Tallinn University of Technology

On Tuesday, November 16, between 9 and 12 o'clock, the magical milestone was reached on the website of Tallinn University of Technology – this year, more than 100,000 users have read our Estonian-language news.

TalTechi uudised mobiilis
TalTechi kodulehe uudisterubriik

During the year, the following news have attracted the most attention:

Who is the main reader of TalTech news?

While more than half of the readers and visitors of the Estonian-language online news are in a fairly comprehensive age group, i.e. 25–54 years old, it is gratifying that most or almost a quarter (24.4%) are young people aged 25–34. No other age group shows this high level of interest in our news.

More than half or 64% of news readers are located in Tallinn, but there are also many readers in Tartu and Pärnu, and even Helsinki is in the top ten.

While a few years ago university information was often read from a computer, now a significant change can be seen – more than half of the news readers use a mobile phone to read. And as many as 21% of news readers reach our website via Facebook if they notice an interesting news link there.

Cooking, following the weather forecast, and leading a green lifestyle

The average TalTech online news reader is by no means only interested in technology, because according to Google Analytics, they are also interested in cooking, keep up to date with politics, and love to read books. In addition, they are enthusiastic about the green lifestyle, seek investment and real estate opportunities, prefer to travel in Europe, are interested in history and puzzles, and are actively following the weather forecast.
