Selected Invited Talks, etc
October 2019, LUCIA partner meeting
8-10 October 2019, Jurmala, Latvia: We participated in the partner meeting of the Interreg Baltic Sea Region LUCIA project. The goal of LUCIA is to accelerate the deployment of sustainable and smart urban lighting solutions in the Baltic Sea region.
- LUCIA Twitter:
- LUCIA website:
- Photos below, Facebook post, LinkedIn post.

September-October 2019, ICSCRM 2019 conference
In the context of the COEL ERA-Chair project, four researchers from the Thomas Johann Seebeck Department of Electronics participated in the 18th International Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials 2019 (ICSCRM 2019), 29 September - 04 October 2019, Kyoto, Japan.
Their papers are:
- M. Haroon Rashid, Ants Koel and Toomas Rang, "Nano- and Micro-scale Simulations of Ge / 3C-SiC and Ge / 4H-SiC NN-Heterojunction Diodes." Preprint
- Mehadi Hasan Ziko, Ants Koel, Jana Toompuu, and Toomas Rang, "Analysis of barrier inhomogeneities of p-type Al / 4H-SiC Schottky barrier diodes". Preprint
- Vitaly V. Kozlovski, Oleg Korolkov, Alexander A. Lebedev, Jana Toompuu, and Natalia Sleptsuk, "Comparative Results of Low-Temperature Annealing of Silicon Carbide Irradiated by Protons and Electrons." Preprint
Photos below, Facebook post , LinkedIn post

September 2019 [NATO SPS Cluster Workshop on Advanced Technologies]
The COEL ERA-Chair Holder Prof. Muhammad Mahtab Alam, Prof. Rizwan Ahmad, and Prof. Maurizio Magarini presented the status of our CounterTerror ( project during the NATO SPS Cluster Workshop on Advanced Technologies - 17-18 September 2019 - KU Leuven, Belgium. Photos below, Facebook post, LinkedIn post.

September 2019 [ICT Proposers' day 2019]
On 19-20 September 2019, we participated in the Digital Excellence Forum/ICT Proposers' Day 2019, Helsinki, Finland: networking with existing and new partners, inspiration for future projects, information about upcoming calls of the Horizon 2020 Work Programme in Information & Communication Technologies (ICT), Future and Emerging Technologies (FET), and last but not least, Societal Challenges. Photos below, Facebook post, LinkedIn post.

September 2019 [Steering committee meeting]
The 3rd H2020 COEL ERA-Chair project steering committee meeting took place on 5-6 September 2019, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway. The meeting included a visit of Oslo Cyclotron Laboratory. With Marta Rencz, Ørjan Grøttem Martinsen, François Verdier, Mahtab Alam, Alvar Kurrel, Toomas Rang, Yannick Le Moullec.

August 2019 [PhD supervision training]
Fresh and more experienced PhD supervisors (Hassan Malik, Navuday Sharma, Olev Märtens, Yannick Le Moullec) attended Helmut Brentel's doctoral supervision training, arranged by Eduard Petlenkov/School of Information Technologies at TalTech.
Photos below, Facebook post, LinkedIn post.

August 2019 [Invited talk]
On 21 August 2019, the COEL ERA-Chair holder Muhammad Mahtab Alam gave an invited talk as part of the 4th International Conference on UK - China Emerging Technologies (UCET), technically sponsored by IEEE Communications Society, 21-22 August 2019, at the University of Glasgow, UK. The conference is focused on communication and sensing.
His talk was titled Radio Resource Management in Narrowband Internet-of-Things: Perspectives From Standard to Real-Deployments.
Abstract: Narrowband Internet-of-Things (NB-IoT) is an enabling low-power wide area network (LPWAN) cellular IoT communication technology to support massive machine type communication in 5G. It has been standardized by 3GPP starting from release 13 on-wards to provide faster deployment and operation time to operators thanks to simple firmware upgrade on existing LTE infrastructure. It has better penetration and coverage compare to other LPWAN and legacy LTE, however one of the important questions is "how to support massive devices with only 180 kHz" of radio frequency band?. Our research is focused on addressing this issue from radio resource management point of view taking into account future HetNet deployment of 5G. In this talk, aspects of interference prediction, flexible duplexing as well coverage campaign results from test network will be presented.
Photos below, Facebook post, LinkedIn post.

July 2019 [Summer School]
PhD student Sikandar Khan attending the Fifteenth International Summer School on Advanced Computer Architecture and Compilation for High-Performance and Embedded Systems 2019 (HiPEAC ACACES 2019), 14-20 July 2019, Fiuggi, Italy. See the photos below, Facebook post, LinkedIn post.

July 2019 [SelectBIO conference]
Professor Toomas Rang participated in SelectBIO: Lab-on-Chip and Microfluidics EUROPE 2019, Organ-on-a-Chip and Tissue-on-a-Chip EUROPE 2019, Point-of-Care, Biosensors and Mobile Diagnostics EUROPE 2019 on 18-19 June 2019 Rotterdam, The Netherlands. He presented the work "Biomimetic Action Potential Simulations with a Microfluidic Device" by Rauno Jõemaa, Tamás Pardy, and Toomas Rang. See the photos below, Facebook post, LinkedIn post.

June 2019 [Invited talk]
Post-doc researcher HASSAN MALIK gave a talk titled: “Narrowband Internet of Things for Massive Machine Type Communication in 5G-IoT” during EFOP international workshop Advanced ICT Tools and Methods for Cyber-Physical Systems and Biomedical Applications, 12-14 June 2019, Esztergom, Hungary, Faculty of Information Technology and Bionics, Pázmány Péter Catholic University. See the photos below, Facebook post, LinkedIn post

May 2019 [RACT-5G-IoT and ANT 2019]
RACT-5G-IoT 2019 and ANT2019: on 29 April to 02 May 2019, Navuday Sharma and Yannick Le Moullec co-chaired the RACT-5G-IoT 2019 workshop (organized as part of the COEL project) during the ANT 2019 conference in Leuven, Belgium.

NATO-SPS G5482 "COUNTERTERROR: Public Safety Communication in the Context of Terrorist Attacks"
On 10-12 April 2019 we held our first face-to-face meeting in Tallinn. The consortium is composed of Thomas Johann Seebeck Department of Electronics at Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia), Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria at Politecnico di Milano (Italy), School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at National University of Sciences and Technology (Pakistan). Stakeholders include the end-user Rantelon (Estonia), Estonian Rescue Board, Pulstech LLC (OÜ), etc.

On 5 June 2018, the COEL ERA-Chair holder, Muhammad Mahtab Alam, participated in the 16th Technical Committee Meeting of ETSI SmartBAN Standard in Geneva, Switzerland. This marks the beginning of our contributions to the on-going ETSI SmartBAN standardization effort; this will not only allow us to showcase the competences developped through the COEL project but will also give us the opportunity to network and collaborate with worldwide experts.

On 9 May 2018, the COEL ERA-Chair holder, Muhammad Mahtab Alam chaired the RACT-5G-IoT workshop (organized as part of the COEL project) during the ANT 2018 conference in Porto, Portugal.

Hassan Malik presented the paper “Evaluation of Low Power Wide Area Network Technologies for Smart Urban Drainage Systems” at the IEEE International Environmental Engineering Conference, Milan (12th-14th March 2018). During the conference, Hassan Malik had the chance to meet Prof. Vincenzo Piuri running for IEEE President-Election 2019 and had a good conversation on United Nations initiatives for achieving sustainable development goals through communication and computing. Hassan Malik also got the chance to listened to different speaker and distinguished engineer; George Maeakafa, Christ's University in Pacific, Tonga, Lavinia Amorosi, CNIT - National Inter-University Consortium for Telecommunications, Italy and Yotam Ariel, CEO for Bluefield. These lectures are useful for understanding the current vision and latest state-of-the-art research/technologies on Energy-Efficient systems for 5G and low-cost approaches to emissions monitoring to enable future sustainable development.

Muhidul Islam Khan presented the paper “Cooperative Reinforcement Learning based Adaptive Power Allocation in Device to Device Communication” at the IEEE Internet of Things (IoT) World Forum, Singapore (5th February-8th February 2018). During the conference, Muhidul Islam Khan also listened to expert plenary speakers, including Tim Hahn, IBM distinguished engineer; Jan Rabaey, distinguished professor, University of California at Berkeley and Bill Ruh, CEO for GE Digital. These lectures are really useful for understanding the current vision and latest state-of-the-art research/technologies on IBM Watson IoT, Swarm intelligence in IoT platform and cloud-based platform for the industrial internet. Muhidul Islam Khan have also chaired a particular session of this world forum on “IoT Enabling Technologies”.

The COEL ERA-Chair holder, Muhammad Mahtab Alam, and the COEL EAR-Chair Project Manager Alvar Kurrel participated in the first Widening Day, Brussels, Belgium, on Wednesday 08 November 2017. Organized by the European Commission DG RTD, the event gathered all three Widening actions in Europe - ERA CHAIRS (FP7 and Horizon 2020), TWINNING and TEAMING (phase 2) - in the aim to create a WIDENING COMMUNITY.

Muhammad Mahtab Alam, COEL ERA-Chair holder, gave a talk during the KIKK Festival 2017, and participated in the related TEKK Tour Digital Wallonia 2017, 2-7 November 2017, Namur, Belgium.

The COEL ERA-Chair holder, Muhammad Mahtab Alam, gave an invited talk titled Wearable Wireless Networks - From Theory to Practice at IEEE COMSOC Summer School, 11-14 July 2017, Lahore, Pakistan.