You can apply both to the Erasmus+ programme (exchange studies in Europe) and to partner universities outside of the EU. The main difference is that all students accepted to the Erasmus+ programme will automatically receive a scholarship, while studies outside of the EU have to be financed from students' own resources or with different national and international scholarships.
The initial application process and selection criteria are similar regardless of the exchange scheme.
NB! If you are a student in one of the joint study programmes (Cybersecurity, Materials and Process for Sustainable Energetics, Design and Technology Futures or Software Engineering), we recommend to apply for any exchange possibilities through the leading side. In case you wish to apply from the other university, please do let us know as early as possible by contacting Kerli Roosimaa: Find more information under Erasmus studies.
Main Requirements
- Bachelor's, Master's and PhD students can apply starting from their first semester;
- be on a sufficient language level - min CEFR level B2 (see Language Testing for more information);
- prove their motivation during a short interview with the Schools selection committee;
- have paid all necessary tuition fees to TalTech;
- provide an approval from your supervisor from TalTech, if you plan on writing your thesis abroad.
Additional Requirements
- Grade point average at least 3.0;
- Applying is allowed for first year Master study students (in September) when previously completed higher education studies grade point average is at least 3.0.
- Grade point average at least 3.0;
- Applying is allowed for the first year Master study students (in September):
- when previously completed higher education studies grade point average is at least 3.0 (for Estonians);
- if the student is placed in the admissions ranking among the first third (for non-Estonian degree students).
- Grade point average at least 3.0;
- Programme Directors approval needed by the time of the interview;
- Applying is allowed for the first year Master study students (in September):
- when previously completed higher education studies grade point average is at least 3.0 (for Estonians)
- if the student is placed in the admissions ranking among the first third (for non-Estonian degree students).

Apply through SoleMove
Apply for exchange studies through SoleMove. Select Tallinn University of Technology [TalTech] from the drop down menu and use your UNI-ID to log in to the system.
Upcoming application rounds
Application rounds for exchange studies:
- Next main application round will be held in February 1-28, 2025 for Autumn semester or for the full Academic Year 2025/2026.
- Additional application round for Spring semester 2026 will open on August 25 until September 15, 2025.
Application rounds for internship abroad and for short-term and blended mobility are open all year round.
How to apply
Step 1: Please study the information provided on this website, note the additional information marked in brackets (if any) after the name of each partner university:
- Erasmus Partner Universities
- Bilateral Agreements (studies outside EU)
Step 2: Then select three preferred universities, write a Letter of Motivation, prepare your CV and get your Language Certificate.
Step 3: Once you have all this information ready, submit your application in SoleMove (Application form for outgoing student mobility)
The number of students participating in Erasmus exchange studies is limited in two ways:
- by the number of places for TalTech students at each partner university per academic year;
- by the number of Erasmus scholarship places available for particular period.
Should there be a competition (either for places at a certain university or for the scholarship places in general), the applicants will be selected based on the following criteria:
- Good academic record;
- Excellent language skills;
- Motivation (expressed during the interview, including the ability to serve as an ambassador of the home university and Estonia at the host university, potential future contribution to home university and Estonia);
- How the particular candidate succeeds in meeting the requirements set by the partner university or defined in the inter-institutional agreement;
- Availability of suitable subjects for the particular candidate at the selected partner university.
Step 1: Find a short-term/blended mobility possibility in one of TalTech partner universities. Make sure TalTech has an agreement with the partner university for your field and study cycle, and that there are free places available. For assistance, please contact
Step 2: Once you have received a confirmation from the Mobility Centre about the selected partner university, receive a Letter of Acceptance from the host university for the mobility. In case the host university requires a nomination from TalTech, please contact
Step 3: Prepare the necessary documents for your application: Letter of Motivation, Language Certificate (at least B2 level in English), host universities Letter of Acceptance, filled and signed Exchange Studies Plan (for short-term doctoral mobility an approval from TalTech’s Programme Director) .
Step 4: Once you have prepared everything, submit your application in SoleMove (Application form for short student mobility) with the supporting documents at least 1 month before the start of the short-term/blended mobility.
Read more about short-term and blended mobility here.
Language Testing
The minimum language level to participate in exchange studies is CEFR level B2. Adding a Language Certificate to your application is mandatory:
- It could be a valid TOEFL, IELTS or Cambridge certificate;
- Proof from the Dean's Office, that your studies in TalTech are in English is also acceptable for the TalTech application;
- If you are an Estonian and received at least 75 points from the high school English examination, that certificate is accepted for TalTech's application.
It is important to check what document is required by the host university - if they need a specific English certificate you still might have to take an additional testing.
The English Proficiency Test, administered by the Centre for Language and Communication of Tallinn University of Technology, is a test of general academic language abilities and literacy skills. Each candidate for the test will be issued a Certificate of English Proficiency based on the results of the test.
Centre for Language and Communication
Find more information here about the next possibility to take an English test in TalTech.

Good to Know
Important information for studying abroad
- Get acquainted with the subjects taught at the foreign university; choose subjects compatible with your curriculum.
- Co-ordinate the choice of subjects with the Programme Director and the Dean's Office.
- When going to study abroad, you are obligated to complete subjects of at least 15 ECTS per semester that fit into your curriculum. As your preliminary choices may change, be sure to choose more subjects compatible with your curriculum.
- If you complete at least 15 ECTS of subjects compatible with your curriculum per semester, the nominal period of study is prolonged per one semester. This means that when returning from the semester abroad, you do not need to complete more than 15 ECTS in the semester following the exchange studies.
- The subjects completed abroad will be counted as optional subjects only in the amount prescribed in the curriculum. There can of course be more subjects classifiable as optional subjects, but in that case, they will not count towards the required 15 ECTS.
- If there is a risk that you do not manage to collect subjects compatible with your curriculum in the amount of 15 ECTS and it is counted as an ordinary semester of studies, then collect enough credit points at TalTech before the exchange studies, so that they would also cover the semester you spend abroad in advance.
- 15 ECTS requirement for student mobility does not apply for PhD students.
- If you complete less than 15 ECTS of subjects compatible with your curriculum, you have to meet the study load requirement according to the rules of an ordinary semester.