On August 20, the Republic of Estonia will be celebrating its 30th anniversary since the restoration of independence, but do we remember how we regained our freedom? Professors, researchers, and staff of the Tallinn University of Technology will be sharing their stories.

For some it is as if it was only yesterday, for others their bright time of youth or distant childhood, while for others yet just history – a time before they were born. A new generation of young Estonians have already entered the ranks of our researchers, a generation who have always lived in a free Estonia.
On this momentous date, it is appropriate to recall the time of the restoration of our independence, when freedom was still but a dream in the hearts and minds of Estonians, not yet attained.
Today we can look back on this period with a calm mind and a sense of satisfaction, but for those who were in the centre of the whirlwind of events at that time, confusion and tension were regular companions. The proof is right here.
Reminiscing about the past will be:
professors emeritus
Mihkel Kaljurand (1945)
Sirje Keevallik (1943)
Kaupo Kumm (1931)
Andres Lahe (1938)
Jaak Leimann (1941)
Sulev Mäeltsemees (1947)
Väino Rajangu (1945)
Karl Õiger (1933)
from the younger generation at TalTech:
Mari Öö Sarv, Editor-in-Chief of Mente et Manu
Ott Scheler, assistant professor with tenure
Tallinn University of Technology, School of Science, Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology
Heli Viht, librarian
Tallinn University of Technology Library
Kati Vinter, intellectual property specialist
Tallinn University of Technology, Technology Transfer Centre
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