Tallinn University of Technology

Overall objective

The overall objective of ERA Chairs is to “support universities and research organisations to develop their potential for research excellence” (http://ec.europa.eu/research/era/era-chairs-faq_en.html).

“ERA Chairs actions will address the specific challenge of creating the appropriate conditions and opportunities for high quality researchers and research managers to move and engage with willing institutions to improve the excellence of their research and thereby modify their research and innovation landscape.” (http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/opportunities/h2020/topics/widespread-2-2014.html).

One of the key objectives for T.J. Seebeck Department of Electronics ELIN in establishing an ERA Chair is to increase cooperation and enhance visibility, both domestically and in the European context.

The ERA Chair will enhance close cooperation with outstanding European research partner organizations in the same S&T domain or in complementary fields, and when appropriate with industry and SMEs from the local, national or European landscape.

One of the key drivers for T.J. Seebeck Department of Electronics to foster the ERA chair is the identified need to be at the forefront of strategic developments inside Estonia and EU, to play and active role in the development of future emerging technologies, and thereby actively support success of both local and EU economy and science.

The ERA chair will support increased cooperation between private and public sectors, increase awareness of the local and European businesses of technological opportunities, and foster science and education in exciting new areas.