Ilona Oja Acik
- Tenured Full Professor, Head of Laboratory
- 6203369
- Õhukesekileliste energiamaterjalide teaduslabor
- Tallinn, Ehitajate tee 5. Room U06-346
Laboratory for Thin Film Energy Materials In 2001, a research group was established by prof. Malle Krunks as a portion of the Department of Materials that focused on the development of chemical tech
Doktoriõpe on teaduslikule käsitlusele rajanev kõrghariduse kõrgeima astme õpe, mille kestel üliõpilane omandab vajaliku pädevuse teadus-, arendus- või originaalseks loometööks ning töötamiseks isesei
Price list of services of the Institute of Materials and Environmental Technology The price list can be found here The Head Of Laboratory Laboratory of Biofunctional Materials - Vitali Sõritski Labora
January 26, 2022 at 200 PM Jako Siim Eensalu, "Deposition of Sb2S3 Thin Films by Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis for Photovoltaic Applications" Supervisor: Prof. Malle Krunks, School of Engineering, Tallin
17 March 2023 at 1100 AM Jekaterina Sydorenko, "Development of Spray-Pyrolysis-Synthesised TiO2 Thin Films for Photocatalytic Degradation of Volatile Organic Compounds in Air" Supervisor: Prof. Ilona
3 October 2023 at 100 PM Robert Krautmann, "Development of Sb 2 Se 3 and Sb 2 S 3 Thin Film Solar Cells by Close-Spaced Sublimation" Supervisor: Dr. Nicolae Spalatu, School of Engineering, Tallinn Uni
10032021, 100 PM Ibrahim Dündar, "TiO2 Thin Films by Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis for Photocatalytic Air-Cleaning Applications" Supervisor: Prof. Ilona Oja Acik, Department of Materials and Environmenta
The mission of the department is to lead the high-level, internationally recognized teaching, research and development in Estonia in the field of materials and environmental technology. Director of th
The Fuel Technology Research and Test Laboratory The Fuel Technology Research and Test Laboratory is studying how to better use waste waiting to be disposed of or incinerated in landfills. The origina