 18 - 10 Jan 19
Karin Jõeveer (Head of WP3) is an Associate Professor and Head of PhD programme in Economics at the Department of Economics and Finance at the Tallinn University of Technology. She has a PhD degree from the Charles University in Prague (CERGE-EI). Her research interests are in the fields of corporate finance and financial intermediation. During her visit to RULE she was engaged in research activities and delivered training in topics of finance focusing on evaluation on debt and equity capital.

From left Paul Angles (RULE), Karin Jõeveer (TalTech) and Sopheak Srun (RULE) at RULE
Kirsti Rumma
Home University: TalTech
Host University: HCMCUL
Staff exchange period: 31 Dec 18 - 29 Jan 19
Kirsti Rumma is a Senior Lecturer in Mathematics, Statistics and Quantitative Methods at the Department of Economics and Finance at Tallinn University of Technology. She has a Ph.D. degree from University of Agder in Kristiansand, Norway. Also, she has been a visiting fellow at La Trobe University in Melbourne, Australia. During her research visit to HCMCUL she gave two research methodology workshops about economic analysis methods and methodology, and a presentation on linear programing solution methods.

Kirsti Rumma and Professor Aaro Hazak (in the middle) at a research methodology workshop with HCMCUL researchers
Thomas Hoffmann
Home University: TalTech
Host University: HCMCUL
Staff exchange period: 6 Jan 19 - 28 Jan 19
Dr. Thomas Hoffmann, Associate Professor at Tallinn Law School of Tallinn University of Technology, has visited Ho Chi Minh City University of Law (HCMCUL) in Vietnam. During his research visit he delivered a series of research seminars with HCMCUL colleagues and lectures on international publication skills and research methodology. Besides, he also continued research cooperation with Vietnamese colleagues to publish together on law and technology (IP/IT issues), develop a comprehensive book with comparative approaches on Vietnamese law and supervised HCMCUL PhD candidate Hoai Nam Phan during his stay in Ho Chi Minh City.

Associate Professor Thomas Hoffmann and Olga Shumilo from TalTech with HCMCUL researchers at the seminar on international publication skills
Olga Shumilo
Home University: TalTech
Host University: HCMCUL
Staff exchange period: 6 Jan 19 - 12 Feb 19
Olga Shumilo is a PhD candidate at TalTech with research interests in international law. Her visit to HCMCUL was primarily dedicated to research and various knowledge transfer activities.

Tran Viet Dung (HCMCUL) with Thomas Hoffmann, Aaro Hazak and Olga Shumilo (TalTech) discussing research activities under Project IKID
Lehte Roots
Home University: RULE
Host University: TalTech
Staff exchange period: 28 Jan 19 - 4 Mar 19
During her visit to RULE, Dr. Lehte Roots delivered workshops in legal research methodology, E-governance and EU migration and asylum law. Furthermore she held meetings with young scholars to discuss their thesis topics, research and methodology, giving advice for improvement based on European best practice. To communicate the Project IKID outcomes to a broader network of scholars, she delivered guest lectures at the Royal School of Administration and held meetings in the Ministry of Civil Service and Ministry of Telecommunication to discuss further collaboration possibilities, between TalTech and the Cambodian public service. It was agreed upon that Cambodian public service administrators will start to organize a visit to Estonia to learn innovative ways of governance.

Lehte Roots meeting with young scholars at RULE
Tedya Raksmey Thorng
Home University: RULE
Host University: UNIL
Staff exchange period: 30 Jan 19 - 31 Jul 19
Tedya Raksmey Thorng is a researcher from the Royal University of Law and Economics, Cambodia. He holds a Master degree in insurance law from the University of Jean Moulin Lyon 3, France, and he is doing his PhD at the same university in civil liability law. His research focus is on insurance law, contractual and tort liability, especially the compensation of damages - important regulatory aspects of development.

Tedya Raksmey Thorng (rightmost in front row) with Prof Andreas Ziegler, visitors from HCMCUL to UNIL and other researchers visiting the WTO headquarters in Switzerland
Andreas R. Ziegler
Home University: UNIL
Host University: RULE
Staff exchange period: 6 Feb 19 - 13 Feb 19 and 22 Oct 19 - 18 Nov 19
Andreas R. Ziegler (UNIL, Co-Head of WP6), Professor of International Law and the Director of the LLM Program in International and European Economic and Commercial Law at the University of Lausanne, visited RULE with the purpose of expanding the cooperation network, delivering public lectures and discussing research progress at RULE.

Prof Andreas R. Ziegler giving a guest lecture at the Paññāsāstra University of Cambodia to expand the project network and introduce the topic areas and results of Project IKID
Trong Luan Nguyen
Home University: HCMCUL
Host University: UNIL
Staff exchange period: 10 Feb 19 - 8 May 19
Trong Luan Nguyen is a researcher and lecturer at the Faculty of Civil Law at Ho Chi Minh City Law University in Vietnam. He holds a Master's degree in information technology law from University Toulouse 1 Capitole. His main area of research is legal issues related to intellectual property and the protection of intangible property.

Trong Luan Nguyen
Tran Quoc Cong Le
Home University: HCMCUL
Host University: UNIL
Staff exchange period: 10 Feb 19 - 8 May 19
Tran Quoc Cong Le is a lecturer and researcher at HCMCUL since 2014. He obtained his Master's degree in International and Comparative Business Law from the University of Bordeaux. His research focuses on international e-commerce law and international trade law.

Tran Quoc Cong Le
Nguyen Thi Lan Huong
Home University: HCMCUL
Host University: UNIL
Staff exchange period: 10 Feb 19 - 10 Jul 19 and 6 Sep 20 - 6 May 21
Nguyen Thi Lan Huong is the Deputy Head of the Department of International Trade Law in the Faculty of International Law, HCMCUL. She received her Master's degree in law from Nagoya University, Japan in 2012 and she is currently a PhD candidate. Her dissertation relates to international investment law and sustainable development. She teaches and researches in the area of international trade law, international sales contracts, WTO law, international investment law with a particular focus on the balance between trade and environment. Huong’s most recent book is “Investor-state dispute settlement: Legal issues and practice in the context of intergartion”, 2018 (Co-editor and Co-author). She is a co-author of several chapters in the textbook on International Trade Law Part I and Part II, HCMCUL. She is also a co-author of the book "Understanding WTO law through a number of cases on subsidies" (Editor-in-Chief Dr Tran Thi Thuy Duong).

Nguyen Thi Lan Huong (second left in second row) with Prof Andreas Ziegler, visitors from HCMCUL and RULE to UNIL and other researchers visiting the WTO headquarters in Switzerland
Eliis Salm
Home University: TalTech
Host University: NUOL
Staff exchange period: 18 Feb 19 - 10 April 19
Eliis Salm together with Merle Ojasoo and Melita Sogomonjan from TalTech visited the National University of Laos for research and knowledge transfer activities. During the meeting with Ms. Sengchann Chanthasene topics regarding the quality of international and PhD programs were discussed. She held a lecture to NUOL students on some important individual wellbeing aspects of development in emerging economies as part of communicating Project IKID to a wider audience.

Eliis Salm presenting at NUOL
Merle Ojasoo
Home University: TalTech
Host University: NUOL
Staff exchange period: 19 Feb 19 - 22 March 19
Associate Professor Merle Ojasoo delivered at NUOL a public lecture and several research seminars on ethical aspects and corporate social responsibility as important institutional elements of knowledge intensive development, in addition to progressing with her own research. She contributed to the market-simulation event where NUOL students had to develop real business ideas based on the academic knowledge gained from their studies. One of the highlights of the visit to NUOL was the seminar with Professor Finn E. Kydland, the Laureate of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics (2004), as keynote speake.

Merle Ojasoo giving a public lecture at NUOL
Melita Sogomonjan
Home University: TalTech
Host University: NUOL
Staff exchange period: 19 Feb 19 - 22 March 19
Melita Sogomonjan is a PhD candidate at TalTech with research interests in regulatory efficiency, particularly in the areas of individual wellbeing and human capital. During her visit to NUOL, she dedicated to her doctoral research and discussing research with NUOL scholars, she held a public lecture and participated at various seminars and meetings, incl. with Prof. Finn E. Kydland.

Melita Sogomonjan presenting research at NUOL
Kari Käsper
Home University: TalTech
Host University: NUOL
Staff exchange period: 22 April 19 - 05 June 19
Kari Käsper is a lecturer and PhD student at TalTech, specialising in European Union, data protection and human rights law. He visited NUOL to study the developments in the country and the wider ASEAN region and exchange information about the European Union, Estonia and e-governance, while making preparatory research for his PhD studies. He also delivered training, focusing on the differences and similarities between the functioning of the internal market of the European Union and ASEAN as well as discussing pitfalls and success of digitalisation on the example of Estonia in light of data protection regulation. He also discussed future cooperation potential between NUOL and TalTech with local faculty members.

Kari Käsper giving a lecture at NUOL
Hoang Phong Le
Home University: HCMCUL
Host University: TalTech
Staff exchange period: 2 June 19 – 5 Dec 19
Hoang Phong is a Lecturer and a Deputy-Head of the Department of Finance and Accounting Management of the Faculty of Management at HCMCUL. He is also a Ph.D. student in public finance at School of Public Finance, University of Economics (UEH) in Vietnam. His research interests are Money and Banking, Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development. In TalTech he is going to focus on the impact of financial institutions on sustainable development in emerging market and developing economies.

Hoang Phong Le presenting his research at the ECEE conference in Tallinn
Chien Dinh Thi
Home University: HCMCUL
Host University: TalTech
Staff exchange period: 2 June 19 – 5 Dec 19
Thi Chien Dinh is Vice Director of the Centre for Legal Comsultancy and a Lecturer in Civil Law Faculty at HCMCUL. She is also a PhD student in HCMCUL. Her research topic is Flexicurity in European Countries, and in TalTech her research goal is to focus on her PhD thesis under project IKID research agenda.

Prof Kadri Männasoo, Thi Chien Dinh, Hoang Phong and Prof Aaro Hazak discussing research plans atTalTech
Ha My Bui
Home University: UNIL
Host University: HCMCUL
Staff exchange period: 3 July 19 - 17 Aug 19
Ha My Bui is a first year PhD student at the Department of Economics, UNIL. She received her Bachelor degree from National University of Singapore and Master degree from Aix-Marseille School of Economics with specialization in economics. Her main focus is how trade agreement and other openness policy in Vietnam influence structure of its economy, income inequality as well as research and innovation at firm level. During her visit at HCMCUL, she progressed with her first thesis chapter that aims to understand how effective are exclusive policies, applying at the city and sector level, in attracting high-skilled labour and foreign direct investments. In addition, she discussed research with host university faculty members and collaborated on a project analyzing the impact of investment policy and regulation of Vietnamese government in the last 10 year on some sustainable development issues.

Janet Su
Home University: UNIL
Host University: NUOL
Staff exchange period: 5 July 19 - 11 Aug 19
Janet Su is a PhD student at the Faculty of Business and Economics at UNIL. She holds a Bachelor degree in Accounting from the University of Waterloo and a Master degree in Management from UNIL. Her research interests lie in sustainable development and climate change, and storytelling. Under project IKID, Janet mainly focuses on knowledge transfer activities, developing and executing interactive educational workshops to address issues of knowledge led development on the example of resource management and recycling to Lao schoolchildren and teachers.

Chindaluck Thinphaison
Home University: UNIL
Host University: TalTech
Staff exchange period: 1 Sept 19 - 7 March 20
Chindaluck Thinphaison is a lecturer and researcher at the Faculty of Economics and Business Management at NUOL. Her research field is financial management and she teaches courses on Mathematics for Business, Personal Finance, Banking Management and Business Finance. At TalTech she is upgrading her academic skills and research into financial literacy, institutions and development.

Chindaluck Thinphaison (first left) attending a course on Economic Development and Institutions at TalTech
Sothea Ta
Home University: RULE
Host University: UNIL
Staff exchange period: 1 Sep 19 - 30 Nov 19
Sothea Ta is a law professor at RULE specializing in Cambodian law as well as political sciences and international relations. At UNIL his research focus is on what could the South-East Asian transition countries learn from the institutional conditions of Switzerland as a francophone country with a multilingual system

Sothea Ta working at UNIL
Khaysy Srithilat
Home University: NUOL
Host University: TalTech
Staff exchange period: 1 Sep 19 - 7 Mar 20
Khaysy Srithilat is a lecturer and researcher at the Faculty of Economics and Management at NUOL. He received his PhD in Economics from the Dongbei University of Finance and Economics. He has authored several publications and international conference proceeding. His area of interest includes monetary economics, international economics, and finance. Diring his visit to TalTech he will pursue with his research and he will be attending various training activities at TalTech during his 6-months visit.

Khaysy Srithilat (first from right) at TalTech.
Sundet Ngann
Home University: RULE
Host University: UNIL
Staff exchange period: 1 Sep 19 - 30 Nov 19
Sundet Ngann is the Head of the Department of the Accounting and Management at RULE, specialising in econometrics, applied mathematics for economics and economics research methodology. During his three month visit to UNIL he will develop his competencies in data analysis methods and econometrics, as well as attend seminars in topics in finance, macroeconomic and microeconomics for capacity building and networking.

Sundet Ngann working at UNIL
Munic Boungnarasy
Home University: NUOL
Host University: TalTech
Staff exchange period: 1 Sep 19 - 7 Mar 20
Munic Boungnarasy is a lecturer and researcher at the Faculty of Economics and Business Management at NUOL, where she teaches statistics and econometrics. She holds her PhD from the Graduate School of Economics at Kobe University in Japan. In TalTech, she is developing her research skills and research on the linkages between tourism and economic development.

Munic Boungnarasy working at TalTech library
Neevanh Saynavong
Home University: NUOL
Host University: UNIL
Staff exchange period: 2 Sep 19 - 29 Feb 20
Neevanh Saynavong is a lecturer and researcher from the Faculty of Economics and Business Management at NUOL, where she specialises in transportation and insurance economics, econometrics, and international economics. Neevanh has conducted numerous research projects in the field of exporting by using both qualitative and quantitative methods. During her visit to UNIL she will develop her research skills focusing on insurance economics and international trade.

Neevanh Saynavong (leftmost in middle row) attending a Project IKID seminar at UNIL
Soulita Tiengmany
Home University: NUOL
Host University: UNIL
Staff exchange period: 2 Sep 19 - 29 Feb 20
Soulita Tiengmany is a lecturer and researcher from the Faculty of Economics and Business Management at NUOL, where she teaches finance, banking and insurance courses with focus on risk management. Soulita holds a Master Degree in Business from Unitec Institute of Technology, New Zealand. Her research interests are microfinance, microinsurance and risk management, and during her visit to UNIL she is deepening her research skills.

Soulita Tiengmany (fourth from left) at a Project IKID gathering at UNIL
Hai Hoang Tran
Home University: HCMCUL
Host University: TalTech
Staff exchange period: 26 Sep 19 - 26 Oct 19
During his visit to TalTech, the rector of HCMCUL Professor Tran Hoang Hai held working meetings with the director of TalTech Law School Professor Tanel Kerikmäe, other staff members of TalTech involved in the IKID project, as well as HCMCUL staff members on exchange in Tallinn. Meetings focused on the details of ongoing IKID project, research activities and aspects of cooperation between two universities.

Professor Tran Hoang Hai (sitting left) with other member of Project IKID team -
Thi Chien Dinh and Hoang Phong Le (HCMCUL), Professor Tanel Kerikmäe and Alexander Antonov (TalTech)
Dina Chhorn
Home University: RULE
Host University: UNIL
Staff exchange period: 1 Oct 19 - 20 Feb 20
Dina Chhorn received his Ph.D. in Economics from University of Bordeaux in France in September 2019, where he has also taught Econometrics and Statistics. In Cambodia, he works at RULE and he has taught Public Economics, Inferential Statistics and World Economic History. During his visit to UNIL, he pursues with postdoctoral research in the economics of globalization, inequality and poverty in Asia.

Dina Chhorn after defending his PhD
Natalia Levenko
Home University: TalTech
Host University: HCMCUL
Staff exchange period: 1 Dec 19 - 2 Jan 20
Natalia Levenko is a researcher and lecturer at Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech). Her research is mainly focused on macroeconomic issues. During her one month visit to HCMCUL Natalia gave two research seminars to discuss recent Project IKID research, had a few research meetings with HCMCUL colleagues discussing possible joint projects, and participated in the workshop on paper writing and publication. Natalia’s research activities during the visit was aimed at investigating macroeconomic uncertainty.

Natalia Levenko leading a research seminar with HCMCUL project IKID team and participants
Geneviève Massonnet
Home University: UNIL
Host University: HCMCUL
Staff exchange period: 9 Dec 19 - 8 Jan 20
Geneviève Massonnet, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law, Criminal Justice and Public Administration of UNIL visited HCMCUL, and the visit focused on delivering seminars to HCMCUL professors and staff on topics of penal law and penal procedure law, role of the expert in penal procedure, and ways to transmit forensic findings to lawyers and court in areas relating to Project IKID focus.

Professor Geneviève Massonnet presenting her seminar at HCMCUL
Karin Jõeveer
Home University: TalTech
Host University: NUOL
Staff exchange period: 11 Dec 19 - 10 Jan 20
Karin Jõeveer is an Associate Professor at the Department of Economics and Finance at TalTech. Her research interests are in corporate finance and financial intermediation. Currently she is working on how regulatory and technological improvements have affected financial institutions. During her visit to NUOL she delivered a workshop on how to fund and manage research projects, and how to publish papers in internationally renowned journals. In addition she conducted a research seminar and was engaged in research activities.

Karin Jõeveer delivering a workshop on research project management
Archil Chochia
Home University: TalTech
Host University: RULE
Staff exchange period: 19 Dec 19 - 18 Jan 20
Archil Chochia is a researcher at TalTech Law School and manager of the school’s academic journal – Baltic Journal of European Studies. During his visit to RULE, Archil conducted a workshop with local colleagues on how to fund, manage and publish research. At the research seminar, arranged together with colleagues from RULE, Archil spoke to local audience about his research activities and developments in the field in general.

Public seminar on Project IKID topics at RULE by Archil Chochia with Muy Seo Ngouv (RULE) and Prof Rotha Ung (RULE)
Alexander Antonov
Home University: TalTech
Host University: HCMCUL
Staff exchange period: 7 Jan 20 - 7 Feb 20
Alexander is a second year TalTech doctoral student from Germany. As part of the staff exchange at HCMCUL, Alexander delivered training on AI governance and cybersecurity - topics on which he has published aarticle with ZEI Discussion Paper Series of Bonn University and a book chapter on “Trustworthy AI“ with Springer. His research work is at the intersection of European Union Law, Public International Law and the regulation of emerging technologies, and his dissertation centres on the question of how to effectively regulate AI-powered systems.

Training event delivered by Alexander Antonov at HCMCUL