Tallinn University of Technology

Professor Mart Min is featured several times in this video "Where Science Meets Innovation".

Core members

  • Project Manager Alvar Kurrel [ETIS]
  • Head of ICT Labs Frederick Rang 

Associated members

Former members and former associated members


13 November 2019 Dr. Imran Khan Niazi from Centre for Chiropractic Research, New Zealand.

As part of his research visit, Dr. Imran Khan Niazi gave the following seminar: "Brain-Computer Interface based on Movement-Related Cortical Potentials for Stroke Rehabilitation"

A brain-computer interface (BCI) is a system that interprets brain signals generated by the user, allowing specific commands from the brain to be sent to an external device. Such interface enables severely disabled people to interact with their environment without the need for any activation of their normal pathways involved in motor commands. The combination of rehabilitation paradigms and BCIs, both of which exploit cortical plasticity, could help people become “able” once again. For this reason, BCI systems appear promising rehabilitation tools. This presentation will provide some insight into the inter professional collaboration for development of a BCI system that can be used for stroke rehabilitation when it is based on neuromodulation techniques using Hebbian plasticity and movement-related cortical potentials (MRCP).

Imran Khan Niazi received his B.Sc. degree in Electrical engineering (specialization: Biomedical Engineering) from the Riphah International University, Islamabad, Pakistan, in 2005, and his Masters in biomedical engineering from University & FH Luebeck, Luebeck, Germany in 2009 and later he got his PhD from Center of sensory-motor interaction, Health Science Technology Department, University of Aalborg, Aalborg, Denmark in 2012 under supervision of Prof Dario Farina. After working as a postdoc for a year, he moved to New Zealand in 2013, where he is currently working as Senior Research Fellow at New Zealand College of Chiropractic. Dr Niazi research interests focus on rehabilitation engineering with the patient-centred approach. For that, he is interested in studying and understanding the altered mechanism of motor control and learning in neurological disorder. Understanding these mechanisms can assist us in developing various technologies that can enhance the quality of life (QOL) of these patients, during and after my PhD he has been utilising brain-computer interfaces to achieve goals above. He has authored 50 peer-reviewed journal papers and 86 conference papers (proceedings and extended abstracts including). His work has been cited ~ 1200 times, and he has an h-index of 16 according to Google Scholar.

Photos below, Facebook postLinkedIn postannouncement.

H2020 ERA-Chair of Cognitive Electronics (COEL) Team Visitors

Welcome to Prof. Claudio Sacchi from University of Trento, Italy, from 26 August to 6 September 2019.

His visit is sponsored by a Scholarships for Researchers managed by the Estonian Education Agency/Archimedes. Besides research activities, Prof. Sacchi gave two talks:

  • 29 August 2019, Tallinn, Estonia: Seminar on Softwarization and Virtualization for “Space 2.0” Vision Enabling by Prof. Claudio Sacchi (University of Trento, Italy).
  • Slides: PDF file. Also available on LinkedIn here.
  • Photos below and more photos on the FB post and LinkedIn post.
  • Video extracts: https://bit.ly/2lBBl9m
H2020 ERA-Chair of Cognitive Electronics (COEL) Team Visitors

27 August 2019, Tallinn, Estonia: Seminar on Millimeter Wave Transmission in Cell-less Networking: Opportunities and Challenges by Prof. Claudio Sacchi (University of Trento, Italy).

H2020 ERA-Chair of Cognitive Electronics (COEL) Team Visitors

Welcome to Adrien Russo, guest PhD student from Université Côte d'Azur.

Adrien will spend three months at T.J. Seebeck Department of Electronics to work on distribution of artificial neural networks in wireless sensors with applications to energy-efficient smart cities. In this context, his PhD supervisors Francois Verdier and Benoit Miramond also visited our department to discuss the scientific and technical challenges of the research project.

H2020 ERA-Chair of Cognitive Electronics (COEL) Team Visitors

Thomas Johann Seebeck Department of Electronics had the pleasure to host eminent guest from UK, Professor Muhammad Ali Imran.

His public lecture took place on the 12th of April 2019. Topic: 5G Cellular Systems for Energy Efficient Operation. Photos below, Facebook postLinkedIn post.

H2020 ERA-Chair of Cognitive Electronics (COEL) Team Visitors

On 21-26 October 2018, Peter Koch from Aalborg University (Denmark) visited us in the framework of the Erasmus+ programme.

As part of his visit, he gave:

  • One PhD seminar: “Energy-Aware Scheduling of FIR Filter Structures Using a Timed Automata Model”,
  • Two MSc lectures: “An Introduction to the Design of RTL Architectures for DSP Algorithms” and “Considerations on Power      Consumption and Power Reduction in CMOS based Circuits”
  • One presentation: “An Introduction to Problem Based Learning Conducted at Aalborg University”

In addition, we had discussions on potential collaborations in terms of project and joint funding applications.

H2020 ERA-Chair of Cognitive Electronics (COEL) Team Visitors

2 April to 7 July 2018: PhD student Yohann Rioual from Lab-STICC/Université de Bretagne Sud is visiting us.

During his stay, Yohann will work on issues related to reinforcement learning for energy management in low power IoT, approximate computing, and near-sensing computing.

H2020 ERA-Chair of Cognitive Electronics (COEL) Team Visitors

6-13 March 2017: Prof. Yu-Cheng Fan [Personal Webpage at NTUT], National Taipei University of Technology (NTUT), Taiwan.

Visit financed by an Estonian-Taiwanese agreements of scientific cooperation travel grant. (Left: Presentation for T.J. Seebeck Dept. of Electronics; Right: Meeting with the International Office)

H2020 ERA-Chair of Cognitive Electronics (COEL) Team Visitors

12-14 September 2016: Ass. Professor Claudio Sacchi, University of Trento, Italy

12-14 September 2016: Ass. Professor Claudio Sacchi [ResearchGate], University of Trento, Italy, delivered a PhD course (also open to MSc students and researchers) on "MM-wave transmission technologies for 5G". Visit financed by an Erasmus+ grant.