Tallinn University of Technology

Summary and photos of the hackathon on Cognitive Electronics for Smart Environments


On 8-10 November 2019, we hosted a hackathon on Cognitive Electronics for Smart Environments. 58 persons came to the event, including participants, mentors, panel members, organizers, and some visitors. 33 persons, organized in 10 teams, worked on the challenges.

The challenges had been proposed by several companies (Thinnect, Crabsec, Cybernetica, Eliko, Skeleton Technologies), as well as by some researchers from Thomas Johann Seebeck Department of Electronics (School of Information Technologies at TalTech). Personnel from these companies and department acted as mentors for the challenged they proposed. In addition, the evaluation panel consisted of 1 project manager, 1 postdoc and 2 PhD students from TalTech.

All teams came up with some solutions, or parts thereof, that help solving the challenges. As a result, possible further collaborations between some team members and companies or researchers have been discussed.

Day 1

Friday 08 November 2019 - Welcome, presentations of the challenges, start hacking! Facebook post (including more photos), LinkedIn post

hackathon on Cognitive Electronics for Smart Environments
hackathon on Cognitive Electronics for Smart Environments
hackathon on Cognitive Electronics for Smart Environments
hackathon on Cognitive Electronics for Smart Environments