Tallinn University of Technology

Additional intake for Finnish, Latvian and Lithuanian citizens 19-31. August 2024.

You’ve just landed on the right landing page. That is, if you have an interest in increasing your earnings potential, achieve bolder career goals and become a true leader. Just scroll down for details and apply!

  • MBA programme allows participants to develop their entrepreneurial management competences to become successful top managers in international companies. 
  • The MBA programme has AMBA accreditation. It brings the programme among the global top 2% and is the first such prestigious accreditation in Estonia and in the Baltic states.
  • Participants' professional development is supported by a coach, who will work with the participant one on one throughout his/her MBA studies. 
  • The programme provides a good blend of theoretical knowledge combined with practical results-oriented training. By the end of the studies, an entrepreneurial management project will be completed.
  • The programme is delivered by the largest and most international School of Business and Governance in Estonia. 
  • It provides numerous opportunities for start-up businesses, various business model competitions and international summer schools. Elective courses can also be taken online at EuroTeQ universities (e.g., Technical University of Denmark, Technical University of Munich).
  • A great opportunity to build the lifelong networks, friendships, and connections that are vital for future business leaders.
  • The programme offers flexibility: it is taught in 3-day face to face sessions and online sessions that are held once a month, which allows participants to live and work outside Estonia.
  • The programme can be completed within 1.5 years.    
  • Upon completing the MBA studies, you will receive an official master's degree diploma, which is not issued in many countries.

Key Features

Study Programme

Degree: Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Duration: 2 years

Faculty: School of Business and Governance

Study Load: 120 ECTS (view curriculum)

Mode of Study: Session-based study (onsite once a month and additional online sessions)

Admission: General admission guidelines and deadlines

Study Information

Language: English (view English language requirements)

Tuition Fee: applicable for both EU/EEA and non-EU citizens

 €3,500 per semester/ €7000 per academic year


MBA uus 2


Students for this study programme are admitted based on the admission threshold. An online interview will be conducted only with the candidates who have passed the preliminary evaluation. The maximum combined score for the online application (=CV) and the interview is 10 points. An applicant who receives a minimum of 5 points is admitted.

Please find the programme specific admission requirements below:

In order to qualify for the studies in Tallinn University of Technology an applicant has to have at least 60% of the highest possible CGPA.

In order to apply, a candidate is required to upload a Test-taker Score Report of the GRE General Test to the DreamApply application system. The test has to be completed but there is no threshold score required for this programme.

This is a prerequisite for qualifying and has to be fulfilled latest by the application deadline. 

Candidates who have obtained a full Bachelor's degree in EU, EFTA or OECD member state are waived from the GRE requirement.

Please see more information about our GRE General Test requirement here, including the exact eligibility criteria for being exempted from this prerequisite and how to order the test result electronically to TalTech.

When applying and filling out the online application form in DreamApply, please describe your work experience and previous education in details as this form is being assessed as your CV. Include the following information:

  • personal and contact information;
  • information about the educational background – which universities have been graduated, which study programmes have been completed, which studies are ongoing, including time periods;
  • information about the work experience - where, when and as who you have worked, include key responsibilities, give the timeline of your work experience;
  • foreign language skills and level.

It is necessary to have at least 3 years work experience as a middle manager or a specialist.

!Note that for candidates who are employed at a company situated outside of EU, it is also mandatory to present an official statement certifying employee status, together with contact details of the employer for the purpose of carrying out an online referral interview. Please make sure that the contact listed is available to provide a reference on your employment. Not being able to confirm the fulfillment of the work experience requirement is a relevant basis for dismissing your application.

Preference will be given to candidates who expect to remain actively employed throughout the studies.

Questions asked from the candidate include the following topics:

  • Previous education, work experience, career and their connection with Entrepreneurial Management MBA programme. 

  • Motivation to study on the programme, the aim of the studies and reasons for choosing this programme including alternatives. 

  • The role played by the studies and education to be obtained in ones personal career model, who does passing the Entrepreneurial Management MBA programme contribute to ones career.

Duration of the interview is 10-15 minutes. 

Application form (CV) and interview evaluation criteria are:

  • Positive result is 5,0 to 10,0 points. Candidate has justified interest for studying in this programme. Candidate have at least three years' professional work experience. He/she is motivated to pass the entire curriculum and he/she is able to evaluate potential obstacles and opportunities for combining work and studies. He/she is able to present potential connections with previous education or work experience and Entrepreneurial Management MBA programme and explains how these may complement each other. Passing the programme has an important position in one's personal career model.
  • Negative result is 0 to 4,9 points. The candidate does not have three years' professional work experience. The candidate has interest in the programme, however, he/she is not able to justify his/her interest in studying on the Entrepreneurial Management MBA programme and its necessity for work or professional activities. Combining work or other extra-curricular activities is complicated and there is great threat for not completing the studies. Passing the programme and education to be obtained has no direct connection with ones personal career model.

Non-attendance in an interview gives 0 points.


Curriculum outline (120 ECTS)

  • General studies - provide knowledge about the components of international business environment and trends in the global business.
  • Core studies - include an overview of business information systems, integration of systems and analysis of business processes; acquire knowledge and skills in marketing and leadership.
  • Special studies - provide knowledge and skills in accounting and financial management, human resource management, strategic management, and personal development planning to enable successful evaluation of business ideas and support growth of the value of the company.
  • Graduation - to graduate, it is necessary to pass the master's exam and independently compile an entrepreneurial management project based on practical business management problems, summarizing the knowledge and skills acquired during the studies.

Structure of the MBA curriculum

MBA õppekava struktuur 2024

Future career

The Master of Business Administration (MBA) is designed to advance the careers of the individuals interested in entrepreneurial management. The qualification lends itself to a variety of careers and is a substantial investment which will most certainly be reflected in degree holders’ increased earnings potential.  MBA graduates have gained skills in strategic decision making, enhanced their leadership abilities and are highly adaptable to ever-changing business environments. MBA is a versatile and valuable degree, which allows you to choose between different career paths – it all depends on your goals, aspirations, skills, and interests.

Apply here


Ask Us

TalTech international admissions office

TalTech international admissions office provides general advice to prospective Bachelor’s and Master’s degree applicants and their advisers about applying to and studying at TalTech.

Contact us via study@taltech.ee.

Student counsellor at School of Business and Governance

Student counsellor at the School of Business and Governance can help you with questions about the study programme.

Piret Levertand
(+372) 620 3940

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