Tallinn University of Technology

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    TalTech Studio

    Taltech Studio (U06-040) is a modern video studio for all TalTech employees, where you can independently record instructional videos, presentations, course introductions, addresses, etc. With the help of a multimedia specialist, it is also possible to use a lightboard or organize video seminars. The staff of the university can use the studio independently free of charge, but if technical support is requested, a fee will be added according to the price list of the Educational Technology Center (translation of order 1-9/92). The room can be accessed with a staff card.

    The studio has 2 large LCD screens (for viewing computer image and recording output), robot camera, desktop computer, pointer, HDMI / Display Port input for connecting a laptop, speakerphone, studio speakers, studio lighting, ceiling directional microphone.

    Studio usage scenarios:

    The recording is in the "talking head" style. The speaker stands in front of a green background. Instead of the green background, five different TalTech brand colors can be displayed in real time. They cannot be changed later.
    Another option is to take the last option "GREEN" from the background selection, which saves cleanly with the green background, and thanks to which it is possible to select the desired background later in post-processing and change it if necessary. Some examples of work done:

    A lightboard is an effective tool for illustrating subjects where a lot of work is done with a lightboard and you want to write and explain assignments on topics such as math, chemistry, physics, or programming. Since recording with a lightboard requires very precise and specific settings in terms of camera, sound and lighting, if you want to use a lightboard, you should first contact a multimedia specialist and coordinate the desired recording. Example of the use of a lightboard: https://youtu.be/jBrl6xDTfLg

    It is also possible to have a two-way videoconference in the studio, e.g. Zoom, MS Teams, BBB.

    1. Press START on the touch screen
    2. Insert your USB drive into the USB port on the table
    3. Choose your height for the correct placement of the camera
    4. Select a preferred image layout (only camera; side-by-side; only PC).
    5. Pressing the SELECT BACKGROUND button opens the digital background selection
    6. Prepare the recording site:
      • Make sure there are no unwanted objects in the background
      • If you wish, use the podium where you can rest your hands or place notes
      • During recording, stand within the marked square.
    7. Start recording by pressing the red REC button
    8. Use clicker/pointer to switch your presentation slides
    9. If you wish you can also pause the recording by pressing the pause button.
    10. At the end of the recording, press the squared stop button, turn off the system from the screen and don’t forget you USB memory

    NB. If the recording failed to store into your USB drive or if you didn’t bring your USB at all, contact the multimedia specialist, the recording will be sent to you from the video server.

    Contact: Joonas Kokamägi 620 3609 joonas.kokamagi@taltech.ee


    • The studio can be booked in the Outlook calendar by adding an invitation to the recipient "U06-040" or "TalTech Studio" in the calendar entry.
    • When you are planning to use a lightboard or do more specific filming (such as a video seminar), technical support from a multimedia professional may be required. In this case, let us know by calling or writing directly to a multimedia specialist.
    • Joonas Kokamägi 620 3609 joonas.kokamagi@taltech.ee
    • Kirke Liis Paur 620 3622 kirke.paur@taltech.ee