H2020 ERA-Chair of Cognitive Electronics (COEL)
Project information
- Project code: H2020-WIDESPREAD-2014-2 668995 COEL
- Project name: Cognitive Electronics (COEL)
- Duration: 48 months
- Period: 1 December 2015 – 30 November 2019
Project summary
Tackling the various societal, economic and environmental challenges faced by the EU can be supported by ICT-based solutions such as Wireless Sensor Networks, RFID, Internet of Things… R&D in so-called smart embedded and energy efficient electronics is increasingly important so that such solutions perform adequately, reliably and securely, adapt to changing conditions, and be energetically less visible as their number grows; i.e., future electronics should have cognitive functions deeply embedded into them.
Establishing an ERA Chair at T.J. Seebeck Department of Electronics, Tallinn University of Technology, will help it keeping abreast with the above research specialization by increasing its research capacity in cognitive electronics related topics such as new architectures, methods and tools for energy-efficient sensor signal processing, new sensor technologies with improved yield, and efficient communication techniques for autonomous systems and RFID solutions. Promising applications include pervasive ambient medical/health monitoring, inspection of the structural health of materials and constructs, smart transportation and smart energy distribution.
The main task of the ERA Chair will be to breathe new competences, federate resources, and increase the integration of existing research activities by building a coherent research framework in the department. The increased research capacity initiated by the ERA Chair will not only result in significant contributions to the above scientific topics, but will also increase the department visibility at the European and international levels. While much attention will be paid to cooperation with the industry, the key target is coordination of the research in the area of cognitive electronics, including with other academic and technology development institutes.
Naturally, the Chair will also participate actively in the training and teaching at the doctoral level, bringing contemporary knowledge & methods to the department.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 668995.
This material reflects only the authors' view and the EC Research Executive Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

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See https://www.5g-routes.eu/ for more details
Congratulations to Margus Metshein, Paul Annus, Raul Land, Marek Rist, Mart Min, Olev Märtens for their paper "Correlation Between Electrical Bioimpedance and Pressure Waveform in Radial Artery and in Mechanical Pulsating Pipe System" being awarded the 1st place among best papers at I2MTC 2020 conference.
PhD student Collins Burton Mwakwata's contribution to Eu-CNC 2020: "Cooperative Interference Avoidance Scheduler for Radio Resource Management in NB-IoT Systems": Youtube video
Today (9 April 2020) we celebrate the 250th anniversary of Thomas Johann Seebeck after whom our department of electronics is named.
Did you know that today's micro- and nanoelectronics solutions rely on Seebeck - our best known Estonian born precision scientist? At the university campus the flowers were placed on the monument of the Thomas Johann Seebeck. Video about the famous physicist can be viewed here.
Our Major European Project is Approved!
It is a great pleasure to share that TalTech along with 22 partners have won convincingly a major European project i.e., "5G-ROUTES" for H2020 ICT-53 call (IA), for cross-border trials (Via-Baltic North) for connected automated mobility (CAM) services.
This is an innovative project reaching out railways, shipping and road passengers with advanced technologies being exploited from both terrestrial and non-terrestrial networks.
Exciting times ahead with kick-off in a few months - Stay tuned!
Thank you Professor Roberto Saracco (Italy) for delivering an inspiring lecture on "Digital Transformation: its Leverage and Impact on Communications". Facebook link, LinkedIn Link. Copy of the slides.
We are pleased to announce that BODYNETS 2020 the 15th EAI International Conference on Body Area Networks: Smart IoT and big data for intelligent health management, will take place on 21-22 October 2020 in Tallinn, Estonia.
The COEL project officially ended on 30 November 2019. Updates regarding our activities will continue on the COEL Facebook page, LinkedIn page and this website.
Thomas Johann Seebeck Department of Electronics had the pleasure to host Dr. Imran Khan Niazi from the Center for Chiropractic Research, New Zealand.
As part of his research visit, Dr. Imran Khan Niazi gave the following seminar: "Seminar on Brain-Computer Interface Based on Movement-Related Cortical Potentials for Stroke Rehabilitation"
Date: November 13, 2019, 10 am-11:30pm
Location: U02-409, Ehitajate tee 5, Tallinn
Abstract and photos: click here for more details
Announcement: Click here for more details
The hackathon on Cognitive Electronics has been successfully conducted. Click here for a summary and photos.
Announcement: We are pleased to announce our free hackathon on Cognitive Electronics for Smart Environments on 8-10 November 2019, Mektory, Tallinn. More details and registration link:
8-10 October 2019, Jurmala, Latvia: We participated in a partner meeting of the Interreg Baltic Sea Region LUCIA project. The goal of LUCIA is to accelerate the deployment of sustainable and smart urban lighting solutions in the Baltic Sea region.
Photos , Facebook post , LinkedIn post .
In the context of the COEL ERA-Chair project, four researchers from the Thomas Johann Seebeck Department of Electronics participated in the 18th International Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials 2019 (ICSCRM 2019), 29 September - 04 October 2019, Kyoto, Japan.
Click here for more details and photos . Facebook post , LinkedIn post .
Mr. Priit Roosipuu, a new colleague at the Thomas Johann Seebeck Department of Electronics, gave his introductory lecture on Friday, 09/09/2019.
The topic was Mobile Communication in Practice and Included Aspects of Mobile Network Planning, Measurement and Tuning Through Different Mobile Generations (2G, 3G, 4G) Simple And Practical As Well As Mobile Network Coverage And Quality Challenges. Facebook post , LinkedIn post
The COEL ERA-Chair Holder Prof. Muhammad Mahtab Alam, Prof. Rizwan Ahmad, and Prof. Maurizio Magarini presented the status of our CounterTerror (www.counterterror.eu) project during the NATO SPS Cluster Workshop on Advanced Technologies - 17-18 September 2019 - KU Leuven, Belgium. Photos , Facebook post , LinkedIn post .
On 19-20 September 2019, we participated in the Digital Excellence Forum/ICT Proposers' Day 2019, Helsinki, Finland: networking with existing and new partners, inspiration for future projects, information about upcoming calls of the Horizon 2020 Work Programme in Information & Communication Technologies (ICT), Future and Emerging Technologies (FET), and last but not least, Societal Challenges. Photos, Facebook post, LinkedIn post.
The 3rd H2020 COEL ERA-Chair project steering committee meeting took place on 5-6 September 2019, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway. The meeting included a visit of Oslo Cyclotron Laboratory. Photos, FB post, LinkedIn post.
Fresh and more experienced PhD supervisors (Hassan Malik, Navuday Sharma, Olev Märtens, Yannick Le Moullec) attended Helmut Brentel's doctoral supervision training, arranged by Eduard Petlenkov/School of Information Technologies at TalTech.
Photos, Facebook post, LinkedIn post.
The COEL ERA-Chair holder, Muhammad Mahtab Alam, is visiting University of Glasgow to discuss various cooperation activities: photos, FB post, LinkedIn post.
On 21 August 2019, the COEL ERA-Chair holder Muhammad Mahtab Alam gave an invited talk as part of the 4th International Conference on UK - China Emerging Technologies (UCET), technically sponsored by IEEE Communications Society, 21-22 August 2019, at the University of Glasgow, UK. The conference is focused on communication and sensing.
His talk was titled Radio Resource Management in Narrowband Internet-of-Things: Perspectives From Standard to Real-Deployments.
Abstract: Narrowband Internet-of-Things (NB-IoT) is an enabling low-power wide area network (LPWAN) cellular IoT communication technology to support massive machine type communication in 5G. It has been standardized by 3GPP starting from release 13 on-wards to provide faster deployment and operation time to operators thanks to simple firmware upgrade on existing LTE infrastructure. It has better penetration and coverage compare to other LPWAN and legacy LTE, however one of the important questions is "how to support massive devices with only 180 kHz" of radio frequency band?. Our research is focused on addressing this issue from radio resource management point of view taking into account future HetNet deployment of 5G. In this talk, aspects of interference prediction, flexible duplexing as well coverage campaign results from test network will be presented.
The call for paper for our symposium on Low Power Wide Area Networks Technologies for Internet of Things Symposium is online. It is organized as part of the the 16th International Conference on Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IWCMC 2020). Deadline: 10 January 2020.
Welcome to Prof. Claudio Sacchi from University of Trento, Italy. Prof. Sacchi will visit us from 26 August to 6 September 2019. His visit is sponsored by a Scholarships for Researchers managed by the Estonian Education Agency/Archimedes. Besides research activities, Prof. Sacchi will give two talks:
29 August 2019, Tallinn, Estonia: Seminar on Softwarization and Virtualization for “Space 2.0” Vision Enabling by Prof. Claudio Sacchi (University of Trento, Italy). Click here for details.
27 August 2019, Tallinn, Estonia: Seminar on Millimeter Wave Transmission in Cell-less Networking: Opportunities and Challenges by Prof. Claudio Sacchi (University of Trento, Italy. Click here for details.
On 15-18 July 2019, Prof. Rang attended the 15th Edition of PRIME Conferences: PRIME/SMACD 2019 Conference, Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland. It is a forum devoted to modeling, simulation and synthesis for Analog, Mixed-signal, RF (AMS/RF) and multi-domain (MEMs, nanoelectronics, optoelectronics, biological, etc.) integrated circuits and systems. Experiences with modeling, simulation and synthesis techniques in diverse application areas are also welcomed. Objective technologies include CMOS, beyond CMOS, and More-than- Moore such as MEMs, power devices, sensors, passives, etc. Facebook post, LinkedIn post.
PhD student Sikandar Khan attending the Fifteenth International Summer School on Advanced Computer Architecture and Compilation for High-Performance and Embedded Systems 2019 (HiPEAC ACACES 2019), 14-20 July 2019, Fiuggi, Italy. Photos, Facebook post, LinkedIn post.
Congratulations to Rauno Gordon, Head of TalTech Space Centre, and to the whole team for the launch of TalTech’s new generation student satellite Koit (Dawn). Part of the work has been carried out by researchers and students from T. J. Seebeck Department of Electronics / COEL ERA-Chair project (Eiko Priidel, Ants Koel, Stephen Kabali, Nika Mukbaniani, etc.)
Professor Toomas Rang participated in SelectBIO: Lab-on-Chip and Microfluidics EUROPE 2019, Organ-on-a-Chip and Tissue-on-a-Chip EUROPE 2019, Point-of-Care, Biosensors and Mobile Diagnostics EUROPE 2019 on 18-19 June 2019 Rotterdam, The Netherlands. He presented the work "Biomimetic Action Potential Simulations with a Microfluidic Device" by Rauno Jõemaa, Tamás Pardy, and Toomas Rang. Photos, Facebook post, LinkedIn post.
Postdoc researcher Hassan Malik on an Erasmus+ visit at Instituto de telecomunicações, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal. Photos, Facebook post, LinkedIn post.
Post-doc researcher Hassan Malik gave a talk titled: “Narrowband Internet of Things for Massive Machine Type Communication in 5G-IoT” during EFOP international workshop Advanced ICT Tools and Methods for Cyber-Physical Systems and Biomedical Applications, 12-14 June 2019, Esztergom, Hungary, Faculty of Information Technology and Bionics, Pázmány Péter Catholic University. Photos, Facebook post, LinkedIn post.
Congratulations to all our new Masters of Communicative Electronics!
On 29 April to 02 May 2019, Navuday Sharma and Yannick Le Moullec co-chaired the RACT-5G-IoT 2019 workshop (organized as part of the COEL project) during the ANT 2019 conference in Leuven, Belgium. Photos.
NATO-SPS G5482 "COUNTERTERROR: Public Safety Communication in the Context of Terrorist Attacks" We recently held our first face-to-face meeting in Tallinn.
More information, slideshow, and photos are available in this link.
Welcome to Adrien Russo, guest PhD student from Université Côte d'Azur. Adrien will spend three months at T.J. Seebeck Department of Electronics to work on distribution of artificial neural networks in wireless sensors with applications to energy-efficient smart cities.
In this context, his PhD supervisors Francois Verdier and Benoit Miramond also visited our department to discuss the scientific and technical challenges of the research project.
Defence of the PhD Thesis "Algorithms for Learning and Adaptation Over Networks – Distributed Leader Selection" by Sander Ulp, 12/04/2019, 14:00, U02-208, Ehitajate tee 5, Tallinn
Thomas Johann Seebeck Department of Electronics has a pleasure to host eminent guest from UK, Professor Muhammad Ali Imran. You are invited to his public lecture on the 12th of April (12:00-13:00) in the lecture room U02-409.
Photos, Facebook post, LinkedIn post.
Topic: 5G Cellular Systems for Energy Efficient Operation
The cellular network have long been configured and optimised reactively by identifying events and triggers and readjusting the operation of the cellular system. Our research is paving the way to make a step change by introducing proactive techniques to pre-emptively trigger actions that will save the energy while maintaining a high level of quality of experience for end users. With the advent of ultra-dense deployment of networks, we need to use such mechanisms to schedule multi-level sleep modes of cells, mobility management as well as joint RAN-backhaul optimisation from energy efficiency perspective. We will cover the fundamental framework for the evaluation of energy efficiency and the state of the art as well as futuristic approaches and ideas to achieve energy efficient network management.
Short Bio:
Muhammad Ali Imran (M'03, SM'12) Fellow IET, Senior Member IEEE, Senior Fellow HEA is a Professor of Wireless Communication Systems with research interests in self organised networks, wireless networked control systems and the wireless sensor systems. He heads the Communications, Sensing and Imaging CSI research group at University of Glasgow. He is an Affiliate Professor at the University of Oklahoma, USA and a visiting Professor at 5G Innovation Centre, University of Surrey, UK. He has over 20 years of combined academic and industry experience with several leading roles in multi-million pounds funded projects. He has filed 15 patents; has authored/co-authored over 400 journal and conference publications; was editor of 3 books and author of more than 20 book chapters; has successfully supervised over 40 postgraduate students at Doctoral level. He has been a consultant to international projects and local companies in the area of self-organised networks.