Tallinn University of Technology

Project Status

30 November 2019

Official end date of the COEL ERA-Chair project. The work continues beyond, including but not limited to, the projects mentioned below.

Autumn 2019

Two Estonian Reseach Council applications have been pre-selected for funding. One of them is ranked 1st in its area.

Autumn 2019

The ERA-net project "JEDAI Event Driven Artificial Intelligence Hardware for Biomedical Sensors" has been approved for funding.

Spring 2019

The ITA Development Project (HITSA- IT Academy) “Developing an Internet of Things practice and project subject environment” has been quick-started.

Spring 2019

The Nutikas project “KIUTO - Advancement of Smart Building Automation Technologies and Devices of Domotics OÜ" has been quick-started.

Winter/Spring 2019

The Interreg Baltic Sea Region project "LUCIA - Cities accelerate the deployment of sustainable and smart urban lighting solutions" has been quick-started

Winter/Spring 2019

The Estonian Research Council PUT project PRG424 "Closed-loop communication system to support highly responsive neuromuscular assistive stimulation" has been quick-started.

Winter 2019

The Estonian Research Council project IUT19-11 "Impedance Spectroscopy based Identification and Control of Objects: Signals, Algorithms, Energy Efficient Solutions" has been approved for continuation in 2019.

Summer 2018

The NATO-SPS project G5482 "Public Safety Communication in the Context of Terrorist Attacks" has been quick-started.

Winter 2018

The Estonian Research Council project IUT19-11 "Impedance Spectroscopy based Identification and Control of Objects: Signals, Algorithms, Energy Efficient Solutions" has been approved for continuation in 2018.

Summer 2017

Dr. Muhidul Islam Kahn and Dr. Hassan Malik have joined the COEL team as postdoc researchers.

Spring 2017

Two postdoc fellows have been selected and will join the team soon.

Winter 2017

The H2020 COST Action CA16116 – "Wearable Robots for Augmentation, Assistance or Substitution of Human Motor Functions" has been quick-started.

Winter 2017

The Estonian Research Council PUT1435 project "Heterojunctions based on Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Materials" has been quick-started.

Winter 2017

The H2020 ERA-NET project "Convergence - Frictionless Energy Efficient Convergent Wearables for Healthcare and Lifestyle Applications" has been quick-started.

Winter 2017

The Estonian Research Council project IUT19-11 "Impedance Spectroscopy based Identification and Control of Objects: Signals, Algorithms, Energy Efficient Solutions" has been approved for continuation in 2017.

Autumn 2016

The COEL ERA-Chair team recruitement is ongoing.

Summer 2016

We are pleased to announce that following the ranking established by the International Advisory Board, Muhammad Mahtab Alam has been selected for the COEL ERA-Chair holder position.

Spring 2016

The COEL ERA-Chair holder recruitement is ongoing.

Winter 2016

The Estonian Research Council project IUT19-11 "Impedance Spectroscopy based Identification and Control of Objects: Signals, Algorithms, Energy Efficient Solutions" has been approved for continuation in 2016.