Tallinn University of Technology

Application form

Transcript of Records is an official document from your university indicating all the courses you have previously passed until your exchange period.
Master students have to attach their Bachelor studies Transcript of Records as well.

Required enclosures have to attached to the application. We do not proceed applications without documents.
The only document, what can be sent digitally and separately through different online channels, is Online Learning Agreement.
If your home university is using regular Learning Agreement, then, please attach it to the application.


Yes, it is required. One of the application requirement's is English Certificate at B2 level and that has to be proved.
If you do not have it latest on the application deadline, please apply for next semester when you have updated your English Certificate.

It is a document with the list of TalTech courses you take at TalTeh, these results will be transferred to student's home university after his/her exchange study period. It is signed by student, his/her home university and TalTech University. Please submit it to the online application and we will sign it during the admission procedure. You can change it during the 1st month of the semester. Learning Agreement has to be signed by student and home university, before you send it to TalTech.

The only reason, why the course list is not updated, is, that we do not have it yet. Once, when the list is ready, it is going to updated at the web page www.taltech.ee/Courses-in-English. You may check our previous course lists, but we do not guarantee that all the courses from that list will be taught next year, although more or less the list is the same.

Login credentials and guidelines how to fill in the online application form will be sent by e-mail. You may look to your junk mail, sometimes e-mails from SoleMove platform are found there.
The guidelines for Autumn Semester 2023 you find here.

OLA (Online Learning Agreement) is a part of application. Please send them together. We cannot accept your application without OLA or Learning Agreement.

OLA is Online Learning Agreement for Erasmus+ students. This is digital document, where are contacts of both institutions and the student. The list of courses you want to take at TalTech and equivalent courses at home university.
It is pretty tricky system and every university may use different version of it. There is Dashboard, SoleMove, SOP, MoveOn, DreamApply etc.
Ask from your home university, which system they use and how to access OLA. The order of sigantures is: you, home university and host university. Please check, that TalTech contact person is pillemari.lilleorg@taltech.ee. Name of the university Tallinn University of Technology, Erasmus code is EE TALLINN04.

Choosing the courses for Learning Agreement

The link indicated will give you the information about all the exchange students' course descriptions at TalTech. Courses what are offred for exchange students  in English are here. Please choose at least 70% of the courses at your study area and follow courses from the level you study. We do not have a special programme for exchange students, every student have an individual study plan. Please do not choose courses outside from this offer.

Please choose around 70% of the courses from your home university partner School and the level of your studies. When you fulfill prerequisites to the courses outside of your School, you may take some free-choice courses outside of your study field or level. We can accept the courses you have chosen, when you have sent the application with all the required documents. We do not accept or review your courses by e-mail.

There are some free-elective courses like languages of Basics or Physical Movement what are for any level. Please choose courses at the level of your studies at your home university and/or follow the remarks in our course offer. If you have fulfilled the prerequisites at home university you may choose the courses from the level you need.

As an exchange student of TalTech you can only choose the courses offered at our university. Applies also for Joint Programmes with another Estonian Universities.

TalTech offers for English speaking students only courses  in English. You may follow courses in Estonian, if you know it at the level, which is allows you to study.

According to the Erasmus+ programme rules, you are allowed to make the changes in LA during the first month of your studies. Timetables will be ready approximately a month before the beginning of the semester. Timetable conflict is one of the main reasons for making the changes.

All the courses you find from the list, which is meant for exchange students, will be taught in English. If you find any mistake from web based study system, please let us know incoming@taltech.ee, there may be unfortunately some mistakes in the course descriptions.

We accept the applications in the order we receive them. Therefore is important that you attach all the required documents. Choosing this course, please notice, that you have to fulfill all the prerequisites. You will be informed if you were not among of accepted students. When the course is accepted in your Learning Agreement, you are allowed to take the course.

Exchange students have to choose their courses only from the list, what is made specially for you.

The timetables will be ready approximateley a month before the beginning of the Semester. Therefore, unfortunately, you can't avoid course conflict in the early stage of making the Learning Agreement.

The initial generalized timetables will be available on tunniplaan.taltech.ee. The student specific timetables will be available in the student portal after you have declared the courses in September. 

Basically you need to follow the rules of your home university concerning the amount of ECTS. Normal workload at TalTech is 30 ECTS, we recommend take minimum 15 ECTS and not more than 40 ECTS per semester.

Arriving to Tallinn

It is impossible to recommend a specific airline. You need to research flight that corresponds to your needs (regarding the schedule, price etc). Students have to use often connecting flights as Tallinn Airport is rather small. As students from outside of the EU have to take connecting flights, we recommend, if possible, take flights where Estonia or our neighbor countries are the first Schengen country you enter. Truth is that at the moment the amount of airlines is limited. Or you may come to Helsinki and by airplane and then by boat to Tallinn.

You find more information at our web site. During last months the prices have risen around 25%.

Yes, before the beginning of the semester (usually the previous Thursday and Friday or Wednesday and Thursday before the beginning of the semester) TalTech organizes a 2-days Orientation Days event, that covers the practical, as well as academic matters, that will help you to settle in. It is not mandatory, but we highly recommend it, other wise you have to study all the materials and new information by yourself.

We highly recommend you to take part in the welcome programme, because it will give you a necessary basis to start your studies at TalTech. Every year there are hundred of new students and it is practical share the same information to everybody at the same time.

If, for some reason you can't participate, please pick up the welcome package from Mobility Centre U02-201, when you arrive. At home, please read all the presentations from the Orientation Days and Student's ABC. You have to know your timetable of the day when you arrive. The latest day for arrival is the deadline for online course registration, a week after the beginning of the Semester. Contact to your Lecturers and ask, how you will get access to the study materials. Even you arrive later, you have to begin studies from the first Monday.

The beginning and end dates of the semester are indicated in the Academic calendar. Autumn semester lectures start in the end of August or the beginning of September (closest Monday to 1st of September) and the Spring semester lectures start in the end of January or the beginning of February (closest Monday to 1st of February).
Students must arrive during the first week of the semester. Before the lectures start we have some days Welcome Programme.


We have a special price for TalTech's exchange students who come for one semester or one academic year. You find more information at our web page and www.academichostel.com >ENG>Exchange students. The exact price will be available a day after the application deadline.

You will receive an e-mail from us on November 16 or May 16, depending on a semester, or read the information at our web page , from 16th of May or 16th of November  and follow the instructions. First come, first served, we have only limited amount of places in the Academic hostel. Please think, also, are you ready accept the hostel rules, which are pretty strict. It is easier to get the university accommodation for Spring Semester than for Autumn, when we have more students.
We are planning online Teams meeting before May 16th, to answer all the questions concerning accommodation.

Of course, you still need to notify the receptionist in the Academic Hostel in advance, but then you don't get students' price.

TalTech dormitories are booked for the degree students studying at our university 2-3 years, not for exchange students. There may-be single places for summer interns.

Usually yes.

When you have specific requirements (you already know with whom you'd like to share your room with or if you wouldn't like to share your room with, like a student from the same country etc) please make a remark when you pay the deposit.

When you did not get the place in the Academic hostel, then you still may ask help from them. The hostel has many partners. Write to info@academichostel.com
If you are renting the apartment outside of the campus by yourself, it is agreement between you and the apartment owner.
Staying outside of the hostel, you have less rules, but if you are looking for the apartment by yourself, please do not make payments before you have seen the place, where are you going to stay.

Yes, you have to register every time you move to another place in Tallinn.

Suggestions for students:

Make sure that the apartment meets your needs. Is everything in order, or are there any defects? What is included to the price? (Starting from furniture finishing with wifi).
Due to high energy prices, you should ask to see the utility bill for last winter (November-March).
Monitor broker or contract fee. One may ask, is it necessary to pay for house repair fund? Termination of the fixed-term contract is 3 months before departure. Upon arrival, three months' rent will be charged in advance. You can't usually get a high-quality apartment with a cheap price, and there are very few of them on the market at the moment. Prices have increased about 30% compared to 2022. The location could be such that you can walk or use public transport that stops at the university:
Buses 10, 11, 23, 27, 33, 36, 37, 45, 107, 124, 163. Trolleys No. 3 or 4

Right of residence

EU citizens have the right to stay in Estonia on the basis of a valid travel document or identity card for the period of up to 3 months. In case you stay for longer time (one semester is 5 months long) you need to register the residence within 3 months from the date of entering Estonia and apply for an Estonian ID card in Estonia.

You can only apply for the Estonian ID card in Estonia. When you stay in Estonia for more than 3 months, you need to register your place of residence first, and then apply for the ID card (it might take up to 1 month to get the card). 

Non-EU citizens, coming for less than a year (exchange students), have to apply for the long term D-type visa. Please check our web page,  Visa for  Non-EU students  and Applying for D-type visa in Tallinn if you have visa free entrance to Estonia. You cannot apply for Temporary Residence Permit.

When you have a valid Residence Permit, issued for studies, in another EU country where do you study, you are allowed to stay in Estonia for your study period. Be sure that the visa or residence permit is not issued only for studies just for this country, where your home university is located. A long-term visa is also not suitable.
You have the same rights as other non-EU students who apply for Estonian long term visa.

Yes, you  may apply for Estonian ID code in City District Government, but the code itself does not give any benefits.

First Days FAQ

These are available at the web site.

The timetable link is tunniplaan.taltech.ee.

Pay attention to the duration of the courses. Here are odd weeks (1;3;5 etc) and even weeks (2;4;6 etc). The first study week is week no 1.

Most of the courses are taught during 1-16 weeks, but sometimes there may-be other options, like weeks 1-8 or weeks 1; 3; 10 etc

When behind course are numbers 9-16, then this course starts from week 9.

Choose courses only from TalTech exchange students' course offer.

If there are many groups, follow only the one and in English. The groups are distinguishable by the codes. The language of instruction is available also.

Please register the classes in OIS before September 9th, 23:59 (Autumn Semester 2023). Until that time you are allowed to visit the classes without registration. During this period you may submit and withdraw your Study Plan as many times you need. From September 11th, you cannot make the changes to OIS any more. Pay attention, when you are not register, you do not receive the notes from the Lecturers and the Lecturer does not know that you are interested in their class. Lecturers have two more days to reject your registration.

If you want to choose a new course, what is not in your Learning Agreement, then, please get confirmation your home university and TalTech lecturer. Please make changes first in OIS and then in Learning Agreement. Choose the courses from our course offer. If two courses overlap for a short period, ask from the Lecturers, they may accept it.

If the subjects you have chosen overlap, you will see this in the calendar of the student portal.

If you cannot find your course from the timetable or OIS, please inform Mobility Centre, incoming@taltech.ee
If you cannot find the Lecturer's e-mail address, please inform Mobility Centre or find from the Students' web student.taltech.ee or at TalTech web site
Very often the e-mails are name.surname@taltech.ee

The last question in this section shows, which courses have deleted, added, changed.

Choose the group, which fits to your study plan. Follow the codes of English taught programmes: TVTB, HAJB, MVEB, IVSB, TVTM, HAJM, HAGM, IVCM, IASM, IVEM, IVGM, EABM, MADM, MARM, KAYM, KVEM, YVEM, MAHM, YAFM
For example, Robotics has English groups MVEB51, MVEB52. Please choose only one group, for example MVEB51 and follow only it. When class has lecturers and practice, please be sure, that both, the lecture and practice have the same code, for example MVEB51.

If you cannot get the confirmation from your home university or from TalTech lecturer (because the first lecture will be later or the Lecturer has not answered to you), you may add the course into OIS. If you are not going to follow it later, you are allowed to delete the course during the first study month or within one week after the first class. We do not delete courses after the first study month.

Until September 11th, 23:59 (Autumn Semester) you may change your Study Plan in OIS as many times you need. You retract the study plan, delete or add the course(s) and then submit it again. If you want to make changes after this date, you have to turn to Dean's Office. If you want to add the courses, you need the confirmation from the Lecturer. You cannot delete courses from OIS after your first study month.

When we are talking about the course, what is accepted in your Learning Agreement, then the prerequisites in your own Academic Transcript are checked and you are allowed to take the course. If the course is not accepted in your Learning Agreement and you have not passed the required course at home university, you cannot take it.

Please register all the courses, where you want to participate, even you do not need a grade.

Information is at this web site. Before check in OIS, that the Lecturer has accepted your participation. Wait until September 13th, because there may be appear some changes from TalTeh side as well. You cannot take the course, when it is crossed out in your study plan.

You will get UNI-ID latest by Welcome Week, the first login information: username and password will be sent to your e-mail, what did you give in the application.
When logging in to ÕIS, enter the UNI-ID username without the suffix @taltech.ee
You will get your student code (matriculation number) once you have logged into OIS. You find the code in the upper part of the web site, consists numbers and letters, for example 22081IV.
You can start course registration when you have got UNI-ID. The timetables does not require logging into system.

You may apply for ISIC card in Student Union (Room U01-217), that card you can use also in the closed area of university or Sport Centre.
You have to fill in the application, you need a photo (minimum 307 x 372 pixels). Payments in cash only.


Please visit Mobility Centre, room U02-201, open from Monday to Thursday 9.30-16.00
If you have a digital document, please send the document in advance by e-mail to pillemari.lilleorg@taltech.ee, it will be signed digitally and you get it to your e-mail.

You can buy ESN card from ESN TalTech IC office U02-215.

If you are interested in buddy, ESN TalTech IC will help you. All applicants will get an e-mail from them about a month before new semester begins.
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/577906014044697
WhatsApp group where you can ask questions: https://chat.whatsapp.com/IdJvl25cIKr0ib86kIYPeQ
and follow us on Instagram @esntaltechic: instagram.com/esntaltechic/
Facebook page: facebook.com/esntaltechic/

Yes, you have to register these courses in OIS. If you do not want the Basics of Physical Movement course to your Academic Transcript, then you can visit the Sport Center and pay for it also. You find more information in the Sport Centre's presentation.

Basics of Physical Movement I is taught at Autumn Semester and Basics of Physical Movement II is taught at Spring Semester.

You find the answer in your Welcome Guide, pages 25 and 26.
The only longer holiday is between December 24th and January 2nd. 

In order to be able to use the output services you need to have:

  • an Estonian ID card, or a Tallinn Public Transport Card in order to identify yourself at the output device
  •  a printing account with electronic credit or a cash credit loaded onto it With the Estonian ID card you can open your printing account via an online bank or mobile phone. You will find more information in the user manuals which are located next to the printer and copier equipment in the library or via the library’s website. With the Tallinn Public Transport Card you can create your printing and scanning account here: printincity.ee
  • There are three printers and copiers in the library, and one in the ICT building. Colour equipment is also available in the library.
  • Self-service scanners are available free of charge on every floor of the library. For making copies or doing scans, an account is necessary. You can find out more about reg-istering your account following this link: ee.printincity.com/support/#about

You can also print and scan in several other print centers, such as ‘Niini ja Rauam’ (koopia.ee) on the ground floor of the library
(+372 640 8209, akadeemia@koopia.ee, Mon–Fri 8:30–17:00).

Usually the exams will take place when the course finishes. When the 3 ECTS course ends in week 8th, you will have an assessment then. There must be two attempts possible for one exam. The last grade will appear to your Academic Transcript, not the best.

620 3333

You can start the process once you arrive to Tallinn. I suggest to buy the public transportation card from the airport and load 30 eur to it for the first study month.

During the first month you have time to register your residence and apply for Estonian ID card. When these steps are done, you can ride for free.


INTERNATIONAL STUDENT IDENTIFICATION CARD – ISIC As a student in Estonia, you can apply for the International Student Identity Card (ISIC).
The card can be obtained from the TALTECH Student Union Office (U01-217).

info@tipikas.ee Room: U01-217 Phone: +372 620 3621 / +372 512 1933 Mon–Fri 09:00–16:00

Personal timetable has to be made by every student personally. Using timetables without login or with login. Then you can see also, which courses overlap.

The personalized card is valid with Estonian ID card.

Contact person