Tutvu Taltechi korraldatavate konverentsidega!
Toimumise aeg |
Nimi |
Korraldaja |
Toimumiskoht |
24.01-25.01.2024 |
Military Technologies Conference: challenges for small states (EstMil.tech2024) |
Teadusosakond |
TalTech |
26.02-28.02.2024 |
Forum Wood Building Baltic (FWBB) 2024 |
Ehituse ja Arhitektuuri instituut |
Kultuurikatel, Tallinn |
13.06-15.06.2024 | XXXI Baltic Conference on the History and Philosophy of Science (bahps.org) |
Koostöös TÜ-ga, õigusinstituut |
TÜ, Tartu |
06.07-13.07.2024 | ICALP_LiCS_FSCD2024 (icalp2024) | Tarkvarateaduse instituut Pawel Maria Sobocinski, Niccolo Veltri (Kristi Ainen, 53074930) |
TLÜ, Tallinn |
24.09-27.09.2024 |
ICL2024- 27th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL2024) |
Mehaanika ja tööstustehnika instituut, Eesti Inseneripedagoogika Keskus |
TalTech |
24.09-27.09.2024 | 53rd IGIP International Conference on Engineering Pedagogy (ICL2024) | Mehaanika ja tööstustehnika instituut, Eesti Inseneripedagoogika Keskus Tiia Rüütmann Tel: 620 3255 |
TalTech |
02.10-04.10.2024 | Baltic Electronics Conference 2024 (BEC2024) |
Thomas Johann Seebecki elektroonikainstituut |
TalTech |
NB! Nimekiri täieneb jooksvalt
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18th International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation (REV2021)
ICL2020 was held on 23-25 September 2020 and it was a fully virtual conference.
Conference photos are available HERE.
NSB2020 conference was held on 7-9 September 2020 at TalTech Mektory and virtually on the event platform WORKSUP.
More information and pictures HERE.
Vision Zero 2019 is one of the greatest road safety events ever held in Estonia. The aim of the conference is to introduce innovation and road safety trends in the world and to share the best practices.
More information and pictures HERE.
The focus of the EuroVR conference series is to present, each year, novel Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR) technologies to foster engagement between industry, academia and the public sector, to promote the development of VR & AR technologies in new, emerging and existing fields. A unique opportunity for international key players to network, discuss, and share the latest innovations around commercial and research applications.
More information and pictures HERE.
The conference brings together materials and manufacturing experts from the universities and industry. It encourages new collaborations between different partners not only from academia, but also from national competence centres, industry and funding bodies.
Forum Wood Building Baltic is the main conference for technical topics of wooden buildings: building physics, fire safety, and wooden nearly zero energy buildings etc. in the countries around Baltic Sea. The conference is a part of the international organization Forum Holzbau.
More information and pictures HERE.