Tallinn University of Technology

Visits to partners

October to November 2019, PhD student Rauno Joemaa is on a research visit at Budapest University of Technology and Economics to work on transferring enzyme-coated electrospun nanofibers into microreactors for Lab-on-a-Chip/Organ-on-Chip applications. His visit is sponsored by a Dora+ grant. He is working, among others, with Tamas Pardy who is conducting his postdoc at Budapest University of Technology and Economics.

August 2019 - The COEL ERA-Chair holder, Muhammad Mahtab Alam, is visiting University of Glasgow to discuss various cooperation activities. Photos below, FB postLinkedIn post.  

June 2019 - Postdoc Researcher Hassan Malik on an erasmus+ visit at the Institute of Telecommunications, University of Aveiro, Portugal. Photos below, Facebook postLinkedIn post

Politecnico di Milano visit

December 2018 - The COEL ERA-Chair holder Prof. Muhammad Mahtab Alam visited Politecnico di Milano (Polimi) to meet the Italian partners (Staff intra-EU mobility (ERASMUS+ Staff Exchange Programme), "Teaching at MSc and PhD level"). During his visit, he gave lectures and discussed ongoing research efforts with Prof. Magarini and Prof. Reggiani. He also chaired in the committee for the defenses of PhD students in telecommunication engineering graduating that year.

Politico di Milano visit

National Taipei University of Technology visit

July 2018 - Professor Yannick Le Moullec visited NTUT, Taipei, Taiwan. He met Professors Yu-Cheng Fan (NTUT), Aurelija Ulbinaite (VU), Shu-Ming Tseng, and Po-Hsuan Tseng (NTUT) to discuss possible research collaboration within NB-IoT/IoT.

NTUT visit

Politecnico di Milano visit

December 2017 - COEL ERA-Chair Holder Associate Professor Muhammad Mahtab Alam went on a staff intra-EU mobility (ERASMUS+ Staff Exchange Programme), "Teaching at MSc and PhD level" - Politecnico di Milano, Italy.

Politico di Milano visit
Politico di Milano visit

National Taipei University of Technology visit

Summer 2017: MSc student Zhen Ni and Prof. Yannick Le Moullec visited National Taipei University of Technology (NTUT), Taiwan. Visits partly financed by the Dora Plus Programme and Taiwan Ministry of Science and Technology, respectively.

National Taipei University of Technology visit
National Taipei University of Technology visit
National Taipei University of Technology visit

National Taipei University of Technology visit

17-27 March 2017: Prof. Yannick Le Moullec visited National Taipei University of Technology (NTUT), Taiwan. Visit financed by an Estonian-Taiwanese agreements of scientific cooperation travel grant.

Prof. Yannick Le Moullec visited National Taipei University of Technology
Prof. Yannick Le Moullec visited National Taipei University of Technology